Millennium director

Chapter 226 The filming went smoothly and the film will be released with support

Hey, be gentle, be careful!

Slow down, yes, put it here!

Thanks for your hard work!

Wu Yuan held a loudspeaker and had a bright smile on his face.

The LED light box designed by the props team was finally in place, and the guest actor Zhang Guorong was also brought back from the Gansu Gobi by Wu Yuan.

In the next two or three days, he and Liu Yifei will finish filming the cameo scenes first, so they can fully experience this novel shooting method in an LED light box.

This was the first time in Wu Yuan's life to make a movie like this, and he was quite curious about what the effect would be.

Are the actors ready?

Get ready, all the clothes have been changed.

Zhang Guorong, wearing an extravehicular spacesuit, walked into the LED light box with the support of his assistant.

It is said to be a light box, but in fact this box is very large, six meters long and six meters wide, but the height is relatively low, only four meters high.

At this moment, in the LED light box, some CG images prepared by the company's special effects department have been placed on all sides, mainly scenes from outer space.

On Zhang Guorong's left is the blue earth seen from space, on the right is the spacecraft they are riding on, and under their feet and above their heads are the space telescopes they need to repair.

Because the extravehicular spacesuit has a glass helmet, when Zhang Guorong entered the light box, the light reflected from the images in all directions shone on his helmet, reflecting the outline and light of the earth or space telescope.

Not to mention, it looks really realistic.

Hey, this saves the special effects department some effort. Wu Yuan rubbed his chin and praised.

The helmet of the space suit shows the reflection of outer space. This eliminates the need to synthesize images on the helmet in post-production, which reduces the burden on the special effects team.

Liu Yifei, who had also put on a spacesuit but without a helmet, stood next to Wu Yuan, looked at the monitor with him, and said with a smile: Brother, you are so amazing, you can think of such a shooting method.

Wu Yuan raised his eyebrows proudly and did not answer the question, but his movements speeded up a lot.

Every unit prepares!

One shot at a time!


After switching to a digital camera, it was indeed more convenient to shoot. At least Wu Yuan could shoot as many times as he wanted.

Zhang Guorong, who only had a few dozen seconds of footage in total, spent most of the afternoon shooting in an LED light box, going back and forth more than ten times before he achieved an effect that satisfied Wu Yuan.

Especially when the space telescope exploded in front of his eyes and the firelight shone on his helmet, Zhang Guorong gave him a performance ranging from shock to fear, with his pupils constantly dilating. Wu Yuan had to perform it more than ten times before he was satisfied.

Wu Yuan has thought about this scene and will definitely cut it into the trailer and put it on the Internet for fans to see.

Zhang Guorong's acting skills are still good, especially this kind of eye scene.

The actors trained by the King of Sunglasses all have reserved facial expressions but very essential eye scenes.

Zhang Guorong, Zhang Manyu, and Liang Chaowei are all actors of this type.

Therefore, when watching their movies, many fans feel that their expressions do not change much from beginning to end, and their mood swings are not very intense. The kind of hysteria and distorted expressions are almost never seen in them.

But their eye play is very rich. Through a pair of eyes, they can express various emotions and inner fluctuations.

This kind of acting is very difficult. There are some new actors who can't figure it out. They want to learn this way of acting as soon as they debut. They imitate Tony Leung and then become actors with facial paralysis.

No matter what role he plays, he always looks expressionless. It is called cold, but in fact it is facial paralysis.

Because not only are their faces expressionless, but their eyes are also dull. They have dead fish eyes and can't even be considered as imitating cats and tigers.

Zhang Guorong is different.

His facial expressions and movements are not large, in order to amplify the expression of his eyes.

When movie fans see this shot, all the focus of their attention will be on his eyes, and they will not be distracted by unnecessary expressions on his face.

Squatting in front of the monitor and constantly replaying Zhang Guorong's scene, Wu Yuan clicked his tongue and said: Sissi, when can your eye acting be as good as Leslie's, you will be able to win three domestic gold medals.

Although Liu Yifei's eye drama is not bad enough to be called a blind girl, she is indeed relatively weak in her eye drama.

In other words, for most actors, the eye scene is the last step that needs to be strengthened.

Once her eyes are interesting, her acting skills won't be any worse. At worst, she is a candidate for Best Actor and Best Actress.

For Liu Yifei now, it is really difficult to achieve the level of eye-catching scenes like Zhang Guorong, Liang Chaowei, and Zhang Manyu.

But this belief needs to be implanted in her mind and let her work hard in this direction.

Although Wu Yuan's acting route for Liu Yifei was to start as a vase, he did not want Liu Yifei to be a vase for the rest of her life.

