Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 711: Problems that can be solved with money are not problems

"Not only will the bilateral rotation be more convenient, but the two places will also have closer contacts. This is conducive to attracting more outstanding scientific researchers to work here, as well as some large-scale projects."

Zou Xiaodong on the side shook his head and said: "Even with the support of the military, it is not a simple matter to want the base airport to pass the approval and then open the route.

Moreover, the relevant departments do not necessarily support it. If nothing else, let ’s say that this kind of single route with little value will not necessarily agree to open.

Secondly, there is no local support. The route we opened before can be said to have tasted the sweetness of the place. Now how can they allow us to open a new airport and then replace the role of the original airport.

Finally, there is the issue of flights. I am afraid that no airline is willing to take over such a less frequent route to operate it. "

Hearing Zou Xiaodong's words, Lin Jiaming also nodded solemnly. These are the facts. If you want to let the airport pass the approval and open the route, you must solve these problems.

However, with regard to these problems, Wu Hao was very optimistic and waved his hand: "These are not difficult problems. Let me address them.

On the civil aviation side, we have had a very pleasant cooperation in the intelligent voice system before, so I am now visiting, I believe they will not turn me away.

As for locality, it doesn't matter, they can't control us. We are only relatively close to the capital of this autonomous prefecture, which does not mean that the area where we are located belongs to their jurisdiction.

So even if they strongly oppose it, it has little effect. Moreover, it is very interesting for us to help them put the old airport into use and help open up routes. If they have to be more precise, then we are not easy to bully.

Of course, under normal circumstances, they certainly will not be froze with us. Not to mention, the items we purchase from their places every week alone bring a lot of benefits.

If it annoys us, I will change places, and I believe it will be very welcome elsewhere.

As for the issue of flights, there is no need to worry. If there is no official flight, we can take the form of charter flights. This is more free, and there is a lot of choice.

For example, we can choose different levels of aircraft flights based on the number of people traveling each week, or can we increase the number of flights appropriately.

If this is not possible, then let's buy a regional airliner and find an airline to call to operate on our own. "

Ha ha ha ha ...

Hearing his words, several people laughed. Yes, this is really dehumanization, and the problems that can be solved with money are not problems.

Seeing that this problem was resolved, Lin Jiaming breathed a sigh of relief, and then continued: "The next problem is in scientific research. We hope to set up a technology innovation support fund to encourage all scientific researchers to conduct technological innovation research.

We hope to stimulate the creativity of employees and encourage them to study in areas of interest. "

"Huh?" Wu Hao glanced at Lin Jiaming, somewhat puzzled: "The research environment of our company's scientific research department should be very easy, as long as the employees have ideas and creativity, they can apply to the Technical and Expert Committee. what.

As long as your application is approved by the Technical and Expert Committee, you can get special funding support, and you can use this funding to form your own research team. "

"That's right, yes. Thanks to this relaxed research environment, we have achieved very good results in many fields.

However, I think this is not enough. First of all, the technical and expert committee's approval is very strict. Only valuable and highly feasible applications and creative projects can be approved, and most other projects are overwhelmed.

I include many people who can understand the original intention of strict approval by the Technical and Expert Committee, in order to make full use of resources and avoid the existence of fish in troubled waters.

But it also stifled many good ideas and projects. After the ideas and plans of several employees were rejected, they chose to resign and start their own businesses or enter other companies, and achieved very good results.

Many people also complained to me privately, saying that our technical and expert committee approval was too strict. Even because the approval of special funds management is relatively strict, many people are hesitant when applying, and have some fear.

So I wondered if I could set up a more relaxed special support fund for technological innovation in addition to the Technology and Expert Committee and the project support fund.

The approval of this fund is relatively loose, and it is specifically used to support those technical personnel who have ideas and motivation in a single technology.

And they can also sign relevant technical innovation support agreements with these technicians, and the company will help them carry out relevant technical innovation research. Based on the technological innovation achievements developed by the company, the company will evaluate the market value of the technological achievements and give back to the technical innovation staff according to a certain percentage of the market value.

Technological innovators can choose to use the share of long-term technology patents, or they can choose a one-time buyout.

In this way, you can stimulate everyone's enthusiasm for innovation and research and development, and promote the research and development of related technological innovations. "

Regarding Lin Jiaming, Zou Xiaodong disagreed and said: "The idea is good, but it is very difficult to operate in practice.

First of all, what should employees do if they choose to carry relevant technical achievements to resign or change jobs while they are receiving the Innovation Support Fund.

If employees deliberately conceal R & D achievements, how can we know ~ ~ Secondly, according to relevant laws, we cannot restrict the personal freedom of employees, that is, they can leave at any time.

As a result, has this innovation support fund become an entrepreneurial and technological incubator for other companies?

If the innovation support fund is loosely managed, there will be no possibility of abuse.

Finally, employees work for us, and in return we also pay generous salaries. Why is it necessary to set up such a technology innovation fund, and in the end they should be divided into. What is the difference between the performance bonus and share option rewards we are implementing now? "

Lin Jiaming immediately replied: "We can sign relevant restrictive contracts and increase the follow-up review of these projects, and only eligible projects can continue to receive financial support.

The original intention and purpose of the establishment of this special support fund for technological innovation is to encourage more employees to carry out in-depth exploration of technological innovation and technology. There may be some problems, but I think the general direction is good, which is conducive to the company's technological innovation and development. "

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