Millennium director

Chapter 220: Things went wrong just after filming started, and the crew was shut down.

Thanks for your hard work.

Seeing Gong Li and Wang Xueqi who were struggling to take off their diving suits and oxygen bottles, Wu Yuan quickly stepped forward to greet them.

Fortunately for Wang Xueqi, although he is 60 years old, his body is still very strong. Even after undergoing multiple trainings such as extravehicular activity simulators, water tanks, and low-pressure chambers, he is still full of energy.

Gong Li was different. As a weak woman, Gong Li really couldn't hold on under the high-intensity training.

Director Wu, wow, if I had known it would be so difficult to make this movie, I should have thought more about it before deciding. Gong Li complained while breathing heavily.

Of course, she just complained and complained.

Actors today are not as valuable as they would be a dozen years ago.

The actors in The Grandmaster can practice martial arts for three years before starting filming, and it is nothing for the actors Wu Yuan to endure a few months in the space agency.

How's it going? Have you found the feeling? Wu Yuan asked slowly.

Gong Li and Wang Xueqi looked at each other, both of them were a little unsure, Probably so.

During the filming of Gravity this time, the low-gravity environment could only be achieved by using wires, which means that the actors had to fight against gravity themselves during the filming.

While hanging in mid-air, simulate the movements of astronauts in a weightless environment.

After a month or two of diving, the two of them finally got a feel for how astronauts move in a low-gravity environment and what their movements look like.

However, they themselves were not sure whether they could recreate the performance after leaving the underwater environment.

It is impossible for Wu Yuan to give them unlimited time to train.

After watching them all afternoon and seeing how the two acted in a similar manner and having a clear understanding of the internal structure of the space station, he thought about turning on the camera and trying to take pictures.

The production's location team has set up several studios at the Huairou Film and Television Base, and the interior scenes of the International Space Station, Tiangong Space Station, Soyuz spacecraft, and Shenzhou spacecraft have been completed.

The final version of the script has also been polished.

The final version of the story is somewhat different from the original version.

In the final version of the story, the female medical doctor played by Gong Li first took a spaceship back to the Tiangong Space Station after encountering damage from satellite debris. Then, after the Tiangong Space Station accidentally caught fire, she drove a rescue capsule to escape to the Russian Space Station. Finally, it successfully returned to Earth through the Soyuz spacecraft staying at the Russian space station.

The International Space Station in the story was destroyed by satellite debris at the beginning of the story.

The little tension-relieving joke about not being able to read the words inside the spacecraft but still being able to operate it was perfected with the help of experts from the space agency.

Russia's Soyuz spacecraft was originally the predecessor of the Shenzhou spacecraft, and the operating systems are almost the same.

Therefore, the heroine who has received professional training from the China Space Administration can still operate the Soyuz spacecraft smoothly even if she cannot understand Russian.

If experts from the space agency hadn't informed him about this, Wu Yuan would have never known that there was such a connection between China Aerospace and Russia.

This also made him immediately understand why the heroine in the original movie was able to operate the Shenzhou spaceship even though she could not read Chinese.

Because astronauts going to the International Space Station will receive operational training on the Soyuz spacecraft (the Soyuz is responsible for the round trip mission between the space station and the ground).

Therefore, the heroine in the movie did not gamble on luck and successfully pilot the Shenzhou spacecraft, but she gambled according to the method of operating the Soyuz in her memory.

Thank you for your hard work, the filming will officially begin next week! Wu Yuan applauded and said to the two of them with a smile on his face.

Gong Li and Wang Xueqi have some expectations, but also some pressure. They are looking forward to the filming of China's first space blockbuster, but they are worried that they will not be able to shoot well.

Understood, Director Wu! The two of them nodded heavily and made up their minds that they must practice more in the last week to get in good shape!

A week later.

Huairou Film and Television Base, inside the studio rented by Gravity.

A red banner has been hung at the entrance of the studio.

[The opening ceremony of China's first space science fiction blockbuster Gravity! 】

The movie Gravity has been very high-profile since its inception, higher than any other movie Wu Yuan has shot before.

Now that the film is about to be launched, naturally it will not keep a low profile. Not only did it leak out early, but it also invited reporters from dozens of media to attend the launch ceremony for interviews.

