Millennium director

Chapter 210 Everything goes well, return to China to meet Zhang Yimou

Jerry moved quickly, or Disney really values ​​the Pirates of the Caribbean series now.

On the second weekend of the release of Pirates of the Caribbean 2, Jerry got Cheng Long.

Cheng Long doesn't have many acting appointments in Hollywood.

Except for Kingsman, which has yet to be filmed, Cheng Long currently doesn't have any Hollywood film contracts and has returned to Hong Kong Island to film.

He has just finished shooting Baby Project in Hong Kong Island, and his work plan for the next two years has not been finalized yet.

As soon as Jerry came to the door, Cheng Long almost didn't do anything and immediately agreed to star in Pirates of the Caribbean 3.

Who are you kidding? He knows exactly how popular this IP is in Hollywood right now!

The second film has already exceeded US$200 million in box office in North America, and is also being released in full swing in other countries around the world. It will be another movie with a box office of at least US$780 million.

Being able to participate in the filming of such a movie is definitely a good piece of cake for Cheng Long.

And although the character Sao Feng is a pirate, he is not a villain.

In other words, there is no pure villain in the movie Pirates of the Caribbean. Everyone is a pirate. It is common for you to betray me and for me to betray you.

Acting in this movie doesn't break his habit of not playing villains in Hollywood.

Although Sao Feng only has about fifteen or six minutes of footage in the main film, his role can be regarded as throughout the entire Pirates of the Caribbean 3, and it is still very important in terms of importance.

With a salary of 10 million US dollars, Jerry won over Cheng Long and quickly signed a contract with him.

Although this price is certainly more expensive than Chow Yun-mao's US$4 million, the two's fame and status in Hollywood are not the same.

In addition to Cheng Long, Liu Yifei also quickly signed a contract with the crew.

With Wu Yuan as a guarantee, Liu Yifei was of course willing.

Liu Xiaoli was even more happy.

This is a super-A-level Hollywood production, and the role Liu Yifei took can be regarded as the second female lead.

While not quite the same as Keira, the character remains throughout the series.

But the character of Sao Feng’s daughter, at least in the second half of the third part, follows the trio on their adventures and searches for the end of the world.

In the script setting, Sao Feng's daughter once went to the end of the world according to the route on the map, so she set out with Captain Jack's trio as a guide.

Although she is just a backdrop most of the time on the road, at least she also shows her face in front of the camera!

This Hollywood super-A-level blockbuster is gold-plated, and Liu Yifei can also promote herself as an international superstar in China, comparable to international stars.

Although the salary given was only a symbolic US$500,000, it was higher than Liu Yifei's salary in China.

What else is there to say?

Sign it, sign it immediately!

Liu Xiaoli, who was originally doing promotional activities for the new movie in China with her daughter, immediately canceled all follow-up activities, flew to the United States with Liu Yifei, and signed a contract with Disney.

However, due to her busy work schedule, Liu Yifei flew back to China with her mother after a brief meeting at Disneyland. She still has a lot of promotions to do and a Japanese special is about to be released, so she is very busy.

As for Wu Yuan, after staying in the United States for half a month, he also planned to return to China to attend to his own affairs.

After Pirates of the Caribbean 2 was released, the box office results were no longer something he could influence.

The film has been released in North America for two weeks, and the box office has exceeded 280 million US dollars.

After being released in more than 20 countries around the world, the box office results are also very gratifying, winning the weekly box office championship in more than a dozen countries.

The pirate ship is still very fast, chopping waves around the world and conquering the global movie market.

Characters such as Captain Jack Sparrow, Elizabeth, and Will have also become hot topics of discussion among movie fans around the world.

The wave of discussion and movie viewing triggered by the second part far exceeded that of the first part. This also made Disney and the crew and creators very excited, and they worked hard to promote it around the world.

Fortunately, the contract signed by Wu Yuan and Disney only requires that he participate in the premiere event, and does not need to participate in the daily promotion.

