Millennium director

Chapter 206 A special song for the special you

On the stage, Liu Yifei was still singing and dancing with all her heart.

Just watching and listening, Wu Yuan gradually felt that something was wrong.

Why is this little girl looking at herself?

And the lyrics, why do they sound a little weird?

The battle of love cannot be decided by you.

You are like a mystery that makes people curious.

If I want to get closer, I can't let you take over.

There is no way not to love you.

The battle of love cannot be decided by you.

Keeping distance is a problem, I love you with all my heart.

Listening to Liu Yifei singing this song, I watched her eyes keep glancing at him and looking at him frequently.

Why does Wu Yuan feel that every word of this song seems to be sung to him?

Haven't you heard that Liu Yifei wrote the lyrics for her first album?

Or are you too sensitive?

Wu Yuan rubbed his chin and looked at his little girlfriend with a smile. Both of them had unclear emotions in their eyes.

Soon, the song was finished.

Liu Yifei, who sang and danced for several minutes, was not out of breath at all. After the music ended, she smiled and greeted all the guests at the scene: Hello everyone!

Thank you all for coming to the launch of my first self-titled album.

The song Heart Palpitations I sang just now is the Chinese title song of my album.

Does everyone think it sounds good?

The Philippine fans, who had been holding back their enthusiasm for a long time, immediately screamed loudly: It sounds great!!

“Feifei is the best!!”

“It sounds great!!”

Wu Yuan and other guests also applauded and praised Mianzi.

The smile on Liu Yifei's face became even brighter. After she made a gesture of listening to the cheers, she continued generously: Then, let's bring you another title song Puff Girl!

Seeing Liu Yifei interacting with fans with ease, Wu Yuan, who was sitting in the first row of the audience, felt a little emotional.

The little girl who was wronged and scolded on the set has now grown into a big star who can stand alone.

One two three four!

Another burst of music sounded.

Fierce electric guitar strums are accompanied by equally fierce drum beats.

A new song full of Japanese pop rock style, sung by Liu Yifei.

Love is as fluffy as puffs in the moonlight. Putting on beautiful clothes is both unsettling and freeing.

The neon lights in the windows weave a rainbow, and you and I, weighing our feet, are dreaming of growing up.

Following the rhythm, Wu Yuan was also nodding his head.

He prefers this rock-style song to the song Heart Palpitations just now.

On the stage, Liu Yifei was still singing and dancing enthusiastically. After training for more than half a year, she finally had a chance to show off her dance skills.

She managed her expression professionally and kept a smile on her face amidst the violent movements.

But her eyes were always on Wu Yuan in the front row.

Another series of ambiguous lyrics came out of her mouth.

I wish I could be more beautiful and make you love me more~

In this last minute before midnight~

What expectations are hidden in the moonlight of Midnight sky~

Please say you love me oh please oh please~

Wu Yuan couldn't hold back the smile on his face.

Liu Yifei looked at him with bright eyes and kept singing Please say you love me to him. It was really hard not to make him smile like an aunt.

Even the other invited guests felt the ambiguous emotions between the two.

There was no way, there were hundreds of people present, but Liu Yifei's eyes were always on the guest seats in the first row, and she even looked at Wu Yuan criticizingly, with a honeyed look in her eyes.

Anyone who can succeed in the entertainment industry is a genius.

Whether it was Lin Zhiying, Chen Hao, Liu Tao or others, there was a hint of shock and realization on their faces.

It turns out these two people.

Everything makes sense, why Wu Yuan appears here, and why the eyes between the two are so ambiguous.

Okay, okay, this is how you play, right?

A new album launch conference turned into a love song confession conference, right?

Liu Yifei completely ignored the others and just looked at her lover lovingly and sang love songs to him.

Damn it, we have become part of this play.

Lin Zhiying and others all had this idea in their minds at the same time, but they still had to keep a smile on their faces.

As everyone knows, Liu Xiaoli, who is at the side of the stage at this time, has eyes burning with fire and her teeth are almost broken.

It's not that she doesn't support Wu Yuan and Liu Yifei's relationship, but it depends on the occasion when you fall in love.

Is this the time for you two to play affectionately?

Liu Xiaoli's beautiful eyes glared angrily at her daughter on the stage, constantly reminding her to restrain herself, and her eyes were almost fixed on Wu Yuan.

Even if the fans in the back row are a little far away from the front row and can only see the back of Wu Yuan's head and mistakenly think that Liu Yifei's eyes are looking at the entire guest seat, they can't play like this!

However, Liu Yifei was completely indifferent. The more she sang, the more excited she became, and the more she danced, the happier she became.

At the end of the song, she simply pointed to the audience.

Well, if you look carefully, you will find that the position she pointed at happens to be Wu Yuan's seat.

Midnight sky, hold my hand and don't let go~

Love me forever, oh please oh please~

Love you puff girl~

After singing the last line of lyrics, Liu Yifei panted slightly, pointed at the audience and made a wink, which triggered another round of screams from the fans.