It is indeed unrealistic to win three domestic and three gold medals in Europe, but it is still possible to win one or two gold-rich Best Actress trophies in this life.

You can't spend your whole life acting and still not be able to win a heavyweight Best Actress honor, right?

My girlfriend’s idol is Gong Li!

Well, I will work hard! Liu Yifei nodded her head seriously. She loves acting as a career, and she also wants her acting skills to be good enough to be recognized by awards.

There's no rush, you're still young. Wu Yuan smiled and patted her shoulder: Go and get ready. Leslie's filming is over and it's your turn.

The two's friendly cameo was shot in only one and a half days.

The last scene was filmed by the two of them together with Gong Li and Wang Xueqi. The four of them were repairing the telescope while chatting and joking happily.

Originally, the space agency didn't like this scene very much and hoped that Wu Yuan could change it.

After all, the astronauts in this movie represent the image of Chinese astronauts.

Most of the Chinese astronauts are soldiers, and chatting and talking nonsense while working does not seem to be the style of Chinese astronauts.

But Wu Yuan dismissed it on the grounds that this is a movie and it needs to be interesting.

In the end, this scene was retained, but there were not as many English puns as in the original version. It was just the four of them chatting about their life on earth and their families.

At the same time, the heroine was relatively silent and did not join the chat discussion, which also implies that there is a problem with the heroine's family situation, so she went to space to relax.

Very good, thank you for your hard work!

After the last scene, Wu Yuan smiled and called it a day, and Zhang Guorong and Liu Yifei were finally finished.

The crew gave flowers to the two of them, and they all gathered together to take a group photo.

Logically speaking, the two guest actors will definitely not receive this kind of treatment, but why do you expect that this movie only has so many leading actors? In order to set off smoke bombs, this final photo will have to be released as the final photo. On the Internet.

It's done!

Everyone can pack up and go back to rest!

The set was busy, but Wu Yuan took Liu Yifei to the hotel first.

Brother, I will join the group Those Years in a few days. Liu Yifei pouted, lowering her head and feeling a little unhappy.

She stayed in the hotel for more than half a month. Every day after Wu Yuan started working, she would read a book, watch TV, or go shopping with her little sisters. After Wu Yuan finished working in the evening, she could have some tender love with her boyfriend. This kind of Life is so comfortable.

She, who has a bit of a homebody tendency, really likes this kind of life.

But work must continue, and she also attaches great importance to her acting career and wants to make some achievements and realize her dream.

However, she was in the period of passionate love and really didn't want to leave her boyfriend.

Okay, when I finish filming Gravity, I will go to the crew of Those Years to see you. It was difficult to do any intimate gestures openly outside, so Wu Yuan could only comfort him verbally with a smile.

Let alone Liu Yifei, he is a tough guy and doesn't want his girlfriend to join the group, okay?

Who doesn’t want to sleep with his sweet-smelling, soft girlfriend after a busy day?

This feeling is a novel experience that Wu Yuan, who has only one person left in his household registration at the age of ten, has never had before!

By the way, Whose Youth Is Not Confused directed by Li Yang should be released when you turn on the movie. Director Li Yang will definitely invite all of you to book the movie together.

Wu Yuan considered it and said: When the time comes, you can also arrange a few movies.

After all, he is the first director to be released in our company's young director support program. Now that you are filming under him, you still have to take care of your face.

Li Yang doesn't have much money now. The money he spent to make his first movie came from the Light and Shadow Era. For him, asking the crew to book the movie to watch the movie would probably be enough for his small coffers.

Liu Yifei, the heroine, doesn't mean that it really doesn't make sense.

I know. Liu Yifei replied sweetly. She was no longer a child, so of course she knew how to have good interpersonal relationships on the set.

Okay, let's go back to the hotel and have something to eat. We're starving.

On the other side, just as the two crews were busy filming and preparing to start filming.

On the Internet, the propaganda department of Light and Shadow Era has also begun to exert its efforts.

As the first work supported by the company, Li Xiaoping certainly hopes to make some achievements, so she spared no effort in publicity.

The filming cost of Whose Youth Is Not Confused was only 5 million, and Li Xiaoping spent another 3 million as publicity costs. Not only did she put up a lot of posters offline, but she also vigorously promoted the promotional video online.

Internet marketing these days is not as expensive as it will be ten years ago. The major Internet giants have not yet become giants. The most influential Penguin can only buy a QQ pop-up recommendation for a few hundred thousand.

Although the actors in Whose Youth Is Not Confused are almost all newcomers, through QQ pop-up promotion, in major domestic Internet cafes, on October 25th, half of the netizens online had watched the movie. trailer.

As a result, a whirlwind called Remembering Youth blew up on the Internet.

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