Millennium director

Chapter 224 Xiao Zhu, join the era of light and shadow!

In an artist lounge of Chengtian Entertainment, Zhu Yawen was sitting on the sofa, looking at the script on the table in front of him with a confused expression.

The girl we chased together in those years

The title of the movie is very strange. It is different from the names of most mainstream movies nowadays. There is a comma in the middle.

But this is not Zhu Yawen's focus.

What focused his attention was that the heroine of this movie was actually Liu Yifei.

A name that he had kept in his heart for a long time.

She can really play the heroine of this movie? Zhu Yawen was a little unbelievable.

But Wang Jinhua replied firmly: Yes! Director Li Yang said it himself, Liu Yifei is the heroine of this movie!

Then you will choose me to play the leading role? A bitter smile appeared on Zhu Yawen's face.

Zhu Yawen knew how much he weighed.

If we say that when he first entered school, he and Liu Yifei were just newcomers who had acted in their debut TV series and had not acted in anything, so the gap was not big.

But by the time he graduated in 2006, the gap between him and Liu Yifei could already be measured in light years.

To be honest, Zhu Yawen never thought that she would have the opportunity to film with Liu Yifei again, and it would be a scene opposite the male and female protagonists.

In his opinion, he has worked hard for ten years and is lucky enough to be able to catch up with Liu Yifei's current fame and status.

But where can Liu Yifei go in ten years?

Zhu Yawen didn’t even dare to think about it

According to Director Li Yang, among the actors who auditioned, your image and temperament are the most suitable for this role, so he wanted to cast you against all the odds, and communicated with Director Wu, who also supported this decision.

Wang Jin's flower branches trembled with laughter, and he said cheerfully: Ya Wen, it seems that Director Wu still values ​​you very much.

When there was an open audition for Those Years, Wang Jinhua immediately asked Zhu Yawen to audition.

According to information disclosed by the Light and Shadow Times, although the script of this movie was provided by Wu Yuan, he will not direct it. Instead, a new director will direct it, and he will only be a producer in name.

This also makes Zhu Yawen have some expectations for the male protagonist of this drama. It is a bit unrealistic for him to play Wu Yuan, but there is still a chance to play the role of a new director.

But when he arrived at the audition location and saw the lounge filled with most of the first-line male stars in their 20s and 30s from both sides of the Taiwan Strait, he gave up his competitive spirit.

I can't fight, I really can't.

Unexpectedly, the piece of cake finally hit his head.

And the actor who plays with him will actually be Liu Yifei.

In fact, since the promotion of Your Name ended, as Liu Yifei's popularity exploded across the country and even Asia, Zhu Yawen's original secret love has calmed down to a certain extent.

There was no way, the gap in popularity and status was too big, and Zhu Yawen was a man, so he couldn't accept this reality. Gradually, he gave up the unrealistic idea.

Although maybe as Bai Yueguang, Liu Yifei still left some unique memories in his heart, but Zhu Yawen really didn't dare to hope for anything else to happen with him.

So much so that now that he heard that he could film with Liu Yifei, he had to spend a lot of time digesting the news.

Ya Wen, in two days we will go to Light and Shadow Times to sign the contract and get the complete script by the way.

As a gold medal agent, Wang Jinhua is naturally more calm than the young man Zhu Yawen. She arranged things in an orderly manner: You have to study the script carefully in the next half month.

It is expected that the film will start shooting in early November, and the filming time is tentatively scheduled to be three months.

When the time comes, you can't let go. Even though Director Li Yang is a new director, behind him stands the Light and Shadow Era, as well as Director Wu. As a producer, Director Wu will definitely come to the set to inspect the film.

You should know Director Wu better than me in this regard, so I won't say more.

work hard!

Just when Zhu Yawen was excited about this pie falling from the sky, the crew of Gravity and Wu Yuan, who was busy filming, welcomed another guest.

And he is a very important guest.

Li Xiaoping came to the crew specifically to look for him.

Wu Yuan had no choice but to pause filming and took Li Xiaoping to the dressing room for a private chat.

Do you have a problem with me? Wu Yuan's tone was not very good. After all, being interrupted at work is not a very comfortable thing for any director.

Li Xiaoping had no choice but to smile apologetically and said in short, Director Wu, the male lead in Those Years is determined to be Zhu Yawen?

What's wrong?

Zhu Yawen's reputation is really low. Li Xiaoping said with a distressed tone: Choosing him to play the leading role, isn't this equivalent to the company spending money and effort to promote him?

