Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 852: I have confidence in our drone

   In response to Wu Hao's answer, everyone nodded. Indeed, even if this smart attack drone is smart, it cannot replace people in making strategic decisions. To put it bluntly, it is a machine, a piece of equipment, how to use it, how to use it, this is a human right. The equipment cannot influence people's decision-making, otherwise, the equipment will face the fate of being eliminated or even destroyed.

   To be simple and popular, it is like this kind of weapons and equipment, all users are not allowed to have self-awareness.

   No matter how smart it is, no matter how smart it is, it is only a machine, and it can only be a machine.

   Why does this place not overlap, zoom in on the map? Xiao Yunfei said.


  As the map zoomed in, everyone finally saw the part where the two routes did not overlap. The blue route is currently the route that the drone has independently planned and is flying. The red route is the best route artificially planned by the command center staff.

  The two routes are different here. The blue route travels in a straight line, but after zooming in, it is found that there are many sharp bends less than one hundred and ten degrees in some areas.

   As for the red route, there are S twists and turns. Although there are no sharp turns, they are more tortuous. The two sides are about a five-minute voyage.

   Don’t look at it for five minutes. Calculate according to the basic speed of the fighter plane at 600 kilometers per hour. Five minutes is 50 kilometers, and 10 kilometers per minute, which equals 167 meters per second.

   Such a speed is not fast for a fighter plane, and it is not a big deal in a wide airspace, but in a narrow valley and cliff area, flying at an ultra-low altitude, a little carelessness may hit the next cliff and cause a crash.

  Especially there are several sharp turns less than 110 degrees. Turning at such a fast speed is so difficult that many old pilots don't want to try.

The staff of two cents who planned the route stood up and replied: "The report says that this area is part of the Jingxi Mountains. The average elevation of the mountains is more than 1,200 meters, and the mountains are steep, high and deep. , The widest part is more than two hundred meters, and the narrowest part is less than 30 meters.

   Our fighter jets want to travel through this valley, which is too difficult. Therefore, in general, if you want to cross this mountain range, you must either raise the height or go around a wider river valley and pass.

   The reason why the red route in the picture is so winding is because this route fits the river valley design and planning.

As for the blue route in the picture, the route planned by the drone, the risk factor is too high. Only a super pilot of our army tried to cross a few decades ago. For decades, there has not been a plane. I tried it, but it was also ordered to ban, because the risk factor was too high. If you don't pay attention, it may be the tragedy of plane crash. "

   Upon hearing the staff's introduction, everyone nodded involuntarily. Indeed, if this is the case, it would be no problem to develop such a tortuous route.

   Such a narrow valley is definitely difficult to cross by manpower alone. This can also explain why no one has tried it for decades and traverses successful cases.

   As for how the super pilot succeeded in the ship industry decades ago, this is not known.

   Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help looking at Wu Hao. Xiao Yunfei asked him: "No one has ever tried to cross for decades. How did your drone plan this route?

   And such a narrow valley, such a sharp bend, this 凫徯 smart attack drone wants to successfully traverse the past, I am afraid it is a bit difficult. "

   Hearing Xiao Yunfei's words, Wu Hao smiled and shook his head and said: "This exercise is a temporary addition. I have not prepared before, let alone tried it, let alone on-site inspection and reading case materials.

   This route is completely planned by drones based on existing relevant data. Although this route is more dangerous, I believe that as long as it is planned, it will definitely be able to cross the past.

   I have confidence in our drone. "

   It is good to have confidence, but you still have to be cautious. At this time, Li Weiguo spoke to Wu Hao to persuade him.

   Originally, the demonstration activities were pretty good, just to complete the exercises well, don't make any extravagances, and add risks and troubles to yourself.

   And Wu Hao smiled at this, without replying. This is indeed the best route autonomously planned by drones, and they did not intervene.

   Seeing Wu Hao didn't speak, Xiao Yunfei nodded immediately and said: "In this case, let's wait and see, it's almost there."

   Immediately, everyone turned their attention to the main view of the drone on the big screen.

   Two UAVs flew face-to-face, a lead plane and a wingman. Among them, the leader of the lead plane is their newly improved drone. The main viewing angle of the large screen is also taken by the photoelectric lens equipment in its cockpit.

   Soon, the plane arrived in the mountains, and the field of vision began to narrow. On both sides of the screen are green hillsides and white-gray cliffs, and in the middle is a narrow canyon channel.

   The plane flies quickly and at a low altitude. This immediate sense of speed makes everyone feel addicted to it, as if it took everyone to the plane in an instant, as if they were on the scene.

  Wu Hao and others who have never boarded a plane were very excited to see it, and so were Xiao Yunfei, Tao Guangcheng, and the others, as if to let them go back to the time when they flew the plane more than ten years ago.

   At their current age, they have already been grounded for age. But as a pilot, how easily the enthusiasm for flying in UU reading is so easy to fade.


  As soon as the camera turned, the drone turned a sharp bend. The speed and the short distance caused the audience to exclaim.

   This is too exciting.

  Through the wingman’s camera lens and the map flight trajectory, everyone can see the angle and danger of this turn.

   Such a fast speed, if you don’t pay attention, or if you hesitate when turning, the drone may shoot straight on the cliff at the end of the curve.

   This drone is autonomously controlled? Xiao Yunfei turned his head and said excitedly.

   Wu Hao nodded and said: "It is completely autonomous to control the flight. If we take the driver behind us, we can't make such a rapid turn.

   Let's not talk about the skills of our pilots, just say that the distance and time delay between the drone and our rear command and control center are not competent.

  Although the time delay is small, the driver behind us also needs a certain amount of reaction time and maneuvering time.

   The time delay of coming and going, the reaction time and maneuvering time of our drivers, at this speed, through such a narrow curve, I am afraid that it would have crashed long ago. "


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