At about ten o'clock in the morning, the incense table and the camera covered with red cloth were put out.

Wu Yuan appeared in front of reporters with Gong Li, Wang Xueqi, Zhang Guorong and Liu Yifei wearing simulated space suits.

Immediately, the sound of cameras rang loudly.

There's no way around it, the looks of the four actors are really cool!

Just like Yang Liwei's expedition ceremony back then, the four actors wore blue and white space suits, carrying a small square box in their left hand, and holding the helmet of the space suit in their right hand, and walked up to the makeshift podium with goose steps. .

They all have a five-star red flag tattooed on their chests.

Hello everyone, welcome to the opening ceremony of director Wu Yuan's Gravity!

'Gravity' is my country's first space disaster science fiction film!

The film tells the story of a Chinese Space Station astronauts who were attacked by space debris when they went out to inspect the space telescope, causing a serious accident in the spacecraft.

The assistant director, who acted as the temporary on-site emcee, took the microphone and briefly introduced the plot to the reporters. Reporters on the scene immediately swarmed up, holding the microphone and wanting to interview.

Director Wu, there are rumors that this movie will use a lot of computer CG special effects. Is it true?

Miss Gong Li, can you share what kind of character you are experimenting with?

Mr. Zhang Guorong, isn't your new movie in preparation and will be shot soon? Can you take care of the filming of Gravity and your new movie?

Teacher Wang Xueqi, it's your first time starring in a space science fiction movie. Are you feeling a lot of pressure?

Miss Liu Yifei, there are rumors that you and Director Wu are in love. Can you respond directly to this scandal?

The crew of Gravity did a good job of keeping it secret. Before filming started, only Gong Li's appearance was announced, and the other actors were completely kept secret.

Even most of the crew didn't know the details of the script and didn't know that the movie actually only had one and a half stars.

Now Wu Yuan is attending the launch conference with four actors, which can be regarded as a smoke bomb. All reporters thought that the movie would be shot around the four astronauts. They never expected that the movie would be made by Gong Li alone. A one-man show.

Of course Wang Xueqi and Zhang Guorong will not expose this secret.

Both of them talked about their first time starring in a science fiction movie in front of reporters, especially Wang Xueqi, who also seriously shared with reporters some interesting things that happened when he was receiving astronaut training at the space agency.

At the same time, this also tells reporters that Gravity is a film that has been endorsed and supported by the space agency. When writing the manuscript, be careful not to make trouble.

Liu Yifei also responded to the so-called scandal.

I don’t know how it happened, but a so-called “industry insider” recently broke the news on the Internet that she and Wu Yuan are in a relationship.

To be honest, Wu Yuan and Liu Yifei's relationship was indeed not deliberately hidden from insiders.

But it's not like everyone knows about the trouble. Basically, only people who have a good relationship with them know about it.

For example, Su Chang, Zhang Guorong, Chen Kun and other friends in the industry.

Logically speaking, they will definitely not spread it randomly.

Fortunately, these rumors only stayed in words. At least they didn't take any intimate photos of the two of them, so it was easy to refute the rumors.

Director Wu and I have a very good personal relationship. He is my senior fellow student at the same school. He also directed me to act in my first movie.

He's my idol and I admire him very much, but we don't have the kind of relationship that the unscrupulous media writes about.

I hope all media friends and netizens can view these false rumors rationally.

When it comes to telling lies with open eyes, Liu Yifei also does one thing.

And it's not a lie. She really admires Wu Yuan. She didn't say which rumors were false news.

But the reporters nodded in agreement and took the initiative to clarify the relationship between the two in their hearts.

To be honest, netizens may talk about this kind of tidbits, but most reporters in the industry don't believe it.

Unless there are photos to prove it, reporters like them can write a hundred different stories a day for a baseless industry revelation.

In recent years, there has been a lot of news about paparazzi being unwell.

Almost every popular star has a lot of fabricated rumors surrounding him.

There are endless revelations such as Fan Xiaopang was screwed on the set, Liu Yifei is a transgender, Zhou Xun's private meeting sponsor, and Chen Kun's son's mother is Zhao Junqi.

Many of these so-called revelations come from the fact that a certain reporter has nothing to write about, so he pats his head and fabricates them out of thin air.

Everyone is in the reporter circle and knows this very well.

