Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 846: Comprehensive development of land, sea, air and sky

   Hehe, you laughed, there are always thousands of miles, but not many Bole. Wu Hao laughed.


   Everyone turned around and looked at Li Weiguo, then laughed.

   And Li Weiguo said with a smile: "No matter how powerful Bole is, it is lonely without a Maxima."

OK OK. Don’t boast about each other. Cheng Haifeng, deputy director of the Haiyan Institute, could not help but quipped.

  To say envy, he is really envious. In recent years, with its close relationship with Haoyu Technology, the Air Research Institute has already shined in many fields, and it has become the hand of several major military research institutes.

  Wu Hao, the kid, also struggled, stunned that such a series of advanced weapons and equipment and related technologies came out.

  It made him look so hot, why didn't he see Wu Hao first?

   But in the past two years, thanks to the help of Wu Hao and their advanced lithium battery technology, Haiyan has made breakthroughs in many major projects. For example, all-electric driven submarines, all-electric surface ships, etc., can be described as fruitful.

  However, compared with the Air Force and even the later Army, he always felt that they were worse.

Especially in the technical innovation of weapons and equipment, such as the cluster array control technology provided by Wu Hao for the Air Force, the'gusty wind' cluster attack system developed by this can be said to give the Air Force a new means of attack. Improve the air force's strike capability.

   Now, Wu Hao and they have developed for the Air Force, their latest Coyote intelligent attack drone. I heard that this large drone performed well, and even defeated two ace pilots in the air.

   And the army has the small-scale high-speed attack drone that Wu Hao developed. This drone has also changed the traditional combat form of infantry and greatly improved the combat effectiveness of infantry.

  Now, Wu Hao and the Five Army have tailored this single-armored heavy exoskeleton to protect the armor. It can be said that the army's combat effectiveness has been raised to a new level.

  Although airborne troops and marines can be used, there is no doubt that the army has the most benefits.

   But for the navy, it seems that all these years have only benefited from new lithium batteries.

Although    developed the most advanced all-electric drive submarine and all-electric drive ship based on this, compared with the navy and the army, he felt that it was slightly weaker.

   Every family has new gains, which has to make Cheng Haifeng taste a little bit and even more envious.

Among the few people, Li Weiguo and Wu Hao were the most familiar, so after some greetings, Li Weiguo stared at the equipment displayed next to him and said: "I said to you kid, I asked you before and said nothing. Baby is shaking out now."

  Lao Li, this is not necessarily, who knows whether this kid has secrets. Wang Lianggong smiled. As the most direct leader, Wang Lianggong was also filled with emotion. The kid in front of him saw it develop step by step.

   is not only fast, but also very stable at every step. In just a few years, this is already a famous technology giant in China and the world.

  It's not over yet. Looking at the kid's meaning, I want to get involved in the field of military technology.

   But this is not surprising. You must know that the first business of Haoyu Technology comes from the military, not to mention that it grew up under the care and attention of the military, and naturally has a close relationship with the military.

   And in recent years, Haoyu Technology has been the leader of the private enterprise camp in the military industrial system. It has deeply participated in many major scientific research projects and achieved a series of fruitful results.

   Now this kid has become a representative and model in the field of military-civilian integration development. Of course, Wang Lianggong, who is directly under the leadership, is naturally very happy.

  Yeah, what good things do you guys do not come up with? When Cheng Haifeng heard Wang Lianggong's words, his eyes lit up and asked Wu Hao.

  Wu Hao smiled and spread his hands and said: "Several of you, don't look at me, anyway, I can take it out this time.

  Can't take it out, it's useless to urge you. "

   Hehe, this kid is bullish. Li Weiguo laughed and scolded, and then shifted the topic to these equipments: "This time, the equipment and technology you displayed, we must definitely participate in the air research institute. The meaning of the head just now is very clear.

  Airborne soldiers also belong to the Air Force unit. There are tens of thousands of people. Such excellent equipment is suitable for use by airborne soldiers.

  Although this single soldier heavy exoskeleton protective armor has excellent performance, there are still many areas that need to be improved.

   First of all, as far as the airborne soldiers are concerned, they still need a single soldier exoskeleton to help protect the armor that can truly meet its characteristics and needs.

   Too heavy is not good, the transport capacity of the transport plane is limited, the load can not be too much weight, naturally it can not carry many airborne troops.

   Too light is not good, light means that the equipment performance has been weakened, and the most likely to be shrunk and weakened is nothing more than protective armor.

  As a light army, they also attach great importance and desire to protection.

   Then there is the airborne paradigm, which technology and which method to use for airborne paradigm is also a difficult problem.

   Is it parachute landing, plane landing, or helicopter landing. Is it high-jump high-open high-jump low-open, or rely on this individual heavy-duty exoskeleton to protect the armor excellent protection performance, low-jump low-open, or low-jump not open.

  Single soldier heavy exoskeleton protection armor does not need paratroopers, no matter in weight or in terms of structure, technology and needs careful study and verification.

   After all, human life is critical. Once the airborne soldiers are airborne, they must be behind the enemy and helpless. If the equipment is not reliable enough, it will be a disaster for them. "

   Of course, Wu Hao nodded and smiled, "The reason why I put it on display at this military-civilian integration technology exchange exhibition, instead of recommending it to a certain arm, is to hope that everyone can participate.

   On the one hand, work together to make it into a very advanced weaponry in all fields.

   On the other hand, everyone is involved, so that this project can achieve great success. As an enterprise, this is what we have seen, because it means larger orders, we will also get greater profits. "

  The three sentences do not depart from our bank. I haven't seen them in recent years. Why do you have more copper odor on your body? Li Weiguo laughed and scolded. Of course, although this is a joke, it is also a kind of admonishment and education.

  Wu Hao was not irritated, but smiled and said: "There is no way, tens of thousands of people under his hands open their mouths to eat, I can't sew all their mouths."

  Wang Lianggong next to him smiled and said: "Hey, are you talking about business? Xiao Wu is not unreasonable to say so."



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