Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 849: New 1st generation model unveiled

   talked about it, and the crowd did not delay the time, but went directly to the airport apron by car.

  In a large double online library, we saw two dark gray painted Cowardly Attacking UAVs parked here.

  Although the aerodynamic shapes of the two smart attack drones are similar, there are still many differences.

This also instantly aroused the interest of everyone. Xiao Yunfei pointed to the different Cowardly Intelligent Drone: "This drone has changed a lot compared to the drone we saw before. , What functions are improved and optimized?"

   Wu Hao nodded and introduced with a smile: "This is a new model that we modified and optimized on the basis of the prototype verification machine, and this model is also the first appearance."

   "Oh, it seems that you have done a lot of things in the past few months." Xiao Yunfei lit up and immediately became interested: "Introduce us to introduce, your upgrade and improvement content."

   Wu Hao nodded and led the crowd to the front of this brand new prototype to introduce to the crowd: "Because it is a drone, and it can realize remote real-time control and automatic driving functions.

   Therefore, this smart attack drone can handle high-intensity and high-load actions that many fighters cannot.

  This puts a lot of pressure on the structure of the drone. Originally, we designed it according to the structural strength standards of ordinary drones and fighters.

  After the test flight, it was found that the strength of the UAV body did not meet the flight requirements. Therefore, we strengthened the structural strength on the newly improved prototype. So that it can adapt to some large maneuverability, high strength, overloaded flight movements.

   In addition, for some of the flight combat characteristics of this drone, we have partially optimized the aerodynamic shape of the fuselage to make it more flexible in exciting combat and flight.

  Finally, after getting the support of the military, we replaced more advanced radar, telex equipment and sensors for this cowardly intelligent attack drone.

  The biggest difference between these two intelligent unmanned aerial vehicles is that in the cockpit, we have equipped them with new optical sensors for the convenience of driver control.

   And this optical sensor can also be linked with the driver's immersive head-mounted display system.

  The rear driver can observe the situation of the airspace around the drone in real time through the immersive head-mounted display system at full angle.

   In addition, we have also updated the system software to make the control of each system faster and more agile, and reduce the delay of remote data transmission by 20%. "

   "So much?" Xiao Yunfei was surprised when he touched this brand new Cowardly Intelligent Drone.

   Wu Hao nodded and said with a smile: "In fact, the improvement and upgrading work is not over yet. With the continuous addition of military experts and technology, the performance of this intelligent unmanned attack aircraft can still have a lot of room for improvement."

   "Good, very good." Xiao Yunfei praised: "We attach great importance to this project and will invest more resources in the future, so you can rest assured in this regard."

Speaking of which, Xiao Yunfei turned his head and asked him: "I heard that the flight transitions of these two Coyote intelligent attack drones for thousands of kilometers are all completed by these two intelligent unmanned attack aircraft autonomously. Personnel intervention."

   Wu Hao nodded and said: "This is the case. Such a long-distance flight transition is also a rare opportunity for us, so we want to use this opportunity to test our autonomous flight capabilities on the ground.

   Especially in unfamiliar airspace, unfamiliar climate, unfamiliar airport environment, circle autonomous flight, this is a very serious challenge to the overall performance of these two intelligent unmanned attack aircraft.

   Therefore, we set very high standards during the test. In the whole process, we only provide relevant auxiliary data information, such as maps, routes, target airports, weather information and so on. How to take off, how to fly, how to plan a specific route, and how to land, the entire process is decided by the drone.

   Of course, in order to avoid emergencies and unexpected situations, our organization and the relevant departments of the military monitor the entire process to ensure that the entire flight process is foolproof.

  If something happens to autonomous flight, then our pilot on standby will immediately take over the entire drone remotely, and control it to land, or do harmless disposal. "

  What is harmless disposal, to put it bluntly is a safety measure to minimize losses or hazards in an emergency.

   is more common, such as forced landing at the airport or in the field, or in an emergency, control and guide the drone to hit some areas without personnel and cause minimal damage to the ground, such as tidal flats, wasteland, farmland, etc.

   Avoid crashing into some crowded areas due to uncontrolled drone, causing harm to ground personnel.

   "You are bold!" Xiao Yunfei nodded his hand with his hand, but the joy in his expression could not be stopped, which was beyond words.

   "Tell me about your presentation today." "Xiao Yunfei asked the crowd as he carefully looked at the brand new Cowardly Intelligent Drone in front of him.

  At this time, Tao Guangcheng on the side said: "In order to be able to show the most true comprehensive performance and actual combat performance of these two coyote intelligent attack drones, we have set up a special exercise subject for this time.

  Exercise simulation Our military will use two Coyote intelligent attack drones to carry out a raid on an important ground target 350 kilometers away.

  During the period, these two smart attack drones need to avoid the early warning radar set on the ground ~ ~ to penetrate into it unconsciously.

  Once discovered by the radar, then the opponent's fighter plane will quickly launch into the air, and intercept and attack these two intelligent unmanned attack aircraft.

   To this end, we prepared a fighter squadron as the Blues to participate in the interception mission. "

   "Good guy, it's really generous. A fighter squadron of the Ace Division dealt with two drones!" Xiao Yunfei quipped at Tao Guangcheng with a smile.

   Tao Guangcheng gently smiled and said: "Oh, this is just a normal exercise subject. Only in this way can we see the real performance of this cowardly intelligent drone under close combat."

  Xiao Yunfei nodded when he heard the words, and then looked at Wu Hao: "You guys, do you have any questions about this?"

   Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "Guests are willing to take the lead, we also want to fully test the performance and potential of our intelligent unmanned attack aircraft in such an environment close to actual combat."

   "Well, since that's the case, let's start now." Xiao Yunfei nodded when he heard the words, and then waved his hand.

   can see, he can't wait for this exercise and the drone demonstration.



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