Millennium director

Chapter 231 Gravity is finished and Night at the Museum is released!

End of December.

On a lake beach at the foot of a mountain somewhere in the Sichuan Basin, more than a hundred crew members were busy preparing for filming.

Gong Li, wearing a gray tight T-shirt and black boxer shorts, was doing warm-up exercises by the lake.

After a while, she will go into the water to film a scene of swimming from the water to the shore.

The previous underwater scenes of the return capsule landing on Earth and opening the return capsule and diving into the water were all filmed in a water tank specially used by the space agency to simulate the weightless environment of space for astronauts.

In the entire Gravity, only the last scene that was actually filmed is left.

It is also the most important scene in the whole film.

Gong Li walks from the water to the shore, which not only expresses the evolutionary history of living things, but also alludes to the process of human beings entering space by crawling first and then standing.

It can be said that the last shot of Gravity is the most essential shot of the entire film and is also full of film philosophy.

The entire movie Gravity renders the silent and dark space.

The earth is just a grain of sand in the universe, and the humans living on the earth are not even considered gravel under the deep and dark behemoth of the universe.

This movie emphasizes one thing at all times, and that is the helplessness and insignificance of human beings when facing space and the universe.

The earth is the home that truly protects mankind.

The heroine went through many difficulties and dangers and returned to the embrace of Mother Earth from space. She once again recreated the evolutionary history of creatures from the water to the shore, which makes people recall the beginning of life.

When looking up to the sky and exploring the universe, human beings must not forget the earth beneath their feet that has nurtured their own civilization.

Gravity tells a single event while hiding broad human propositions and exploring the meaning of life.

It was precisely with such high intentions that Gravity won the Oscar for Best Director.

This is a commercial science fiction movie, a subject that is most disliked by the Oscars!

After taking some empty shots that will be combined later, Wu Yuan waved his hand: Sister Li, are you ready?

We'll start shooting when we're ready!

Gong Li did not answer, but turned his back to Wu Yuan and made an OK gesture, then jumped into the water and started swimming happily.

Gong Li's swimming level is very high, but Wu Yuan still prepared several lifeguards on standby at the lake in advance.

Seeing that she swam to the scheduled shooting location and made a backstroke facing the sky, Wu Yuan waved the swing arm to focus in her direction.

At the moment when there are no professional, movie-level aerial photography drones, if you want to take this kind of overhead shot, you can use a crane if the range is small, but if the scene is large, you have to use a manned helicopter directly.

When filming Rush Hour 3 in Hollywood, Wu Yuan dispatched a manned helicopter for aerial photography.

Every unit prepares!

Three, two, one!


The rocker arm, which was almost touching the water surface, was precisely aimed at Gong Li.

In the picture, Gong Li, who was lying on his back, took a few breaths, turned around and swam hard towards the shore.

One time, another time, another time, she panted violently, and gradually worked hard to get closer to the beach on the shore.

Uh-huh. The astronauts who have just returned to the earth from space will not be able to adapt to the gravity for a while, and their whole bodies will become weak and unable to stand up.

Even when she reached the shore, she could only rely on her elbows to support the soft beach and move forward to the shore.

Finally, moving to the junction of the water surface and the tidal flat, Gong Li lost his strength and completely crawled on the wet soil.

There was a smile on her face as if she had survived the disaster, and her hand that fell on the soil grabbed a handful of moist soil with all her strength. Her face seemed to be crying, smiling, and rejoicing at the same time.

Wu Yuan, who was behind the monitor, tightened his grip on the walkie-talkie and praised it in a low voice.

Gong Li is indeed Gong Li, and his acting skills are truly impeccable.

No actress in the domestic entertainment industry can perform her role to such an extent.

In the monitor, Gong Li's performance continued.

She sincerely kissed the muddy red earth and whispered thank you.

This thank you is a thank you to Mother Earth.

It's a long shot, a long shot that needs to be shot over and over again.

While Gong Li comforted himself, It's okay and It's okay, he trembled and stood up from the beach with difficulty.

She was like a baby that had just learned to walk, toddling and swaying step by step towards the distance.

The scene freezes on Gong Li's back.

Okay, perfect!

Sister Li did a great job!

Wu Yuan picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted with excitement: I announce that the actual filming of Gravity has now been completed!

The crew burst into cheers.

Gong Li, who was walking tremblingly just now, was immediately resurrected with full health. He quickly walked to Wu Yuan's side in three steps and two steps at a time, Director Wu, it's finally finished.

This movie is really difficult to shoot. It is the most difficult movie I have ever made in my life, even harder than Red Sorghum!

Wu Yuan looked at her sideways and said with a smile: But it was a great shooting, wasn't it?

