Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 871: Capital game

These two such big leaders waited for him alone in the cold wind, and invited him to have a drink with the old horse. Wu Hao doesn't think he has such a big face. I am afraid that these two are here.

After he was mentally prepared, Wu Hao could only see to it. To be honest with such an old fox, he really has a headache.

Zhou Wenzhi nodded and smiled: "It's good, the wine, it's good to drink, you can drink more upper body.

However, proper drinking of this rice wine is good for the body. "

Wei Minghui nodded and said: "The rice wine in this store is good, very mellow, and it should have a ten-year prospect."

Ten years of rice wine is not too old, but it is by no means new. The price is still a bit expensive, but it is not a luxury, and it is acceptable to the general public.

The boss can take out ten years of rice wine, and he knows that he can do things. Of course, how could the two leaders and the two rich men present so much money from him?

After adding new wine to the few people again, Zhou Wenzhi smiled at Wu Hao and said: "It is a bit difficult for you to let you young man accompany us to drink with a few old guys.

As for us, we have no other purpose, just to get to know you, this young talent, and talk to you.

In the past few years, you have achieved such great results on the Internet. To be honest, as the top leader, I am quite ashamed and not caring enough for you. "

"You are too modest, if it were not for the concern and care of the leaders, we would not have been able to develop and grow to this day." Wu Hao quickly smiled.

Zhou Wenzhi waved his hand, then looked at the scenery outside the window and said: "The domestic Internet industry is developing rapidly, but there are also many problems.

For example, the online virtual market is not sufficiently supervised, and market monopoly affects the sustainable development of the industry. The “quick quick success” increases the operating risks of Internet companies, and the “cheapness” reduces the effectiveness of the Internet in stimulating consumption.

These are the four questions raised at the first summit regarding the current situation of the domestic Internet industry.

After nearly ten years of development, these problems have been improved, but they have not been completely resolved.

In particular, the rapid inflow of capital has resulted in the rapid development of the Internet industry, but at the same time the symptoms of'fever' have appeared.

The capital market's enthusiasm for the Internet concept has caused a large amount of hot money to flow in, prompting these companies to start frantically gathering funds, but ignoring their own business development.

There are many companies that have been losing money, but they have not affected their popularity in the eyes of investors.

This also makes these companies more utilitarian, adopting free, large subsidies, discounts and other promotional methods to win users regardless of cost, and then attracting ‘venture investment’ to maintain cost input.

Such enterprises are not good for the entire Internet industry. It is tantamount to a bomb that will explode without knowing when, bringing hidden dangers to the development of the entire industry.

Any industry has periods of prosperity and trough. Internet companies adopting the above-mentioned business model of quick success and quick profit may be able to obtain considerable investment returns during the industry's prosperity.

But once this "wind vent" is passed, it will be unsustainable.

Although the failure of individual companies is not a concern, if there is a wave of large-scale corporate failures, the impact on the entire industry and the macro economy should never be underestimated. "

Hearing Zhou Wenzhi's words, everyone put away their smiles and nodded involuntarily. Indeed, this is currently the most important problem in the domestic Internet industry.

This is not a special case. Often, if an industry develops too fast, it is prone to'overheating'. And now it is necessary to give full play to the functions of relevant departments, carry out macro-control, and ‘remove the fever’ of the industry.

But this "degree" is very difficult to grasp. If you start to talk again, it will dampen the enthusiasm of industry practitioners and affect the rapid development of the entire industry. But if the start is light, it will not have the effect of reducing fever.

So for the competent department and the competent leader Zhou Wenzhi, he is also under great pressure.

As the former head of a large company, Lao Ma said at this time: "This is a problem that must be encountered in the development of the industry. It is not only the Internet industry, but other things such as real estate."

Lao Ma's opening made the atmosphere of the scene loose, and everyone laughed. Everyone knows what the real estate situation is, so if you compare it this way, the Internet industry may be better, but it's not much better.

"It is very difficult to stop this fever without hitting the current rapid development momentum of the entire industry. Unlike other industries, the Internet industry has its own characteristics. The industry has low barriers to entry, fast entry, and rapid growth. It is possible that a few Rao studios were picked up by a certain venture capitalist every few days, and they have grown into a large company.

In addition, burning money is also fast. Because of these characteristics, competition pressure is high, so if you want to develop, you must spend money in it, and it is a massive amount of money.

This can be seen in the past competition between us and Penguin on the food delivery app. At that time, in order to seize the market, basically tens of millions of money went in. After fighting for a month, the other party can't stand it, and we can't stand it either. Therefore, the two sides can only sit down and talk, which is regarded as a dead end and temporarily retreats.

Similarly, there is a certain online shopping platform. With low-priced products and huge subsidies, this online shopping platform has developed very rapidly in recent years, and it can even compete with our online shopping platform that has been cultivated for decades.

But is such a development really healthy? A razor for a dollar, a belt for a dollar, and a power bank for a dollar.

We don't know the quality of these products, even if it is just an empty shell, the express logistics costs are more than that.

Merchants cannot lose money in vain, so this part of the money can only be paid by the platform. Where does the money come from, UU reading www. can only rely on major shareholders to burn in the early stage.

Are they stupid, obviously not, they are very smart. When the performance of this platform is good enough, use means to package it with the remaining

At present, this has a very complete and mature process or means. From public relations to publicity, to capital hype, and even some scalping, this has formed an industrial chain.

Such good-looking performance, coupled with deliberate hype operations, will naturally be a fish in the stock market, and now it is the turn of these major shareholders to harvest. "

Ma's is very cryptic, but everyone knows what he means. Hearing this, Ji Rao's expression became heavier.

This is a very complex issue, involving too many aspects. It is impossible to solve it completely.

In fact, it's the same not only in China, but also in the world, but those who are popular are slightly more attractive, not so naked.

Military Technology

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