Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 863: Wuzhen Summit

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Taking a special plane, Wu Hao and his party arrived in Hangzhou, and they made a simple repair, and then drove to Wuzhen.

Wuzhen is about 60 kilometers away from Hangzhou by car, and it takes more than half an hour to drive down all the way.

Wuzhen is not a big town. As mentioned in the tourism introduction, it is an ancient town living on the south of the Yangtze River.

In the cold winter, the weather is gloomy, and the unique dampness of Jiangnan makes everyone who just got off the car can't help but put their clothes together.

The person who came to greet Ma Tao, the person in charge of the exhibition in advance, was also an expert in information and data in the field of cluster control technology.

Although it is only an Internet summit, some exhibition halls will also be arranged to showcase some fresh technology products of participating companies.

Compared with other forums and summits, the Wuzhen Summit is still very high-level. The leaders of the major Internet giants and even senior officials, experts and professors from some functional departments and so on.

After so many years of development, the Wuzhen Summit has truly become a grand gathering for Internet people. Every year, the giants of major companies, experts, and leaders of related units will gather to discuss some problems encountered in the development of the Internet, as well as the development direction of the Internet, and so on.

You may be a little unfamiliar with the Wuzhen Summit, but you should always be familiar with these words, such as cloud computing, smart layers, Internet +, etc. These are all cutting-edge technologies that are well-known through the Wuzhen Summit.

What is even more interesting for the general public is the various meals held by major giants and groups during the summit.

To put it bluntly, it is a meal between these giants, but because the giants are relatively large, there are also some group disputes, such as a Lisi, Penguin, and other thousand degrees.

This has also become the gossip news that everyone talks about during the entire summit. What and who’s dinner, who didn’t go, and who came. Who is red, who is frowning and so on.

There are few opportunities for the major media and the public to get in touch with these big-name giants so close, so the exposure of this kind of lace news has no intention to let many people understand the ordinary lives of these giants through this window.

It is also because the scale of the summit has become larger and larger in recent years, the attention has been getting higher and higher, and the influence has become stronger and stronger. So many companies also set up some exhibition halls during the summit. On the one hand, of course, they want to use this opportunity to promote.

On the other hand, I also want to use this opportunity to communicate and cooperate with colleagues and so on.

In fact, many of the most influential cooperations in recent years have been made at the summit or the summit dinner table.

Therefore, this has also become a platform for many young people and company bosses to discuss cooperation, build relationships, and attract investment.

"Mr. Wu!" Seeing Wu Hao rushing in and out of the car, Ma Tao, who had been waiting for a long time, greeted him quickly.

"Wait for a long time." Wu Hao held Ma Tao's somewhat cold hand, apparently waiting outside for a while.

"No, just a few minutes." Ma Tao said with a smile: "Let's go in, it's a bit cold outside."

Wu Hao nodded when he heard the words, and then walked to the venue with Ma Tao.

"Wu Hao, Wu Hao is here!"

"It's really Wu Hao!"

"Hurry up and see if you can get an interview."


A group of reporters waiting outside the meeting hall saw Wu Hao's figure, their eyes lit up, and they leaned forward.

"Mr. Wu, can I interview you a few words."

"Mr. Wu, why are you so late? Is it because of some delay."

"Mr. Wu, does Haoyu Technology want to get involved in the Internet industry?"


Seeing a group of reporters crowding up, Li Wenming, Lu Fei and others around Wu Hao hurriedly came up. While surrounding Wu Hao, while blocking the reporter who came up, he looked like he was facing an enemy.

"Mr. Wu, we are reporters from China Central Television. Can you take a few minutes and give us a simple interview." A young and beautiful female reporter asked Wu Hao. He had the impression of this beautiful reporter, who seemed to be Susie.

So Wu Hao stopped when he saw it, and nodded at her immediately: "Time is limited, three questions."

"Okay, thank you Mr. Wu!" Susie's eyes lit up and she said excitedly.

Although the reporters next to him were a bit envious and jealous, they were helpless. Who made them the central station?

However, this is also an opportunity, and they can listen to it.

Finding a better background angle, the interview began immediately.

After quickly sorting out her thoughts, Su Qian smiled at Wu Hao and asked: "Mr. Wu, thank you very much for accepting our interview.

You seem to be late? "


Wu Hao was a little speechless, so he raised such an embarrassing question, how can I answer it?

In recent years, CCTV has paid great attention to the construction of new media. Therefore, live broadcasts of such major events are generally organized.

Originally, the live broadcast content was nothing, but suddenly Wu Hao came, which involuntarily aroused the interest of the majority of netizens.

And seeing this beautiful machine and throwing up such a question, netizens couldn't help but become happy.

Especially when he saw Wu Hao's somewhat ugly look, he was immediately swiped by a wave of ‘666’ and ‘2333’.

Wu Hao smiled awkwardly and said, "I flew over directly after participating in an important event. There was a bit of time in time, but fortunately, it was finally here."

Susie nodded, and then asked Wu Hao: "I heard that you have been invited to several summits before, and you declined because of your busy work, so why did you participate in this summit."

"Before, I was too busy with work and couldn't leave, so I regretted not attending. As for why I came this time, it is because I should also come, otherwise it is a bit too shameful.

And I also wanted to come to the to gather together and chat with all the bigwigs and experts. "Wu Hao replied with a smile.

"Last question, do you have an appointment tonight?" Susie is very smart, knowing that Wu Hao is in a hurry, so she didn't ask some too complicated questions, and ended up with a simple and easy question. On the one hand, this kind of gossip question can indeed arouse the interest of netizens. On the other hand, this kind of relatively simple and relaxed question also made a wave of goodwill in Wu Hao's heart to pave the way for the second interview.

Haha, Wu Hao smiled, then looked at her and replied: "I just came here, I don't know for the time being, but I should meet with a few friends. After all, everyone is usually busy. It is rare to have such an opportunity. Can bring everyone together.

So we had a meal together, warmed up with a pot of rice wine. I also heard that there are several famous dishes in Wuzhen, so I happened to try it too. "

Susie nodded with a smile when she heard Wu Hao's answer. This was exactly the effect she wanted.

Netizens were also aroused by Wu Hao’s answer and began to discuss, who are some of Wu Hao’s friends, why should the rice wine be hot, is it delicious, what is Wuzhen’s famous dish, etc., live broadcast The heat exploded again.

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