Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 820: Focus on weapons

"As for the intelligent combat system, we only need to circle the target that needs to be attacked to determine, and the rest will be handed over to the drone.

   Including how to evade local radar and air defense positions, to achieve ultra-low-altitude raids and so on.

   This is actually a bit similar to the battle mode of the bee attack system, but this technology is more intelligent. "

   Wu Hao explained to everyone.

  Yang Xuehai immediately asked: "If you encounter unexpected incidents during this process, such as being discovered and locked by ground radar, launching anti-aircraft missiles to attack, or encountering interception by enemy fighters, how should you respond?"

   "It is divided into two modes: intelligent autonomy and manual remote control. In case of emergencies, the drone will initiate emergency measures to respond, and immediately transmit the situation to the rear command and control center in real time.

   The command and control center can issue commands such as evacuation or continue to perform tasks, and can also be set to the default state.

  If the mission is continued, the drone will respond autonomously to these situations.

  It will enable targeted measures based on the relevant data learned before. Such as lowering the altitude, realizing an ultra-low altitude burst, or launching a carry-on missile to destroy the target, etc. The main situation is still based on independent judgment on the spot, and the coping style is different in different situations.

   The biggest advantage of this method is that it has extremely strong anti-interference. Even if it loses contact with the rear, the drone can operate independently and normally without being affected.

   If necessary, you can switch to manual remote control if communication is not affected. Pilots in the rear control center can get immersive UAV perspective through smart VR glasses, so as to control the UAV more intuitively. "

   heard this, everyone could not help but sigh.

  Li Weiguo said with some emotion: "This is the direction of the future development of drones. No wonder the head of the Air Force will praise this.

   But you kid, come up with such an excellent drone processing, you let our air research institute and aviation industry company face put. "

   Hearing Li Weiguo’s words, Wu Hao said with a smile: “I have no intention of competing with you at all. I just want to build a drone simply based on the related technologies we currently have.

  In terms of the overall level of drones, especially military drones, we are far behind you.

  I believe that under the inspiration of this drone, you will definitely develop a more outstanding drone. "

   "Then you have to see whether President Wu would like to continue to cooperate with us." Li Weiguo then looked at him and asked.

   "Of course, besides you, do I have other choices." Wu Hao nodded with a smile.

   "Hehehehe, that's what makes sense." Li Weiguo finally showed a satisfied smile.

   And Wu Hao was relieved. This dumpling is really not so delicious. It's only a little longer now, and many things have already been done. If it takes a long time, I may not be able to promise anything.

   So he took the opportunity to make a decisive decision, and after a few words, Wu Hao immediately resigned and said, "That old Zhao, Li Suo, and Professor Yang, I have to participate in the opening ceremony of the exhibition tomorrow morning. I have to go back and prepare.

  After busy these few days, I will visit you again. "

   heard Wu Hao say this, everyone also stood up. Zhao Hongzhe nodded at him and said, "Yes, I won't keep you anymore. Come on, I will send you out."

   "No, you just stay away, I can just go by myself." Wu Hao quickly quit.

  Despite this, Zhao Hongzhe personally sent him out.

   "Don't be surprised that Wei Guo said just now, he also suffered a lot of pressure." Zhao Hongzhe said to Wu Hao.

  Wu Hao shook his head and said, "I understand, I don't have any opinion."

   "Oh, it's right and wrong. Rest assured, you won't be treated badly. No matter what the future cooperation will be, what kind of drone will be developed, your cowardly intelligent attack drone is a product of the times.

   And as the international situation changes, the surrounding situation intensifies, and the Air Force is under great pressure. Therefore, your drone, which can replace people with excellent performance, is urgently needed, and your drone just meets the requirements, which is the important reason for the praise of the chief.

   I believe that after this exhibition, the Air Force will prepare to purchase your drone.

   However, for large drones like this, you have no production qualifications, you still have to cooperate with the aviation industry.

  Although you are the leading party, you should lower your attitude when negotiating or cooperating. Of course, those who insist on it must also be blessed, without too much concession. Even if the other party is an aerospace industry, they must abide by market rules. "

   "I wrote it down, thank you, Mr. Zhao." Wu Hao felt warm and responded immediately.

   He and Zhao Hongzhe did not touch each other without reason, the other side can care about the stick so much, which really moved him. It is also because of this that he will come to visit his old man every time he comes to the capital.

  If he was afraid of the bad influence, Wu Hao had come up with the four-color ceremony to admire his grandfather.

   "Haha!" Zhao Hongzhe waved his hand, then looked at him and said: "The next time I come to the capital to bring Xiaolin, let's take a look.

  You said your kid, UU reading My granddaughter is not good, why don't you have this fate. "

   Amount... Wu Hao doesn't know what to say, and emotions can't be faced in front of him.

   "Okay, let's go quickly. Pay attention to safety on the road, be a little more reserved at the exhibition tomorrow, don't be too sharp, and learn to be a man."

   "Noted, you should pay more attention to your health. When you are free, I will take you and grandma Huang to live in Anxi for some days." Wu Hao replied.

   "Oh, wait until I'm busy with this project before I talk about it." Zhao Hongzhe smiled.

   got Wu Hao smiled helplessly, vomiting involuntarily. When you are busy with this project, I don't know how many teenagers are needed.

   Some projects are like this. It is not uncommon to continue to carry out for several years or more, especially the research in the cutting-edge field is even longer.

   "Okay, don't give it away." Wu Hao said goodbye to the intersection.

   "OK!" Zhao Hongzhe also stopped and nodded at him.

  Under Zhao Hongzhe's watch, Wu Hao got on the bus and left.

   Leaning on the seat, Wu Hao couldn't help recalling what happened today. Judging from the people he contacted, everyone was very concerned about the equipment and technology they exhibited this time.

   However, the focus of everyone's attention is still on the smart attack drone, as for other equipment and technology, we don't pay much attention.

   And this also made him relieved a little, only in this way can the expected effect be achieved when it is exhibited.

  Know that the trump card they participated in this time is not only a smart attack drone, but also several others.

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