Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 737: I'm just a little bit harder than others

"Some of the classmates here are freshmen and freshmen, as well as freshmen and seniors. Even seniors, there are almost ten months before you actually walk out of campus, and the time is still very abundant.

I think you might as well use this time to think about what your own dream is and what you will do in the future. This is really important because he will directly determine your future life direction.

Of course, dreams are not dreams or dreams. Success does not mean that you can achieve it when you sleep and dream. It requires your unremitting efforts and struggle.

There is a saying that is very good, hard work does not necessarily succeed, but without hard work will never succeed.

There is another song that sings like this. No one can succeed without seeing the rainbow and seeing the rainbow. "

At the same time Wu Hao said, the students below could not help singing.

Wu Hao smiled and said, "Yes, everyone seems familiar with this song.

As stated in this song, no one can succeed casually, and all the successful people you think are like this.

You may just see their bright and beautiful appearance, but ignore the effort behind them.

This is true of people who have career achievements in all walks of life, including the star idols you like, whether it is a powerful actor or a trafficker.

Powerful actors need to accumulate and work hard before becoming famous. Sometimes they may work hard for most of their lives without a role that impresses the audience.

Until one day, because of a play, a character was successfully recognized by the audience, and thus became famous.

There are a lot of excellent representatives of such late achievements in the actors, which you will know after a little check.

As for the idol stars, they seem to be famous in their youth, and they are also very attractive and beautiful, but in fact they have also put a lot of effort and hard work behind them.

You know, they are young people in this industry, and the competition is very fierce. So many brokerage companies in the entertainment industry have cultivated a large number of training competitions and idol combinations every year, but they are really rare in their debut and are remembered or quickly become popular.

All the idol stars who were selected for their debut and quickly became popular in the early stage have undergone very hard and even cruel evaluation and selection, and finally stood out.

Of course, the second generation of XYZ has a lot of resources.

But do you think they do n’t work hard for the second generation and the second generation for the rich? On the contrary, they work harder. What we usually think of is the second generation of rich second-generation stars, what are the dudes, pit fathers, stubbornness, and prosperity. This is the expression that everyone sticks to them, and it is also the consistent impression of everyone.

But in fact, there are very few such people, many or most of these second generations are very hard, and each one is very talented.

A family background is better than you, and it is better than you who work hard. If you do not work harder, how can you compete with others?

We are all ordinary people, and we all have no prominent family background. We have to work **** our own in the future. "

Speaking of which, the classmates in Wu Hao's stands smiled and said: "Yes, I am also an ordinary person and have no prominent family background. I believe that many reports have also been introduced in great detail, so I won't say much.

But most of these messy gossip reports are unreliable. They say everything, and I am the most handsome young rich man in history.

Now that everyone has seen me in person, I think some people will be disappointed.

Sorry, I'm not as handsome as the legend on the Internet, what match has a certain appearance, it is better than a certain Kun. "

Ha ha ha ha, there was a burst of laughter from the audience. Indeed, there are many fans of Wu Hao on the Internet. These people blow him up to the sky. What matches this, and the one that matches him is the paragraph he saw on the Internet.

"I am me, an ordinary university graduate."

Wu Hao said to everyone in the face: "It is because most people are like you. They look very ordinary, their family conditions are ordinary, and even their abilities and talents are ordinary.

In addition to the luck I have achieved today, I have also worked harder than others. Really, just work harder.

As many people know, I started my business when my senior year was about to graduate. Many people are very curious about my entrepreneurial story, and even compiled a lot of chicken soup stories.

When I want to say, these are not true. Why should I start a business? It's because I went to many companies for interviews, and no one wants me.

I submitted a lot of resumes, there are hundreds of them, but few can reply with audio. Many of these were directly rejected, and only a small part invited me to interview.

When I rushed to the interview, the results were very disappointing. The responses of many companies are actually very direct and very hurtful, directly because your conditions do not meet the needs of our company, and then directly called the next one.

And the slightly better ones will also comfort a few words.

To be honest, I was really desperate at that time. The kind of panic when I graduated, the ownerlessness, and the daze showed me most vividly.

In the end, I happened to see Hangcheng's upcoming science and technology innovation exhibition, which was open to all college students. I think this is an opportunity, or I want to try it.

I have been searching for a job without results. I can't wait forever. I have to do something. Perhaps entrepreneurship is just a way, and idleness is also idleness, why not give it a try.

So the idea of ​​starting a business circulated in my head for a long time. After repeated ideological struggles, I decided to let go.

How to start a business ~ ~ This has become a difficult problem before me. And I am a little afraid of being alone. So I decided to come in with a few people first so that there is a companion who can take care of each other. Not to mention, when things happen, everyone can discuss together.

But the reality is very skinny, I found a lot of partners that I think are very talented, but without exception, they were rejected.

They think that my project is not reliable, and I think that this person is not reliable, that I am a big flicker, and even once been regarded as a liar. "

Ha ha ha ha ... There was another burst of laughter from the audience, mocking those who rejected Wu Hao at that time, maybe they have regretted arriving home now.

"So I decided to change my strategy and start with people close to me. My first goal was to aim at the fat man who lived in a dormitory for four years and had a close relationship with me." The next Zhang Jun shrugged his shoulders, revealing a wronged expression.

Hahahaha ... This scene was also filmed by the camera on the scene and cast on the big screen, which caused a laugh at the scene.

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