Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 731: Patent Fortress

"One Arrow Samsung! Haoyu Technology successfully launched the first commercial launch vehicle "Jianmu-1"

This is the front page headlines of the vast majority of domestic media the next day, even if not the headlines, it also occupies a lot of pages and space.

As a rookie in the field of private aerospace, Haoyu Technology's first show was so successful that it made the entire domestic aerospace circle boiling.

Although there have been examples of successful launches by private aerospace companies before, this time Haoyu Technology's "Jianmu-1" commercial launch vehicle has created many firsts.

For example, the shortest R & D time and the strongest carrying capacity are required for new materials and propellant fuels, which greatly reduces manufacturing costs.

In addition, this time, Samsung's advanced technology was used to send the three satellites to different orbits.

Generally speaking, the launch success rate of the first rocket of a new type of rocket in the world is only 50%, or even lower. Wu Hao, who can successfully launch for the first time, is enough to demonstrate the technical reliability of their rocket.

Therefore, this can also understand the reason why they are reported so much by the official media and most of the media.

In the early morning of the next day, after having a simple breakfast, Wu Hao left the base in a low-key manner and headed to the autonomous airport.

Yu Chengwu Although they have completed the launch mission, it does not mean that they can leave. The finishing touches have just begun, and they still have a lot to do to stay.

For example, the three satellites that are already in orbit are debugged in orbit to make them reach the ideal operating state, and they will be handed over to the satellite owners as soon as possible, so that the relevant contract is considered completed and they can get the final payment.

Secondly, the search, transshipment and analysis of rocket wreckage. Yesterday, the ground recovery team had discovered the first-level wreckage of the rocket, and the site was closed.

Today, the wreckage of the rocket will be transferred back to the base and handed over to technical personnel for analysis and research, so as to conduct a technical summary.

Successful launch does not mean that there is no problem. This means that none of these problems affected the normal flight status of the rocket during the launch, or that the problem has been effectively resolved.

Now Yu Chengwu's job is to analyze these problems, and then solve them one by one to avoid these problems when the rocket is launched next time.

Came to the airport, the special plane was already waiting there. Wu Hao did not stop at the airport, but walked straight onto the plane, and then the special plane began to taxi and take off.

When the local leader's vehicle first arrived at the airport, the special plane had already taken off. Looking at the special plane that took off, the local leaders could not help feeling annoyed. But now that the matter is over, he has no choice but to tell the driver to turn around and leave.

Of course, Wu Hao knows that there will be such an outbreak, so he walked early in the morning, and the low-key is to avoid these troubles.

On the special plane, Wu Hao did not take a break, but used this time on the plane to start handling today's related work.

In particular, related mobile device manufacturers have successively released their own AR glasses products, which has also increased their affairs.

Although there are Zhang Jun and Tong Juan in the company, Tong Juan is responsible for overseas markets, and Zhang Jun is mainly in the company's basic operations. Like some more important decision-making matters, it still needs to be reported to him for final decision.

Although working on a special plane is not as comfortable as in the office, it is not bad, at least the environment is more comfortable. If you are tired, you can stand up and walk around, or let the beautiful flight attendant bring you tea or coffee.

As for Zou Xiaodong, they have been more comfortable, this guy is not idle at all, and actually talked to the beautiful flight attendant. Looking at Na Lang's concubine and intimacy, Wu Hao shook his head involuntarily.

After more than an hour of flight, the special plane landed smoothly at Anxi Airport. Attracted a group of passengers in the terminal, picked up their phones and stood by the window to shoot.

Coming out of the VIP channel, Wu Hao walked straight into the car without giving others a chance to respond. When other people reacted, Wu Hao's car had already moved away.

Wu Hao said to the other people in the same car: "Everyone has worked hard these days, so I don't have to go to work today. Go back and seize the time and have a good rest."

"Thank you Mr. Wu!" Everyone in the car smiled.

Wu Hao waved his hand and then directed Zou Xiaodong: "You have a good rest for a few days. After the rest, I need you to continue to stare at the factory.

The intelligent transformation of two factories is about to be completed. You can inspect the transformation by the way. "

Zou Xiaodong Wenyan stretched his waist and said: "Yes, this is just a few days off, and I'm going to be busy again. I also said to see when there is time to go to Qiongnan for a vacation."

"There is a world where you are on vacation, but not now." Wu Hao shook his head and said: "Soon, the fruit new product launch conference is about to be held, and there are H for them. They are our main opponents in the domestic and overseas markets.

Therefore, the second half of the year is the most critical period for us. Whoever wins or loses depends on everyone's ability. "

Hearing his words, Zou Xiaodong also put a smile on his face and said solemnly: "Regarding the new products of fruit, there is currently very limited news. Fruits are very strict about their new product confidentiality measures this year. According to some news, there has been no official action.

As for H Wei, they use our technology themselves, even if they are strong, they can't get rid of our shackles. "

Wu Hao shook his head when he heard the words: "Don't underestimate anyone, let alone technology giants such as H Weihe Fruit.

What's more, these two manufacturers are very different from other manufacturers, and they all follow an all-scenario ecological strategy. But relying on their huge product ecological chain, it is not easy for us to compete with them ~ ~ Hearing his words, Zou Xiaodong also nodded and became silent.

Shen Ning, on the other side, said at this time: "President Wu, I got news from other sources. It is said that after not obtaining our wireless remote charging technology, the fruit took a new path and conducted it with the internationally renowned wireless charging laboratory. Cooperation has opened up a wireless remote charging technology similar to ours. "

"It's impossible. The related patents and core technologies of wireless remote charging technology are in our hands. As long as others develop wireless remote charging, we will inevitably avoid our patent fortress." Zou Xiaodong shook his head.

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "There is nothing impossible. Although we have set up a thorough patent fortress, there is still the possibility of getting around.

And the protection of patents is actually very limited. Don't take it seriously.

Don't forget who made the patent protection rules. Once this set of rules is useless, or impedes the other party's interests, the other party will definitely throw it away without hesitation. "

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