Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 844: Too smart will also cause problems

   "This is only an autonomous motion system, and there are many other issues in front of us. One of the important questions is whether we should give robots the ability to make self-decisions and judgments. This is a technical issue and a moral issue.

   We all talk about intelligent robots, so in what direction is this intelligence embodied? Is it a low-end conditioned reflex automated response, or a high-end self-help decision-making ability.

   These two will also cause various problems, low intelligence will cause problems, high intelligence will also cause problems.

  How to grasp this degree is also a problem that we need to think about and study. Wu Hao explained to everyone.

   "Aren't there three robot laws?" someone asked at the scene.

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "The three laws of robots are not rigorous. In fact, there are now dozens of laws about intelligent programs and intelligent robots. Humans are constantly patching these vulnerabilities. However, who can It is certain that all these loopholes have been discovered again.

  The computing power of intelligent robots far exceeds that of humans. If they find a loophole in this area before humans, and spread this loophole to all intelligent robots through the network everywhere. Well, it is definitely a disaster for human society, and no one can bear this risk.

   In addition, these so-called laws are actually forcibly formulated by our people for robots. So no one can guarantee whether the robot can really quasi comply with these laws. Especially robots with high intelligence and self-determination.

   Even if there is no technical problem, can we let the world accept such a robot, and whether it can be accepted by the entire society and even our human moral system.

   And how to solve a series of problems caused by it? "

   "It's like the very popular self-driving technology now. All companies are promoting how advanced their own self-driving technology is.

  How to solve a series of problems caused by autonomous driving technology. For example, a very simple example, how to determine the responsibility of autonomous driving technology if it violates traffic rules or there is a traffic accident.

  Is the car of this car mainly responsible for it? The owner feels very wrong because he doesn’t drive the car at all. Why should he be responsible? Is it the car that bears the responsibility, and the car is not a person, how to bear the responsibility.

   So is it the responsibility of the car manufacturer to assume responsibility? The car manufacturer will ask why.

   There is another question and fear in society and the public about these advanced technologies or intelligent technologies. Humans are always afraid of the unknown, and this cannot be changed. This is the innate nature of mankind, because of fear, so detection, which also promotes the development of human society.

   But at the present stage, I am afraid there is still a long way to go to promote this technology. The people have to accept it, society has to accommodate it, and the country also needs to formulate more detailed laws and regulations. These are all problems. "

   "It's far away, far away." Tang Zhijun waved his hand: "At present, we don't have to think so far, so let the future people have a headache.

  My idea is whether we can use the same remote control system as the multi-tentacle robot to control this single soldier heavy exoskeleton to help the protective armor to fight. "

  Wu Hao shook his head and said: "At present, this is not yet possible. Ground operations do not need to be in the air, there are too many interference sources, and there are too many unexpected situations and uncontrollable factors.

   In addition, it is time-delay. It may not matter if it is a second or two slower in the air, but on the ground, it may hit the tree or fall into the river or under the cliff because of a little time delay.

  Second, how to control it, just like computer games, it is controlled by keyboard or remote sensing, which is also a problem. "

Speaking of which, Wu Hao exchanged a breath: "In this respect, we have also thought about the related control methods, such as wearing the smart sensor device in our smart VR glasses series. Then the real time movement of our human body is synchronized to the Individual heavy exoskeletons help protect the armor.

   In this way, the individual soldier's heavy exoskeleton-assisted protective armor can do all kinds of movements like our wearers in the rear. "

   Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up, and they were about to speak, but who knew Wu Hao was hit with cold water.

"However, this has encountered new problems. The movement of the upper body can be achieved, but how about the lower body. How can the wearer wearing the sensing device control the individual heavy exoskeleton to help the protective armor to adapt to different The terrain, and different combat environments.

  Furthermore, if these functions are added, the cost of this individual heavy exoskeleton-assisted protective armor will skyrocket. This makes it difficult for large-scale equipment, and small-scale equipment is not cost-effective. "

   Tang Zhijun waved his hand and said, "I don't want to think about these problems first, so I asked if there were any technical problems, whether they could be realized."

   "Yes, and there are many problems. It is not impossible to achieve it. It takes time." Wu Hao looked directly at him.

   "How long does it take?" Tang Zhijun asked.

  Wu Hao shook his head: "It's hard to say that no one can estimate the accurate R&D progress of this cutting-edge research project. Sometimes it may be a technical problem, and it is possible to get stuck for five or six years or even ten years.

   For example, the engine technology that we are all familiar with, UU reading stuck to the technical problems of the development of our domestic engine industry, but it could not be solved, and it stuck us for decades. "

   Hearing this, Tang Zhijun was frustrated for a moment, then sighed involuntarily: "I'm too greedy, this single-armed heavy exoskeleton protective armor is perfect."

Xiao Yunfei patted Tang Zhijun on the shoulder, then smiled and comforted: "We are all the same as soldiers, everyone wants to protect the soldiers under his own. But is this not our responsibility, keep the danger in front, stay safe To the people.

   This single soldier heavy exoskeleton protective armor is already very good, for the soldiers, it will play a very good protection.

  As for more advanced weapons and equipment, don't worry about this. Anyway, such advanced individual soldier heavy exoskeleton-powered protective armor has appeared. Will those weapons and equipment be far behind? "

   "It's the same thing." Tang Zhijun nodded, then stroked these two individual heavy exoskeletons to help protect the armor for a moment.

   then turned to Wu Hao and said, "Isn't your individual heavy exoskeleton-powered protective armor to be tested in actual combat? Give them to me. I'll do it for you."

   Everyone: ...

   Wu Hao: ...



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