Millennium director

Chapter 1 Man, do you want a CD?

In the early spring of 2000, the weather in Beijing was colder than in previous years.

Although it is already the end of March, the temperature has barely climbed to around 0 degrees, and there has even been continuous light snowfall for the past two days.

In the alleys of Dongcheng Hutong in the capital, there are far fewer pedestrians than usual. Everyone walks in a hurry, and only the hot breath blows out in the mouth as they pass by.

And just at the corner of the alley, Wu Yuan, wearing a military coat and a military cotton hat, was squatting next to the wall, taking a big sip from the Daqianmen cigarette in his hand.


Although there was a cigarette hanging from his mouth, his eyes were always on the pedestrians hurriedly coming and going on the road.

When he saw some lesbians walking by, he glanced at them and stopped paying attention. But when he saw gay men, he would look at them carefully.

This doesn't work well. It looks like it belongs to a state-owned enterprise.

Oh, this one is even more heavyweight. It looks like he is from the mixed system.

Wu Yuan was holding a cigarette while commenting on the pedestrians in his heart.

As a 98-level directing student at the Film Academy, his behavior is not only to exercise his ability to see people, but also to find a goal.

This is not bad. He looks like a college student at first glance! Wu Yuan, after looking at him for a long time, finally settled on a target.

He took a deep drag of the cigarette, threw the cigarette butt on the ground, stood up and crushed the cigarette butt a few times to relieve his legs and feet, which were numb from squatting, and rushed out of the corner of the alley with a quick stride.

Hey, man! Do you want a CD?

The young man wearing glasses, who was walking quickly with his head buried in his head, raised his head in astonishment and looked at the tall figure in front of him, covering his sight, and asked in astonishment, What kind of disc?

They are all made in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, and Europe and the United States! Wu Yuan unbuttoned his military coat with one hand and winked at the young man with an ambiguous look.

The young man, who was still a little confused at first, immediately sharpened his eyes after hearing Wu Yuan's words. He pretended to be calm, adjusted his glasses frame, looked around, and after making sure that no one was paying attention to them, he muttered in a low voice. Said: Well, I can't stand those from Europe and America, but those from Hong Kong and Taiwan are pretty good.

Eh, that's not right. There are still domestically produced films like this?!

Why is there no more?!

After unbuttoning his coat, Wu Yuan grabbed the clothes with both hands, opened them to both sides with force, and said proudly: See You or Be Parted, No One Can Be Missed, Party A and Party B and My Father and Mother are all great. The director’s film!”

I saw that the lining of Wu Yuan's unfolded coat was covered with CDs. Each CD also had a small hand-drawn movie cover on it. The painting was not very good, but the name of the movie was written on it. It was simple. direct.

There are movies from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Europe, America, Japan, Korea, and Mainland China, and they are all new movies released within the last two years!

However, these movies obviously failed to attract this college student who was at the peak of his curiosity. He shook his head in disappointment, blushed and muttered: So it's this kind of movie.

What, are you not satisfied? Wu Yuan frowned. College students were the largest group of buyers of pirated discs. These were his carefully selected customers and he could not let them go.

After thinking for a moment, Wu Yuan suddenly realized, and his brows widened: I understand, do you want to watch some movies that can't be shown in cinemas?

The young man, who was still a little disappointed, immediately burst into expectant eyes, staring at Wu Yuan and nodding his head hurriedly.

With an expression that said I really can't do anything to you, Wu Yuan carefully looked around, reached out and pulled the young man to the corner of the alley, and then carefully lifted off his floral sweater.

I saw a circle of CDs wrapped around Wu Yuan's sweater.

These are all my treasured films!

Wang Xiaoshuai's Extreme Cold, Jia Zhangke's Xiao Wu, and A Nian's Winter Love are all films that cannot be shown in cinemas!

The one I recommend most is Suzhou River. This is Lou Ye's movie. Do you know Lou Ye? He won the best director at the Mannheim-Heidelberg International Film Festival!

His film Suzhou River was filmed the year before last and won the best film at the Paris International Film Festival!

The leading actress Zhou Xun even won the Best Actress award at the Paris International Film Festival!

This is truly a fine film!

However, it has not been able to be released in China. I heard that it will be released in Hong Kong Island in the second half of this year.

That is to say, he is my senior brother and there is a tape of this movie in school, so I can get the film.

I see you are also a college student, so I probably don't have enough money. If you really want to watch it, I'll sell it to you for 10 yuan a piece!

If you buy five at once, I can give you another 20% off!

