Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 835: Informationized individual combat system

   And everyone on the rostrum gave a round of encouraging applause. Of course, there was also affirmation and praise for Wu Hao's equipment.

   However, compared to the soldier who left the field, everyone's eyes are still on the big screen. Multi-window data information and related pictures on the big screen have attracted everyone's full attention.

   I saw a red dot dimmed in the personnel mark on the side of the team that eliminated one player, which also means that the soldier was hit by the opponent in the confrontation exercise.

  The exercise continued, and the two sides started to attack each other based on favorable terrain. It can be seen that in the face of so many heads and guests, both sides refused to admit defeat.

   and General Tang, who has been watching the big screen carefully, is full of interest and said: "Little Wu, how do I think this equipment is not only used in confrontation exercises, but also in actual combat scenarios.

  Don’t we always talk about information-based warfare and information-based symmetry? This set of equipment is a good information-based individual combat system.

  Through the head-mounted display system, we can directly issue commands from higher-level command departments and even higher-level command departments to each combat team and even every soldier.

   Moreover, the camera worn on the soldier's head can also monitor and record the pictures on the battlefield in real time, and feed back to the rear in real time.

   In addition, the relevant information and data of all parties will be collected on the head mounted devices worn by the soldiers.

   Such as the weather conditions in the area, satellite maps, real-time enemy situation, and the location of our troops, etc. It can enable each combat team to grasp the battlefield situation in real time, thereby enhancing the comprehensive information perception capability of the battlefield at the grassroots level. "

   heard General Tang's words, everyone nodded involuntarily. Indeed, if this system can be used in actual combat, it will greatly improve the combat effectiveness of the troops.

Of course, when everyone agreed, some people also raised the question: "This set of equipment can improve our comprehensive perception ability, but if this set of equipment is seized by the enemy, then our information and data are not all leaked Now."

   Hearing this question, everyone looked at Wu Hao involuntarily, waiting for his answer.

  Wu Hao couldn't help laughing: "In this regard, we have a relevant response plan. First of all, this system has a life monitoring system on the wearer.

  This set of life monitoring system helps our commanders and the rear command to know the health of our soldiers, so as to deal with them early and reduce casualties.

  If the system detects that the soldiers are killed and killed, the system will automatically shut down and clear the relevant data, and this data will also be uploaded to the rear headquarters in real time. On the one hand, it helps the command to know the situation, on the other hand, the rear system will also cut off the connection with this equipment.

   In other words, even if the enemy seizes this set of equipment, it cannot be used.

  Second, we are equipped with an iris recognition system on the headset. The head-mounted display device monitors and recognizes the wearer's iris in real time to confirm whether the wearer concerned is the soldier himself.

   Finally, in the life monitoring system, there is a bracelet to monitor the pulse. This bracelet can not only monitor various physiological data of the human body, but also recognize the absorption of infrared light by the hemoglobin in the soldier's blood vessel, thus realizing vein identity authentication.

   This multiple identity authentication system will greatly guarantee the safety of related information and data.

   Of course, the team commander or superior unit can also actively cut off the team's information data authority. "

   "It seems that your kid is already prepared, so why didn't you say it at the show yesterday." General Xiao asked him.

  Wu Hao smiled and said: "The so-called ear-listening is to see the truth and see the truth. No matter how much I say, I will not let you see it intuitively and truly.

   In addition, the cost of this equipment is not cheap, and it is difficult to install it on a large scale.

   But if it is installed on a small scale, it is far less than our individual exoskeleton series equipment, so we will focus on the recommendation. "

   "There are so many thoughts." General Tang laughed and scolded, and then looked at the confrontation exercise that was about to end on the drill ground. "Of course, it is not realistic to pack all the players, but large-scale packing is still possible.

   In fact, it is not necessary to list them all. They only need to equip the grassroots commanders, such as the captain of the combat team, squad leader, platoon leader, company commander, etc., to improve their ability to learn the dynamics of the battlefield. "

   "This is OK, the information perception ability of this system is very good, it is worthy of large-scale installation." General Xiao also nodded.

   was talking, I saw a burst of applause. After the confrontation exercise ended, the opposing parties lined up in front of the rostrum.

  With warm applause, the two teams showed off and ran away.

   Then, two large yellow construction vehicles came up. This is exactly the large multi-tentacle robot developed by Wu Hao.

   This robot's site is very similar to large construction machinery, using four huge rubber tires. In the back, where the huge engine was originally placed, a large lithium battery was placed.

   And the front is a large robot arm. One multi-tentacle robot is two robotic arms, while the other is six robotic arms.

   The six-arm multi-tentacle robot is obviously much larger than the two robot arms. And the difference can also be seen through the cockpit, the multi-tentacle robot cockpit of the two manipulators is obviously a single person. The six-manipulator multi-tentacle robot cockpit is two-person, which is relatively large.

   and general construction machinery is different, UU reading www. The cockpits of these two multi-tentacle robots from are all-glass structures and have a very good view.

   And the control equipment in the cockpit is also different, unlike the complicated switches and rockers of general engineering equipment. Inside the multi-tentacle robot cockpit, dual intelligent induction gloves are used.

   Smart sensor glove is connected to the operating lever, the driver only needs to put his hand into the smart sensor glove, and then he can control the robot arm of the multi-touch robot very flexibly.

   These two multi-tentacle robots came to the middle of the drill field and began to demonstrate. I saw that they started to carry some heavy materials, such as large logs, ammunition boxes, oil drums, and other engineering operations.

   Overall, these two multi-tentacle robots are very flexible, which is not comparable to traditional engineering machinery.

And everyone also discovered the main use of these two multi-tentacle robots. One is the handling of ammunition, such as ordinary heavy artillery shells, rockets, and even some missiles. It does not need to be as complicated as before. The personnel hoisting operation, now only needs to use this multi-tentacle robot to solve it very easily.

   On the other hand, it is the repair work of some equipment, especially for some armored vehicles damaged on the battlefield. Using this multi-tentacle robot to repair is more convenient and more flexible than traditional repair vehicles.


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