Most reporters at the scene thought that Wu Yuan and Liu Yifei's romance was the brainchild of a colleague.

It's not that they look down on Liu Yifei, but in their eyes, Wu Yuan's status is really too high, the kind that is accepted by all the world. Even if he falls in love with a certain female star, it is most likely just for fun, how can he fall in love? .

A director like him, who is young and rich and has a high status, must have been among thousands of flowers. He has never touched a leaf. He is a groom every night. At the beckoning, all kinds of female stars will climb into his bed, from domestic entertainment to luxury. There is no shortage of people to throw themselves into Wuwu's arms.

Hollywood's various tabloids frequently published scandals about him.

Today it was said that Keira Knightley behaved intimately with him on the set, and tomorrow it was said that Anne Hathaway took the initiative to visit him in order to participate in his new movie.

It is impossible for him to give up an entire forest for a single flower.

Even if this flower is the fairy sister Liu Yifei.

At least they have to wait until Wu Yuan is in his thirties before reporters will believe that he has really given up and plans to find a stable girlfriend.

With Liu Yifei's simple response, reporters were 80% convinced that the romance rumors were false.

They care more about everything about the movie Gravity than this fake scandal.

The four starring actors were all asked various questions, and reporters wanted to pry out some of the specific character backgrounds and story trends of Gravity from their mouths.

However, the four leading actors are not the kind of people with big mouths, so they have nothing to say about keeping secrets.

No matter how the reporters tried to test him, they just ignored him. Apart from revealing that he was playing an astronaut, there was no more meaningful information.

This made reporters from all walks of life hate it, but there was nothing they could do.

In the half-hour interview, in addition to allowing them to take a lot of startup photos, the biggest gain was knowing that this is a space disaster movie, a movie about space accidents.

Finally, today's opening ceremony ended with all the crew burning incense and unveiling red cloth.

The reporters exited in an orderly manner, and the crew began filming the first scene of the day.

As usual, I chose a simple one for the first scene.

For Gravity, the simplest scene is the scene at the beginning where the astronauts repair the telescope outside the cabin.

Because the spacesuits, space station, and earth that were supposed to be included in this scene were all made of CG. In the actual shooting, the actors only needed to wear a set of CG sampling clothes with spots and fix them in a small range. Various non-physical performances.

No way, the crew really couldn't find a real space telescope for the actors to repair.

Those satellite fragments flying from a distance cannot be restored in real life.

The best way to deal with it is to use pure CG to produce it. Just when the camera is pointed at the actor's face, their faces are combined.

This requires actors to rely entirely on facial expressions to simulate a space operation, which is obviously not an easy task.

Fortunately, the first scene was filmed first with Zhang Guorong and Liu Yifei.

Well, it’s their opening scene, and it’s also their final scene.

The two unlucky guys just showed their faces, were hit by satellite debris, and disappeared into space.

Wearing specially customized CG sampling suits and attaching many facial capture sensors to their faces, Zhang Guorong and Liu Yifei began shooting.

This kind of movie that requires a lot of special effects is actually very boring for actors to shoot.

But for director Wu Yuan, the difficulty is very high.

As soon as I turned on the camera, I thought the shooting would go smoothly, but immediately encountered a problem that Wu Yuan had not expected at all.

The lighting on the scene couldn’t keep up with the shooting content!

In this scene, Zhang Guorong and Liu Yifei encountered satellite debris that hit the telescope, and then exploded. These explosion waves pushed them directly into the deep space of the universe, and then their spacesuits were scratched by other debris, and they eventually died.

But here comes the problem.

When shooting indoors, the actors were exposed to normal white light, but then their faces were composited into the feature film. In the feature film, the characters were experiencing a space telescope explosion, and their faces should reflect the firelight!

If the lighting is wrong, it will look very weird in the later feature film, which will immediately make the audience nervous.

Wu Yuan, who has always strived for excellence, couldn't stand such an outrageous bug.

But how to solve this problem?

On the first day when the camera was turned on, Wu Yuan was worried.

The crew of Gravity also came to a standstill after filming for less than half an hour.

As everyone knows, the heroine in Those Years will not have any kissing scenes and will follow the pure love route.

Why do you think I want to arrange a kissing scene for Liu Yifei? How could I have the courage?

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