It is worth mentioning that there were far more female fans than male fans who came to the scene today. I don’t know whether it was due to good luck during the lottery, or because Liu Yifei just had more female fans than male fans.

These female fans are indeed crazy enough. In just two songs, many fans have shouted until their voices are hoarse.

Do you like this song?

It was the same old news again, but fans still responded enthusiastically.

Reporters are also constantly taking photos, organizing words in their minds, and thinking about how to write articles.

Today's Liu Yifei has definitely subverted the public's inherent impression of her fairy spirit.

You know, The Legend of the Condor Heroes is currently airing, and her Little Dragon Girl has been the most discussed character in the country in the past two months.

The front foot is still the fairy-like little dragon girl on the TV, but the back foot has become a singing and dancing idol with explosive curls, princess skirts, and fishnet stockings. The change in style is not ordinary.

But now the so-called variety of styles is popular in the entertainment industry, which requires celebrities to be able to control different styles to be considered powerful.

Now that Liu Yifei can show her ever-changing side, reporters are indeed more optimistic about her stardom.

Applause and cheers were everywhere. Regardless of whether these two songs were popular or not, the guests, fans, reporters and media who came to the scene all praised it.

After singing two title songs as an opening, the Liu Yifei album press conference began.

The guests she invited also came to the stage to speak in support of Liu Yifei, and talked about how good their relationship with Liu Yifei was, in short, to give her a platform.

Wu Yuan, as the finale guest, also came on stage to praise Liu Yifei. Her acting skills, singing voice and dancing skills were all very good in Wu Yuan's mouth.

Fans of Liu Yifei felt flattered when they heard Wu Yuan praise their idol so much.

The previous friends in the industry praised Liu Yifei, which can be said to be commercial flattery, but the praise given by Wu Yuan, a great director, cannot be said to be commercial flattery. No domestic star can be praised by Wu Yuan.

In the eyes of the fans at the scene, Wu Yuan obviously praised him sincerely.

Even the media reporters, no one thought that he was talking about the situation, and they kept jotting down key words in their notebooks.

Director Wu praised Liu Yifei's sweet voice and professional dancing at the launch of Liu Yifei's new album!

Director Wu highly praised Liu Yifei's first album and predicts sales may exceed 200,000 copies!

Lin Zhiying, Su Chang, Liu Tao and other friends of Liu Yifei all support her!

No matter how much the album will eventually sell, there is a topic to write about in today’s article anyway.

A new album press conference lasted for more than an hour and ended with Liu Yifei distributing autographed albums to lucky fans at the scene.

The specially invited guests naturally received signed albums.

Everyone is very busy, and in fact the relationship is not as good as it is in front of the camera.

As soon as the press conference ended, all the invited guests hurriedly said goodbye to Liu Yifei and hurried to catch up with the next announcement.

Including good friend Su Chang, who congratulated Liu Yifei for a few words and left in a hurry.

This year is the most popular year for Su Chang. Baolian Lantern was launched in October last year. The drama's average ratings reached 5.4%, with a peak rating of 9.1%, making it the drama king last year.

Su Chang has become a real hit with her role as the vixen Xiaoyu. Her popularity is almost as high as that of an A-list actor, and she is extremely busy with various announcements.

Soon, the guests, fans, and reporters all left the venue in an orderly manner. Only the staff, mother and daughter Liu Yifei, and Wu Yuan were left at the press conference.

Seeing that the miscellaneous people were all gone, Wu Yuan came up with a smile and took Liu Yifei's little hand, Sissi, were you singing these two songs just for me?

Liu Yifei refused to admit it. She snorted coquettishly and said deliberately: No, don't be sentimental.

Liu Xiaoli, who was standing just behind them, rolled her eyes almost to the sky.

She pulled Liu Yifei and started preaching. She didn't care about the couple's interest. This kind of flirting with eyes in public was too dangerous!

Sissi, there are so many fans and reporters here, you have to pay attention to the impact.

If fans or the media find out, once your relationship with Xiao Yuan is exposed, do you know how much impact it will have on your career?

You are not a child now, you can't...

Liu Xiaoli didn't dare to educate Wu Yuan, so she had to drag her daughter out.

Seeing Liu Yifei's dissatisfied and aggrieved expression, Wu Yuan couldn't help but laugh.

Brother! Liu Yifei, who also didn't dare to be angry with her mother, now had a chance to vent her anger, and started to fight after Wu Yuan.

Looking at the young couple who suddenly got into trouble again, Liu Xiaoli's words were stuck on her lips again, and she shook her head helplessly.

Just like that, as the press conference of Liu Yifei's album of the same name ended, this album called Liu Yifei was also put on the shelves of audio and video stores across the country.

Next, Liu Yifei will also hold some book signing events in big cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and frequently run announcements in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Japan to promote the sales of this album.

Wu Yuan also had to board a flight to Los Angeles despite Disney's constant urging.

Pirates of the Caribbean 2 is coming to theaters!

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