Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 729: Proud teenager

"Ten minutes to prepare!"

With this order, the side inside the command and control hall was silent. The technicians are all attentive, watching each data on their screens to ensure that nothing is wrong.

And Wu Hao and they also ended the chat, gazing closely at the rocket figure displayed on the big screen, and also meditation on the countdown number in their hearts.

"Five minutes to prepare!"

"One minute to count down, fifty seconds, forty seconds, thirty seconds, twenty seconds!"

"Ten, nine, eight, seven ... one, fire, take off!"

boom! Despite being more than two kilometers apart, Wu Hao, who was in the command and control hall, could still hear the huge roar that erupted after the rocket fired.

At the same time, through the large screen, everyone in the control center can very intuitively see the bursts of flames and dust blowing from the bottom of the rocket. Under the jet of these orange flames, the rocket slowly began to take off.

"The rocket successfully ignited,"

"Enter the turn of the program."

"The turn is complete!"

"The ground-based optical observatory reported that the rocket was flying normally and the telemetry signal tracking was normal."

Pappappap ... Everyone in the room burst into warm applause. But now everyone has not relaxed because the Rockets have just taken off. It is not known whether they will succeed.

When will the satellite be put into orbit, and when will the rocket be considered a successful launch?

I saw the endless desert Gobi, a white rocket rose from the ground and hit the sky directly.

At the same time, the employees at the base also stood in the open area early and picked up their phones to record the shocking moment.

And the cars driving on the desert highway in the distance stopped, and many people got off and stood on the side of the road and watched it.

As the first commercial launch vehicle of Haoyu Technology, this launch is also synchronized on the network, and synchronous live broadcast on VR, AR and other platforms.

And this has also attracted the attention of many netizens, although this is just an ordinary launch vehicle launch live broadcast. However, because of the VR panoramic live broadcast technology, many netizens can see the situation on the scene through the panoramic camera set up on the base.

Especially in this kind of sunset, the scene of a rocket shooting into the deep blue sky on the vast Gobi Beach really shocked many people.

There are even many netizens who use screenshot tools in order to leave this beautiful and spectacular scene.

But in the command and control hall, everyone could not care about such beautiful scenery, everyone was staring at the big screen with a serious expression.

Through optical imaging radar, everyone can still clearly see the huge tail flame from the rocket on the big screen.

"Secondary and secondary separation!"

"The first and second stage separation is successful, the second stage ignition is successful!"

Pappa ...

Everyone at the scene stood up and applauded. In the black-and-white picture on the big screen, the rocket successfully achieved a separation of one or two levels. The first-stage rocket began to fall with flames, while the second-stage rocket ignited successfully and continued to fly.

However, as the flying height of the rocket is getting higher and higher, the optical imaging radar has been difficult to capture, and the large screen has also been replaced with animated demonstration images to indicate the current altitude and status of the rocket.

"Anxi Satellite Measurement and Control Center reports to successfully capture the line target, and the current target flight status is normal."

"Longcheng Satellite Measurement and Control Center reported that it successfully found the target and the target flight status is normal."


Finally, after stopping a series of data and passwords, an exciting news came.

"Sat-1 is separated!"

Pappa ...

There was a burst of applause in the command and control hall, especially the R & D team of No. 1 Satellite, who was hugged excitedly and celebrating victory.

And the other two satellite representative teams also applauded and watched excitedly, most of the hearts hanging in their hearts fell.

"Calculate the accuracy of getting into orbit." Zhou Xiangming, who is in charge of technology and also the deputy commander of this launch mission, finally said.

It can't be counted as a success right now. Only a satellite can be accurately orbited to be a success. If the deviation into orbit is large, emergency measures must be taken, such as adjusting the orbit through the fuel on the satellite.

But in this way, the fuel on the satellite will be greatly wasted, thereby sacrificing the life of the satellite.

Of course, these satellites are more or less regulated by their own fuel. The higher the accuracy of the rocket's orbit, the less fuel the satellite uses and the longer the operating life of the satellite.

Therefore, Zhou Xiangming would be so anxious to calculate the accuracy of the orbit to judge whether the launch was successful.

"Second satellite separation, satellite three separation, star arrow separation!"

Papa Papa ... Applause from the scene rang again, this time even more enthusiastically.

After the applause, everyone is anxiously waiting for the final result, which requires the technical department and the telemetry department to perform calculations. Under normal circumstances, it takes about ten minutes or so.

Wu Hao did not worry about this. Compared with the previous tension, they are now much better. Sit down again and drink tea while waiting patiently for the results.

After waiting for about twenty minutes, Yu Chengwu, the chief commander of the launch mission, took the manuscript and hurriedly walked up to the podium, then opened the manuscript and announced to the people very calmly.

"After the calculation data of the satellite measurement and control centers in Anxi, Longcheng and Daocheng, and the report to the Beijing Aerospace Command Center for review, the three satellites in this launch mission have all accurately entered the predetermined orbit.

One of the stars entered the polar elliptical orbit at a perigee of 260 kilometers and a perigee of 490 kilometers.

The second and third stars entered a polar elliptical orbit of 320 kilometers perigee and 570 kilometers perigee. The positive and negative errors of the three satellite orbits are kilometers, which meets the requirements for accurate orbit.

I announced that this time the Jianmu-1 commercial launch vehicle, the one-shot Samsung launch mission was a complete success, thank you all! "

Pappa ...

This time, everyone finally stopped suppressing the emotions accumulated in their hearts and released them completely. The entire command hall became a sea of ​​joy, and the technicians who escaped from the task screamed, cheered, screamed, cried, smiled, and embraced, as if the pressure to accumulate them for so long, Release it.

Our journey is the sea of ​​stars!

On the big screen ~ ~ there was such a line of typing and a rabbit looking up at the sky.

Run forward, facing cold eyes and ridicule.

How can the vastness of life feel without suffering.

Fate cannot make us beg for mercy.

Even if the blood was full of arms.

Continue to run, with the pride of Akiko!


There was such an inspirational song that everyone knew well, and everyone sang along, singing, and there were tears in his eyes.

Wu Hao and theirs are the same. Under the infection of so many young people, they feel that they have also become excited and proud teenagers.

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