Wang Jinhua has a smile on his face, right?

Forget it before Li Xiaoping came to the era of light and shadow.

When Wu Yuan was filming Your Name, he hired a group of newcomers. At that time, these newcomers did not have companies, and they were his junior students at the same school, so it was reasonable to support them.

Since Li Xiaoping came to the Light and Shadow Era, the few films Wu Yuan has made have either used retired actors or invited big-name stars like Gong Li for mutually beneficial cooperation.

This kind of unilateral support for an actor really doesn't exist.

Even in the TV drama department, that Jinsha signed into the company and became one of his own after starring in a TV drama about the light and shadow era.

Even though Those Years was not filmed by Wu Yuan himself, the script was given by Wu Yuan. Li Xiaoping had an almost blind trust in Wu Yuan. She believed that with the script he gave and the director he had checked, it would be possible to make it. The movie will definitely be a hit.

With such a good piece of cake, if Wu Yuan finds an actor with a high enough reputation to play the leading role, even if he is not a contracted actor of his own company, it will at least be good for the promotion of the film and can also bring box office appeal, which is a mutual benefit. Mutually beneficial cooperation.

For example, Li Xiaoping has no objections to the heroine Liu Yifei.

Even though she is not an artist in the light and shadow era, her current fame and value, and starring in this movie can bring a box office appeal of at least 20 million yuan!

What can Zhu Yawen bring to Those Years?

Apart from having a suitable image and being able to perform Ke Jingteng better, he cannot create any additional value.

In terms of publicity, they couldn't even bundle Liu Yifei for marketing, because all his scenes in Your Name only lasted 15 minutes, and the company was embarrassed to use him as a duo with Liu Yifei for publicity.

Even if you think about it, he is still riding on Liu Yifei's popularity. Although there may not be a term for taking advantage of the popularity now, the meaning is still in place.

Once Those Years is released successfully and sells well at the box office, Zhu Yawen will be the one who earns the most. His fame and commercial value will rise sharply, and fans will attract a lot of fans.

These benefits are all brought by the era of light and shadow, and they are all brought by Those Years, but no benefits can be obtained in the era of light and shadow.

You say that the box office success of Those Years is the biggest benefit?

But this movie was originally invested and produced by the Light and Shadow Era, and Zhu Yawen is definitely not irreplaceable.

The more Li Xiaoping thought about it, the more unhappy she became, and angrily suggested: Director Wu, if you and Director Li are sure that you want to use Zhu Yawen, otherwise we can poach him to the company.

The company's artist management department has just signed a contract, but it's still too weak.

If you two directors are so optimistic about Zhu Yawen, then you might as well sign him into the company and train him as the company's first brother.

In this way, it is only natural that we use Those Years to praise him. After the movie is a hit, his commercial value will increase, and the company will naturally get a share of the pie.

Poach him? Wu Yuan was a little surprised.

He wished that this boy stayed far away from his girlfriend, so why did he recruit him to the company?

Oh, no!

This seems pretty good!

For Liu Yifei to change from a classmate to his boss lady, it seems to be an even more shocking thing!

Wu Yuan became a little interested.

The agency contract between Zhu Yawen and Wang Jinhua should be too early to expire, right? he asked with interest.

So what? Li Xiaoping nodded and said nonchalantly: For a new actor like Zhu Yawen, even if his debut film is Your Name, Wang Jinhua's liquidated damages will not be too much when he signs him. , judging from the market conditions at that time, the maximum liquidated damages were only two to three million.

“It’s not like our company can’t afford this money.”

Now spend a little money to recruit him first. When Zhu Yawen becomes famous because of Those Years, he will earn more than two to three million from any endorsement.

After Hu Ge finished filming Your Name, he earned at least 50 million for Tang Ren just from various endorsements and brand activities in mainland China and Japan!

In the past two years, the number of celebrity spokespersons in China has increased very quickly, with prices rising every year.

Signing Zhu Yawen now is a good deal no matter what.

Speaking of Hu Ge, it was a pity for Li Xiaoping. As a professional film and television person, she found it very difficult to accept Wu Yuan's wasteful behavior.

If she had joined the Light and Shadow Era when Your Name was being produced, she would have definitely recommended Wu Yuan to sign Hu Ge, or even all the actors in this film!

As a result, Wu Yuan actually started with the Light and Shadow Era and stopped doing the brokerage business for the time being, or he didn't like the little money he could make from doing the brokerage business, so he just let it go.

Hey, Wu Yuan really didn't know that after Hu Ge became popular with Your Name, he actually made so much money in China and Japan through various endorsements and acupuncture activities.