At my price, if you go to all the video stores in Beijing, you won't be able to find one that's cheaper than mine!

However, Wu Yuan's sales promotion did not impress the young man in front of him at all. Instead, he was very disappointed and felt that he had wasted ten minutes.

He was too lazy to talk to Wu Yuan anymore. Their minds were not on the same frequency at all. He waved his hand indifferently, broke away from Wu Yuan's hand on his shoulder, and left the alley without looking back.

Hey, you have a very sophisticated taste. You are still not satisfied with so many movies?! Wu Yuan scratched his head in confusion, but he still wanted to win this client and was about to catch up with him. A hand suddenly rested on his shoulder, holding him down.

Immediately, Wu Yuan's whole body stiffened.

Selling pirated discs, especially for guerrillas like Wu Yuan, who shoots and changes places, what they fear most is being caught on the spot during the transaction.

A smile that was uglier than crying appeared on his face. Wu Yuan turned back stiffly and explained continuously: I am a student at the film school, and all the discs I brought are teaching materials for the school...

Before he finished speaking, Wu Yuan swallowed back the second half of his explanation.

The person standing behind him was not the market manager or street administrator he imagined, but a man who looked to be around thirty years old, looked a little naive, had ear-long hair, and exuded a literary and artistic atmosphere. Older youth.

Boy, you're fucking selling pirated discs here again!

It's you, senior brother, you scared me to death.

Jia Zhangke pointed his hand at Wu Yuan's head and said angrily: Isn't school started for you kid? If you don't study hard in school and you sell pirated discs here, you've picked sesame seeds and lost the watermelon!

And you're getting more and more outrageous, and now you even dare to sell your senior brothers' movies!

Among the 98 students in the school's directing department, you are the most popular among the teachers. They all say that you are the most spiritual among the 36 students in this class.

1998 is a big year for the directing department. In the first two years, there were no undergraduate students. You are still the one that the teachers are most optimistic about. Is this how you treat the teachers' expectations?

Although Jia Zhangke is not Wu Yuan's direct senior, he really can't say anything wrong when faced with the teachings of this senior who has already started making movies and has achieved great results.

I'm not short of money. How can I make my own movie if I don't have money? However, Wu Yuan couldn't help but defend himself.

You haven't even reached your junior year yet, why are you so anxious?!

I'm not in a hurry, so isn't this just a step-by-step way to accumulate funds for filming!

Jia Zhangke opened his mouth, but was choked by Wu Yuan's words. After taking a deep breath, his expression relaxed and he said earnestly: Xiao Wu, even if you are short of money, there is no need to do this. .”

Look at your appearance, your height of 183cm, and your appearance are not inferior to Chen Kun's. If it doesn't work for you, you can find a few crew members to do some work as an actor first.

Look at Jiang Wen, Lao Mouzi, and Feng Xiaogang, haven't they all been actors? Your appearance is much better than them.

However, Wu Yuan, like the young man just now, did not listen to the advice. He shook his head: Brother, there must be a crew looking for me to act!

Besides, how can a director endure being told what to do by another director?

Senior Jiang Wen, most of them direct and act themselves, and they rarely take on external roles.

Jia Zhangke laughed angrily: How old are you? You've never made a feature film, so you think you're a director?

Wu Yuan smiled and shook his head, but did not answer.

Yeah, I'm not your father or your mother. I don't care about you anymore. Just do whatever you want. Jia Zhangke curled his lips and stopped trying to persuade him.

Hey, then let's get out of here and wish you in advance that your new film will hit Cannes and kick Berlin!

Wu Yuan cupped his hands with a playful smile, wrapped the general's coat again, turned around and planned to leave.


I just heard you say that you have a CD of Suzhou River in your hand?

Yes, Senior Brother Wang came to school and held an on-campus preview screening for us. Later, he said that he didn't expect to get a public screening permit, so he kept a copy of the screening in school so that we can watch and study at any time.

I just recorded it right now...

Jia Zhangke nodded: Okay, give me the CD of Suzhou River.

As he spoke, Jia Zhangke took out ten dollars from his pocket and stuffed it into Wu Yuan's coat pocket.

Brother, you must have seen this film. Wu Yuan scratched his head, a little confused.

You don't care whether I've seen it or not. Jia Zhangke glared at Wu Yuan, took out the disc tray of Suzhou River from his arms, turned around and left without saying a word.

You are selling CDs. I buy the CDs and go back and watch them slowly. Isn't this normal?

Looking at Jia Zhangke's walking back, Wu Yuan smiled and shook his head.

Knife mouth, tofu heart.

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