Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 799: Wulin Master Guide

, Update the latest chapter of military technology as soon as possible!

The new technology promotion meeting is over here. In fact, there are several new technologies. Wu Hao did not choose to talk about it all. On the one hand, it is because he has to control the time. If the time is too long, the effect is not good. On the other hand, good things can't be taken out all at once, so-called long flowing water, let's go slowly.

Going hurriedly into the water, Wu Hao relaxed and returned to the office. After removing the makeup, he then sat back on the sofa and rested.

On the other hand, Zhang Jun and Yang Fan had already sat there waiting for him. When he saw him come and sat down, he poured him a cup of tea.

"Come and drink tea, it's hard."

Wu Hao shook his head when he heard it, and then took the tea cup and drank it.

Looking at Wu Hao's tired and affectionate feelings, Zhang Jun said with a smile: "This new technology promotion meeting was very successful. From the beginning of the live broadcast to just now, I have been answering the phone. They are all industry leaders, and some are still in the industry. The big brother called himself.

They are very interested in the technology at our press conference and hope to personally come to Anxi to communicate and have a good talk. "

Wu Hao smiled and smiled in a hoarse voice: "Welcome, we just want them to come. If they want to come and see, then let them come over and see for themselves, not only to see but also to get them to try.

Otherwise, how can these technologies be sold to them, wouldn't my tongue have been in vain for nearly two hours. "

Ha ha ha ha, several people in the office laughed at the words.

Zhang Jun smiled and said to him: "The people who are currently calling are more interested in our first few technical products, such as the third generation of new lithium batteries, wireless remote charging technology, and 3D fully curved screens.

Although there are many people interested in the hexagonal honeycomb compound lens, it is slightly worse than the previous techniques.

The reason is that many people do not believe in this technology. Another important reason is cost considerations.

As for the series of miniature multi-antenna robots in the back, there are only a few calls, and it seems that there is not much interest.

Instead, it is the last smart health bracelet. Many of our agents have called and want to talk to us about cooperation. Everyone is more optimistic about this product. "

Wu Hao nodded, and was not surprised by the industry's response. To put it bluntly, it is actually for profit-seeking. Those products have many interests and are naturally sought after. Which products and technologies are less profitable or too risky and too uncertain, these companies are naturally a bit cautious and hesitant.

But it doesn't matter, as long as the samples shown to these companies are good enough, then they can impress them, and Wu Hao is confident of this.

Wu Hao was about to speak, and heard the voice of cocoa coming from the speaker: "Sir, you have an important call, do you answer?"

Wu Hao and others immediately looked at the screen hanging on one side when they heard Yan Yan and saw the information mark of the old horse appeared on the screen.

"Look, the phone is coming." Wu Hao smiled at Zhang Jun, and then said loudly, "Take over."


Immediately, the old horse appeared on the screen, and he was sitting on the sofa with his legs up and smiling at the screen and said: "Mr. Wu, congratulations on the success of this new technology promotion meeting."

"Oh, thank you, Teacher Ma." Wu Hao replied with a smile: "Unexpectedly, you who have retired from the rivers and lakes are also interested in this kind of technology promotion meeting. How can you plan to come out again?"

"Why didn't you come out of the mountain without entering the mountain?"

Lao Ma smiled and said: "Although I retired from a, it doesn't mean that I really don't ask about the world, and I have been nurturing every day.

I just feel that in that position, I have touched the ceiling and there is nothing left to do.

Only by letting go of the burden can we start better. This is like punching a punch. Only when you take your hand back can you punch a punch with greater power. "

I have to say that Lao Ma is really a martial arts fan. These are just a few words, and it is related to martial arts.

"Old Ji Fu, aiming for thousands of miles, the old man is old, ambitious!" Wu Hao laughed and praised.

Haha, the old horse laughed, and then waved his hand: "I am not sixty years old, and it is still early in the twilight years.

Now, this is when I can let go of my burden and do things seriously. That's why I plan to get away from a lot of trouble and really do a few things.

For example, doing education and doing public welfare. We vigorously support outstanding rural teachers in remote areas and build schools. Travel to Africa, a remote and backward area like South America to help the poor who are still on the hunger line.

As another example, we established our own Bodhidharma Institute for some forward-looking technology research work.

The chip field, especially the chip technology that can represent the international advanced level, has also been the direction of our efforts.

We have developed more than a dozen industry-leading chip products one after another and obtained very good market feedback.

But you also know that the difficulties and bottlenecks faced by our domestic chip industry. In the past few years, the Western technology restrictions on us have become tighter, making many of our chip industries in trouble. Everyone has been actively looking for countermeasures, hoping to break through these copper walls and iron walls.

However, the technological advantages that others have operated for decades are not something we can surpass overnight.

Just like the martial arts, you have to defeat the martial arts first. If you follow the steps and practice according to other people's skills, you will certainly be unable to defeat others in your whole life.

So at this time, we can only find another way. There are many ways to find a new way, such as finding secrets of martial arts.

You see that the protagonists in all the martial arts are very weak in the early stage, and it can be said that they have no weak hands. Then, by chance, she gained martial arts cheats and peerless magic.

Like what the Yi Jing Jing ~ ~ Du Gu Jiu Jian, Jiang Long 18 Zhang, Jiu Yin Zhen Jing and so on. Get any one and jump up, defeat the martial arts first, and achieve martial arts supremacy.

In addition to the Peerless Divine Skills and the Wulin Secrets, what are the Great Return Pills, Nine Turns Golden Pills, Blood Bodhi, etc., eating a capsule can lower the skill for ten years and the like.

In the end, it was passed on by the masters, such as Xuzhu, who would have eaten only ordinary Buddhist monks who chanted Buddha. Later, Wu Yazi initiated and passed on the power, and became a master of martial arts. "

Lao Ma gestured and talked eloquently: "In fact, this is very similar to our real industry competition, especially the competition in the technology industry.

First of all, it is like learning from other martial arts masters and down-to-earth exercises, which is very slow, but it will always become a martial arts master after ten years. For example, Huang Shang, who wrote the "Nine Yin Zhen Jing", relied on more than ten years of hard work and practice, and eventually became a generation of martial arts masters. ".

This is like a company that has developed a world-leading technological achievement after more than ten years of painstaking research in a certain field. With this technological achievement, it jumped up and became the NO1 in the industry, which is what we call Wulin First. "

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