He thought that it would be after 2012 that celebrities would usher in the real era of making money.

Sure enough, some professional matters still need to be made by professionals.

Wu Yuan, who had almost no contact with brokerage business in his dream, really didn't know much about the industry.

He accepted Li Xiaoping's suggestion obediently, Okay, then I'll leave this matter to you.

Zhu Yawen is a good young talent. If you train him well, he can play a leading role on the big screen.

By the way, there is also Luo Jin, who is in the same class as him. He is also a good actor. We can sign him together and train him in the future.

There are still talents in the 02 class of Beijing Film Academy.

Zhu Yawen and Luo Jin are both actors whose acting skills are more than sufficient on the small screen, but have always lacked opportunities on the big screen.

Luo Jin's performance in Beautiful Mistake is remarkable, and his acting skills can support an art film.

Although Zhu Yawen later marketed Walking Hormone too much, which led to backlash, and he was called a sissy after playing several characters with a bit of a feminine personality, but this also shows that his acting skills are quite good.

Being able to play tough guy roles like Zhu Chuanwu and Yu Zhan'ao when he debuted, and later being able to play sissy characters, is indeed quite shaping.

If these two people sign into the company, Wu Yuan can train and train several suitable roles. In the future, he will also hope to carry the banner of young film actors born in the 1980s. It is better than not taking them at all.

Okay Director Wu! Li Xiaoping agreed with confidence.

A few days later.

Li Xiaoping, who received Wu Yuan's personal consent, immediately took action.

Zhu Yawen was originally going to come to Light and Shadow Times to sign a contract and get a script, so it was easy to poach him.

On October 16, when Wang Jinhua brought Zhu Yawen to Light and Shadow Times to sign a contract, Li Xiaoping, as the company's deputy general manager, personally led the signing.

At the signing meeting, there was nothing to discuss about the contract details. Lawyers from both parties had already reviewed the contract before coming.

The filming period is three months, and Zhu Yawen can get a salary of 300,000 yuan.

If the subsequent crew needs to re-shoot material, Zhu Yawen must cooperate with the re-shoot, but both parties need to negotiate the specific re-shoot schedule.

In addition, he also has to cooperate with all publicity work after the movie is released and run road shows with the team.

Don't underestimate this last clause. Nowadays, many stars are not willing to participate in post-release road shows because they find it too tiring, and most of them are spoiled by Hong Kong stars.

Some big-name actors in Hong Kong, led by Chow Yun-mao, refused to cooperate with post-release roadshow promotions when they were acting in mainland movies.

For example, Zhou Yunmao did not even cooperate with normal publicity and only attended the premiere. After the premiere, all publicity work had nothing to do with him.

This is the case with City Full of Golden Armor and Let the Bullets Fly.

Just like that, mainland directors also pinched their noses to sign the contract.

Of course, it is impossible for Zhu Yawen with such a small body to refuse to cooperate with the publicity, and even actively doing publicity is a good thing for his own fame.

Both parties were very satisfied with the contract, but after a five-minute interview and a brief confirmation, Li Xiaoping signed the contract with Zhu Yawen on behalf of the company.

However, signing the contract is just the appetizer for today for Li Xiaoping.

Seeing Wang Jinhua withdrawing the contract with satisfaction, Li Xiaoping said before she was about to say goodbye: Agent Wang, Director Wu asked me to explain something to Zhu Yawen. Can you give us a space to chat privately?

Wang Jinhua was a little surprised, but she quickly covered it up and said with a smile: Of course.

It seems that the relationship between Wu Yuan and Zhu Yawen is better than she imagined?

With this guess in mind, Wang Jinhua exited the conference room and handed over the space to Li Xiaoping and Zhu Yawen.

Mr. Li, what are Director Wu's orders? Zhu Yawen was a little nervous, but also had some expectations. He was guessing that Wu Yuan had something to tell him privately.

However, Li Xiaoping did not convey Wu Yuan's words, but looked at Zhu Yawen with a smile and asked: Yawen, your first debut work is Director Wu's Your Name, right?

You should be considered an actor that Director Wu has picked up, right?

Have you ever thought about joining the Age of Light and Shadow?

Your development in the era of light and shadow will definitely be better than that under Wang Jinhua.

She, Wang Jinhua, has so many artists, including seven or eight big-name first-line mainland actors.

In our light and film era, there is only one contracted actor, and she is an actress. If you come to the company, you will be the company's first actor brother!

How about it, think about it?

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