Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 879: The most expensive meal

   Xin found a restaurant, still by the window of the river, everyone sat down. In order not to disturb the few of them, the boss closed the wooden store fronting the street early and put up a sign that it would be closed.

   There is no heating in the store, but there is a stove, so it is still relatively warm.

   Everyone held the hot tea in their hands, and then all turned their heads and looked at the outside quietly, slowly falling snow.

   "Wonton is here!"

   I saw the boss happily holding a wooden tray on which six white porcelain washing dishes were neatly placed, and inside were steaming wontons.

   "Come on, three fresh wontons, give me a slow taste, and soup dumplings, coming soon!" The boss enthusiastically introduced the wontons while handing them to the crowd.

   As an old local shop, the summit has been held for so many years, and this is the first time that so many big bosses have come to his shop. So the boss is naturally very happy. On the one hand, he is happy to meet so many celebrities. On the other hand, he is naturally a little bit cautious.

   "Thank you boss!" Everyone looked at the steaming chaos and couldn't help appetizing, and quickly thanked the boss with a smile.

"No, no, you can come to our store, and you will have brought us to our glory." The boss waved his hand quickly, then rolled his eyes, and immediately polished out an old phone wrapped in a thick protective cover, licking his face. Smiled at everyone.

   "That, bosses, can you take a photo together."


   Everyone who was picking up the spoon and preparing to start laughed at the words, and then nodded while putting down the spoon.

   Generally such small requests, they will not refuse. For them, it is nothing. Although to ordinary people, they are very mysterious and seem out of reach.

   But in fact, they are also ordinary people. The more capable and famous people are, they are very kind.

   As for those who like to show up and feel superior, they are either nouveau riche or people who have too many glass hearts and are not very famous.

   "Come, one, two, three!"

   Everyone showed a smile at the camera, and even the old horse and Xue Bing came to show their thumbs. At first glance, they are all very experienced or insightful for this kind of group photo. As for Wu Hao, he smiled faintly at the camera.

   "Okay, thank you bosses. We also have the special snacks in our town, Dingsheng cakes, I will give you a plate." The boss took the phone if he got the treasure, and said cheerfully to everyone.

   In this regard, Lao Ma waved his hand and said: "You don't need pastries, let's have a plate of stinky tofu."

   "Okay, bring it right away, the smelly dried fruit in our shop, absolutely old brine, very authentic." The boss responded, and then walked out.

   Stinky tofu is not only the patent of Xianghu, it is also very popular in Jiangnan area, and different from Xianghu's stinky tofu, the stinky tofu in Jiangnan also has a different taste.

   Seeing the boss walk out, Lao Ma picked up the soup spoon and smiled: "Come on, try this place wonton, I heard it's very good."

   Wu Hao picked up the spoon and stirred the wonton, then put one on top and put it in his mouth. With a light bite, in the thin cicada-wing-like dough, the scent of the filling immediately filled the entire mouth. With the heat of the cold winter, people could not help but feel a shock.

   "Good, good, delicious!" The little horse nodded. Although Jiangnan and Lingnan are not far apart, there are still big differences in eating habits. As an out-and-out Lingnan native, Ma Xiaoma can be amazed, that's really good.

   "The bun is coming!"

   I saw the boss leading an eighteen or nine-year-old young girl with a pair of smart AR glasses, carrying buns and stinky tofu.

   steamed buns are small dragon-filled soup dumplings. Inside the wooden basket, the neatly packed buns are placed in several garlic-sized steamed buns, steaming.

   As for the stinky tofu, after being fried, the sauce is no longer so smelly. There is only a single taste, which is still quite fragrant.

   greeted everyone, and the boss took away the little girl who was still looking, and even eager to try.

   Everyone smiled slightly, naturally knowing what the little girl was going to do. But she didn't mention it, and it was absolutely impossible for everyone to speak up.

   "Come, come and eat steamed buns!" Said Lao Ma took the lead in picking up a steamed bun and began to eat.

  Wu Hao, who was talking during the banquet, immediately picked up one of the buns with chopsticks, then dipped it in a vinegar bowl, then put it in a spoon, and started eating.

   This kind of Xiaolong pouring soup dumplings, you have to pay attention to the method when you eat it. If you really eat the dumplings as usual, you will suffer a lot. When he was in school before, he was often scalded by the soup of this steamed bun.

   And outside the private room, where was the girl just now

   regretful holding a smart AR glasses mainframe. The opportunity just now is rare. If you can catch a conversation, just take a photo. Then your own Weibo and short video account will be popular.

   But there is no chance, his father has already ordered her not to go in and disturb.

   I watched the video recorded with smart AR glasses and the group photo from my father.

   The girl's glasses lit up, and then she simply edited it and uploaded it to her account.

   The title is "My Close Contact with Big Brothers", and the hot search keywords and topics of the summit are attached.

   The annual summit will attract the attention of the majority of netizens, and this year's is no exception. Therefore, when this video and photo were posted on the Internet, it immediately attracted the attention of many netizens.

   "Here, here comes, the photo of the most expensive dinner table of the year appears again."

"Yes, this photo is definitely worth a trillion dining table, but it is the wealth of the big horse, plus Xuebing, Li Feihong, Tao Zhengyang, who is not showing up, and the newly emerging dark horse Wu Hao. The net worth of the people at the table may add up to trillions."

"It's a trillion yuan, just say that the two horses and horses, the total net worth is 700 billion. Then Xuebing, Li Feihong and Tao Zhengyang add up to 200 billion. Then Wu Hao, although at present Haoyu Technology There is no listing, but from the external valuation, it is at least 300 to 400 billion, so there is no problem with the trillions."

   "Good guy, the net worth of this table of people is comparable to more than a dozen countries."

   "There are more than a dozen countries, and you are too small to look down on people. There are no dozens of countries.

   Not to mention their net worth, just say that the market value of the companies they control ~ ~ is already at the forefront of the list of countries in the world. Apart from anything else, there is a proper Russia or South Korea anyway. "

   "This is the real rich and foe country, the evil capitalist."

"You can’t have a hatred of wealth. When you have so much wealth, you don’t think so. Or when you have certain wealth and assets, you don’t think so. There are still many people in this world who are not as good as those. is you.

   When you hate the rich, you don’t know that many people hate you. "

   "Anyway, I just can't understand these big dogs, and I'm too stingy. I just eat wontons and soup dumplings, stingy."

   "Looking at it smells good, this big evening, dazzling food, and properly hate."

   "Ah, Wu Hao is so handsome!"

   "Yes, with these greasy old faces, Wu Hao is not too handsome."

   "Can you speak? Even without these old faces, people are so handsome."

   "Love, love, but it's my husband."

   "I want to fart, he can see you."

   "Draw your sword!"




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