Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 869: Pressure from peers

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Although in the example cited by Chen Jingsheng Wu Hao and his Haoyu technology company account for a very high proportion, from the overall content, the main content of his speech is the construction and development prospects of virtual world networks and virtual reality mobile networks. .

In this respect, Wu Hao can't blame him. But these examples cited by the old master are indeed suspected of putting him on fire.

Even so, facing such a master-class figure who built the domestic Internet, he dare not speak, this is a figure with hands and eyes open to the sky.

Of course, it is more respect for him. Without the construction of their generation, how can there be the glory of the domestic Internet today.

Moreover, Chen Jingsheng and Chen Lao have been insisting on substituting lessons and leading students in recent years. Many Internet experts come from his school.

Therefore, he would not be so stupid as to contradict this big guy and be hated by all the big cows. If it spreads out, according to the current Internet atmosphere, it may be another serious crisis event.

Of course, although Chen Jingsheng and Chen Lao mentioned them many times in the article, he did not criticize them in his words. On the contrary, he praised them very high, and his love was beyond words.

After a round of applause, Chen Jingsheng's speech finally ended.

I saw Mr. Chen walk off the stage amidst applause, and then stepped forward to stand up and applaud. Wu Hao stretched out his right hand and smiled brightly.

"Xiao Wu, I'm sorry, I'm offended."

Upon seeing this, Wu Hao hurriedly stepped forward and grasped Old Chen's somewhat thin, wrinkled right hand.

"Where, Mr. Chen, I haven't thanked you for your love for me. I was prepared, thinking you would criticize me a lot."

Old Chen patted his hand with a loving smile on his face and said, "What criticize you, you did a very good job. With your own efforts, you have created a new generation of Internet construction.

Whether it is your virtual world network or virtual reality mobile network, it can be said that it is a new way and opened up a world of heart.

Not only me, but other old guys also highly appreciate you. "

"Thank you for your compliment, what we have done is far from enough." Wu Hao smiled modestly.

Chen Jingsheng nodded when he heard the words: "Indeed, relying on your strength alone, it is still somewhat difficult to support these two networks.

Therefore, I suggest that you release restrictions appropriately, attract more enterprises and companies to join, and jointly build these two networks.

One's power is always limited, so why not rely on everyone's power? "

"I thought you would criticize us in this regard." Wu Hao breathed a sigh of relief, then said with a smile.

Chen Jingsheng waved his hand and said, "Isn't it right? It's the same for any other company.

I'm not an old antique, and I won't ask you to promote your dedication.

Enterprises, after all, are for profit. Without money, who wants to do things.

Besides, you also spent a lot of money on researching and developing related AR and VR equipment and building these two major network systems. I can't confess indiscriminately. I will kidnap you with righteousness and morality. "


Hearing Chen Jingsheng's words, Wu Hao couldn't help but admire the old man who was in front of him. This is the real everyone, this is the real wise man.

His vision and mind, as well as his ability to spy on people's hearts, are unmatched by ordinary people.

"Thank you Mr. Chen for your understanding." Wu Hao said gratefully.

Because of this incident, he was under a lot of pressure. There is a very common voice now that Wu Hao and the others should surrender control of these two networks and take back the joint ownership, which is beneficial to the construction of these two networks.

As for Wu Hao, it is fine to hand over control, but how to protect their own interests. You can't just let them hand over unconditionally with just a mouth.

So far, his actions have not violated any laws and regulations. Why are they required to hand over them unconditionally?

As for the monopoly that everyone is talking about, this is not a problem at all. After Wu Hao and the others, fruits, corn and even S stars have established their own virtual reality networks. How can it be considered a monopoly.

But everyone knows that Haoyu Technology must be doing well in these two areas. Not only is the technology more mature, but it also has hardware equipment support, so the development is faster.

And this naturally caused dissatisfaction with other companies and giants. Some of these companies and giants are peers. The so-called peers are enemies, and these peers are naturally not good to others.

Many peer companies, including some equipment manufacturers and mobile phone manufacturers, have asked Wu Hao to restrict their access and allow their devices to access Wu Hao's two major network systems.

But in this regard, Wu Hao and the others have been stuck very tightly, so this naturally caused the dissatisfaction of these people.

Regarding this issue, let's not talk about other reasons. It is only an interest, how can Wu Hao and the others give up easily.

If the restrictions are opened and the other party is allowed to access their system, then this means that their advantage in hardware equipment is greatly reduced, which will affect their product sales.

This is considered a tangible benefit. Even if Wu Hao agrees, no one else in the company will agree.

In fact, there is another reason, and that is the server. If it is open now, it means that there will be a large inflow of users. This will be a huge pressure on their currently very tight server resources, so he will not consider this until the new server group rent is built.

As for the other group of people, those are Internet companies. For example, many corporate bosses and representatives present today are all gearing up.

For this part of the Internet companies, although Wu Hao and others have opened up restrictions, they also reserved some conditions. For example, so far, because of the deadlock in the negotiations with Penguin, Penguin has not yet entered these two networks.

The communication software launched by Wu Hao and others relying on the user account system has become a common real-time communication tool for these two networks. And with the continuous expansion of user groups, the scale is also increasing rapidly.

Counting the account system of the previous intelligent voice assistant, so far the registered users of their real-time communication software have exceeded 100 million worldwide. How can Penguin feel at ease with such a huge number.

Therefore, Penguin has always sent many representatives to Anxi in the hope that Wu Hao and the others can lift the restrictions and allow Penguin social software to enter, but Wu Hao has never let go of this.

Then Penguin began to change its strategy and wanted to use their old methods to move into the company by acquiring the shares held by shareholders, and thereby influence and change the company's decision-making.

But this method won't work on Haoyu Technology's side.

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