Gravity was really a big challenge for Gong Li. The entire movie was almost entirely supported by her performance alone.

It can be said that all the burden is on her, and the quality of her performance directly determines the success or failure of the film.

Fortunately, she survived and handed over an answer sheet that Wu Yuan was very satisfied with.

In terms of performance, Gong Li is not inferior to the original heroine at all!

Taking the flowers from the production manager, Wu Yuan personally delivered them to Gong Li's arms and thanked him with a smile: Sister Li, thank you for your willingness to star in this movie.

There are so many actresses in the country, but you are the only one who can fulfill this role.

Thanks for your hard work.

The whole crew will gather at the five-star hotel tonight for a big dinner!

He said the last words to all the crew members.

Maybe he thought this reward was not enough, Wu Yuan also added: There is also a red envelope for the finals!

This time, everyone’s cheers became even more sincere!

After the closing banquet, the crew disbanded in Sichuan.

Wu Yuan returned to the capital with the contract staff of Light and Shadow Times.

These contracted crew members can rest for a few months and then go to the United States with Wu Yuan when Pirates of the Caribbean 3 starts filming.

The first two filmings of Pirates of the Caribbean trained Wu Yuan with more than 30 professional Hollywood-level crew members. This time Wu Yuan plans to bring in 20 old employees and 10 new ones. The employees recruited will go to the crew of Pirates of the Caribbean 3 for further study.

And he himself plunged into the special effects company upstairs in the Light and Shadow Era.

The actual shooting of Gravity has ended, and the production of this movie is just the beginning.

This movie requires so many special effects shots that even if it is completed now, the post-production process will probably take a year. The company's special effects company will have to be busy doing special effects for this movie throughout 2007.

Wu Yuan had discussed with them countless times during the preparation stage how to do it specifically.

It’s just that Wu Yuan had to make a rough cut of the finished film first, and then the special effects department could combine the CG into it based on the finished film.

Fortunately, the preparation and filming of Gravity went much faster than expected.

Originally, Wu Yuan expected to finish filming before March next year, but unexpectedly the preparation and filming went smoothly, and the film was completed before January.

Then he had plenty of time to edit the film.

However, before he started editing the film, he received a call from across the country.

Daniel! It's a blast! Night at the Museum is a blast!

The three-day box office in the first weekend was 26.58 million, making it the weekly box office champion!

Now the Hollywood media is saying that this movie is a children's version of The Mummy, which is very suitable for watching as a family at Christmas!

Damn it! Daniel, how did you know this damn fairy tale would be a hit as a movie?

I take back what I said before, this movie is really great!

Hahaha, you may not know that Qin Shihuang, your guest appearance in the movie, attracted a lot of attention in Hollywood. After watching the movie, many fans asked on the Internet who the handsome oriental man was. .”

And Crystal, many fans are asking on the Internet who that beautiful oriental woman is.

When they learned that it was you who played Qin Shihuang, it was unbelievable.

Your screen debut was so great that Fox even jokingly sent me an inquiry asking if you were interested in becoming an actor and participating in their new film.

Listening to John's loud output on the other end of the phone, Wu Yuan interrupted him speechlessly: John, I'm not interested in changing my career to an actor. Let's talk about something serious.

Night at the Museum opened so well at the box office. Will Fox make every effort to expand the film's overseas release?

Of course! John said affirmatively: Fox is already talking about it. Most countries around the world, including China, will introduce this movie.

After all, this is a movie that combines comedy, fantasy, family and action. It is very family-friendly and will be accepted by any country!

After hearing this, Wu Yuan's heart finally settled. He was afraid that Fox would dislike him for only half of the investment and not doing its best in the global distribution of Night at the Museum.

Fortunately, Fox is obviously not such a short-sighted company.

That's good. Please keep an eye on the box office for me. I still have things to do in China and will not go to the United States until March. Then we will discuss the company's next stage plan in detail. Wu Yuan gave a final instruction and planned to End this call.

However, John on the other end of the phone obviously still had nothing to say, and he hurriedly said: Hey, Daniel, there is something else I need to tell you.

I won the film and television adaptation rights for World War Z.

Leonardo and Brad Pitt were so difficult to deal with and they really wanted to win the novel.

With no other choice, I had to raise the offer to ten million US dollars, a figure that Leonardo and Brad Pitt were prohibitive, and then I won the novel.

How about, when do we start working on this project?

Don't rush yet. Wu Yuan raised the corner of his mouth and said in a relaxed tone: John, you go and buy the film adaptation rights of a novel.

What? Which novel?

The Dark Fields, a novel published in 2001.

I really can’t finish writing before 12 o’clock, and there is still one chapter that needs to be posted before 2 o’clock.

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