Millennium director

Chapter 11 Mentor

At the Beijing Film Academy, the students have already gone on summer vacation, and most of them are not in school. Some are going home, and some are running to the crew.

Many teachers have also taken jobs outside, taking advantage of the two months of summer vacation to earn some extra money to support their families.

However, as the head of the Directing Department of the Film School, Xie Xiaojing will not leave school.

This teacher Xie Xiaojing is very powerful. After graduating in 1982, he stayed at the school to teach. At the same time, he did not give up directing work. He taught and made movies at the same time, and achieved good results on both sides.

In the same year that Wu Yuan entered school, teacher Xie Xiaojing was promoted to the director of the directing department.

This year, he also filmed a TV movie The Craftsman, produced by CCTV Movie Channel!

If there are no accidents, there will be a Five One Project award waiting for him to receive in the future.

And Wu Yuan is his most admired and optimistic student among the 1998 students in the directing department.

Otherwise, Wu Yuan would not have been able to get movie copies from school and secretly make pirated discs.

Of course, part of the reason was that Xie Xiaojing saw that he had become an orphan at a young age and pitied his life experience, so she turned a blind eye.

But no matter what, Xie Xiaojing does like and think highly of Wu Yuan.

Therefore, Wu Yuan could easily talk to the department chair.

In the office of the director of the directing department.


Why, are you thinking about making a movie now? Xie Xiaojing took the script nonchalantly and didn't read it. Instead, she looked at Wu Yuan and said seriously: Xiao Wu, you are a little anxious.

Directors like Xie Xiaojing, who were trained in colleges in the 1980s and 1990s, attach great importance to their studies.

In a sense, the director department of Beijing Film Academy is the best in China, and training talents must be very strict.

Are students in school just trying to get a crew to make a movie?

This is evil!

Wu Yuan, who had long expected to be scolded, said with a playful smile: Teacher, please read the book first. I didn't say I wanted to take the photo now. I just want you to give me some advice.

Frowning, Xie Xiaojing stared deeply at Wu Yuan, then lowered her head and read the script.

Although this kid Wu Yuan usually loves to play around and pirates discs, he is indeed a top student.

The world of art always needs to be more tolerant of geniuses.

The script of The Night the Comet Came is very long and filled with a lot of dialogue.

At first, Xie Xiaojing didn't look at it seriously and looked at it very casually.

But as he watched, his brows furrowed and his movements of turning the script slowed down.

Seeing this, Wu Yuan sat down on the sofa minding his own business.

There was silence in the entire office, except for the occasional sound of script flipping.

More than twenty minutes later, Xie Xiaojing took off her glasses and let out a long breath.

Parallel world? Coherence? Quantum mechanics? Schrödinger's cat? Xie Xiaojing said a lot of physics terms in one breath.

Don’t think that those who work in the literary and art circles are a bunch of uneducated people.

It's hard to say for actors, but directors' knowledge storage is definitely wider and more extensive than most ordinary people.

Xie Xiaojing saw the core story concept of this script at a glance.

Although there are no ET aliens, no Star Wars, and no mecha craze, this is indeed an out-and-out suspenseful science fiction movie!

Your script is a bit complicated.

Xie Xiaojing rubbed the root of her nose and sighed: There are hundreds of contradictions and more than a dozen time and space crossovers in the film from beginning to end. Although the scene is simple, it is not easy to shoot.

Then do you think this is a good book? Wu Yuan stood up and asked.

It is indeed a good book, and it is a subject that we have never photographed in China. Xie Xiaojing nodded, but hesitated: It's just...

Before Xie Xiaojing could say anything, Wu Yuan interrupted: I can take the photo!

To put myself in his shoes, if Wu Yuan were the head of the directing department and saw such a notebook handed over by a student, he wouldn’t think it would be a good film.

But Wu Yuan has the memory of the original film for reference!

And he is not an outsider. He has studied directing both in and out of his dreams. He can thoroughly study everything from shooting techniques to techniques to composition and storyboarding!

Didn't you say you won't shoot now? Xie Xiaojing asked in shock.

Wu Yuan rubbed his hands and smiled: Hehe, didn't the teacher say this book is good?

Since the book is a good one, why not take a photo?

Where's the money? Xie Xiaojing frowned: You are just a student. No matter whether it is Beijing Film Studio or the school's Qingying Film Studio, it is impossible for you to provide funds for filming.

It's okay. Wu Yuan patted his chest: This movie only requires one scene. The crew only needs three or five people. 300,000 yuan is enough!

My grandfather left me a sum of money, no more, no less than just over 300,000.

He has a shitty 300,000 yuan!

Wu Yuan did not dare to tell the teacher that he was going to mortgage his house, otherwise, no matter how good the script was, Xie Xiaojing would not agree to him taking this risk.

Xie Xiaojing disagreed, so Wu Yuan would not be able to get the bid from Beijing Film Studio on his own, and the film would not be released in the mainland!

You are so strict if you want to make a movie these days.

Wang Xiaoshuai has already won an international film festival award. When he was filming Seventeen Years Old Bicycle, he had to pay money to the film studio to buy the factory logo!

In the end, the copyright of the film must belong to Beijing Film Studio!

If Wu Yuan was from a wild background, even if he wanted to make a movie, he would not be able to find a way, even if he had money!

Xie Xiaojing looked at Wu Yuan silently, and when she saw the boy looking at him with clear eyes, Xie Xiaojing understood in her heart.

You didn't say anything about filming now, it's all bullshit!

Wu Yuan wanted to make this movie with all his heart, and he had all the money prepared.

Even if he doesn't agree, then Wu Yuan will bite the bullet and film it, at worst not considering the domestic release. Isn't that what those sixth-generation directors do!

I can only say that young people are a group of masters who will never look back until they hit the wall!

However, as a teacher and the director of the directing department, Xie Xiaojing would not let Wu Yuanzhen act like this.

Let's do this. Xie Xiaojing sighed: Leave the script with me for now. I'll go talk to Hou Keming and see if Qingying can give you some support.

And Han Sanping, I'll go ask for you too.

After China Film was established, he has been thinking about how to adapt to the market-oriented reform of mainland films, launch a youth film project, and cultivate a group of young directors for the new era.

He loves to watch American commercial films and is very interested in this type of film that no one has ever made in China.

Let me see if I can help you get some investment from China Film Academy.

Wu Yuan smiled gratefully at Xie Xiaojing and nodded his head fiercely.

And what an unexpected surprise!

He never thought that he could get financial help from the teacher, but he just expected the teacher to help solve the problem of public screening.

Although the teacher may sound unforgiving, he is really good to his students. This is a true teacher!

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