After appearing on several TV talk shows in North America and the UK with Depp and others, and accepting several media interviews, Wu Yuan boarded the plane back to China without incident.

There is one thing that has been waiting for Wu Yuan to deal with.

Director Zhang Yimou called Wu Yuan several times and asked him to interview and discuss some things. Wu Yuan verbally agreed, but he never went to see Zhang Yimou.

Now, after procrastinating and procrastinating, A City of Golden Armor has been completed, and Wu Yuan has not yet gone to meet Zhang Yimou.

Although Zhang Yimou expressed his understanding and told Wu Yuan that work was the first priority, he could wait until Wu Yuan finished what he was doing and talk about it when he was free.

But Wu Yuan didn't force it. Now Pirates of the Caribbean has been released, and the design drawings for Gravity are almost the same, and they have entered the stage of actual props and scene construction.

Wu Yuan, who had nothing to do for the time being, immediately approached director Zhang Yimou after returning to China.

Wu Yuan met director Zhang Yimou in a very special place.

Building 3 of Beiyuan Conference Center, office of the creative team for the Olympic opening ceremony.

Here, Zhang Yimou is having intense discussions with the Olympic opening ceremony team he formed, and a lot of brainstorming is taking place.

Yes, the opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympics was finally won by director Zhang Yimou's team.

At that time, when the first, second, and third rounds of collection meetings and bidding plan discussions were held in the first half of last year, Wu Yuan was absent from all of them.

He was filming Pirates of the Caribbean 2 in the United States at the time and had no time to return to China to participate in the bidding.

The main person participating in the bidding was Director Kego, and he indeed read the poem during the first round of meetings.

It is a pity that Wu Yuan did not witness this legendary scene with his own eyes.

However, he later heard that the main reason for Director Kege's failure was not to recite poetry, but because his plan did not meet the leadership's expectations.

In the end, Zhang Yimou, who was more prepared and had a more grand and grand plan, still won the position of chief director of the opening ceremony.

Since then, he immediately led the team and has been preparing for the opening ceremony.

Even when filming The Golden Armor, his Olympic preparation team was always with the team. When Zhang Yimou was filming, they were watching or discussing among themselves.

When Zhang Yimou had time during the filming, he set up a small tent on the set and held a meeting and discussion with the team in the tent.

From January this year to now, more than half a year has passed. The overall design and program flow arrangement of the opening ceremony have basically taken shape through team discussions, and only some details are still being improved.

Zhang Yimou met Wu Yuan in the office of the opening ceremony creative team this time, which made Wu Yuan very strange.

Generally speaking, such important places are prohibited from entry to unrelated persons.

Director Zhang, what do you mean by inviting me here? Wu Yuan asked curiously.

A bright smile appeared on Zhang Yimou's face, and he patted Wu Yuan's shoulder heavily: Of course, I'm asking Director Wu to guide us on our opening ceremony plan.

After much thought, we must display and use some advanced technologies at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics to let the world see that China is also a modern technological power.

So I wondered if I could use movie special effects technology in the opening ceremony.

Of all the directors in the country, Director Wu is the one who has the deepest understanding and the most expertise in film special effects technology.

So I can only be shameless and ask you to guide us and give us some suggestions.

Applying film special effects technology to the opening ceremony?

Wu Yuan rolled his eyes and immediately had an idea in his mind.

Let's go in and chat. Zhang Yimou hugged him enthusiastically and walked into the conference room.

More than twenty main leaders of Zhang Yimou's opening ceremony creative team were already sitting in the conference room.

Seeing Zhang Yimou walking in with Wu Yuan, everyone stood up with a smile and greeted Wu Yuan.

Hello, Director Wu.

Wu Yuan also nodded calmly with a smile: Hello everyone, please sit down.

Director Zhang, what specific regulations do you have, please tell me?

Today is the third update, and there are two more chapters in the early morning. One chapter will have an extra thousand words.

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