Millennium director

Chapter 235: Meeting my mother-in-law during the Spring Festival and heading to North America to sta

In Liu Yifei's hometown, fine snow is floating in the air.

Taking an Air China flight, Wu Yuan, Liu Yifei, and Liu Xiaoli landed at the international airport in Sanzhen.

Today is already February 12th, and there are only a few days away from the New Year’s Day on the 18th.

After Those Years was completed, Wu Yuan returned to the capital to follow up on the post-production of Gravity for a while. At the urging of his girlfriend, he and Liu Yifei and their daughter embarked on a flight back to their hometown to visit relatives.

For Wu Yuan, it doesn't matter where he celebrates the Spring Festival. This lively festival has nothing to do with him.

But this year is different. This year Wu Yuan will experience the long-lost family gathering.

It's just that this family is not his Wu family, but Liu Yifei's Liu family.

Liu Xiaoli has three brothers and sisters, all of whom have children. In addition, Liu Yifei's grandmother is still alive, and the An family will visit relatives during the Spring Festival.

It can be expected that this Spring Festival will definitely be a big test for Wu Yuan.

A handsome son-in-law can't escape being admitted to his parents' house.

As soon as he got off the plane, Wu Yuan first met Zhou Wenqiong who came to pick up Liu Yifei and Liu Xiaoli. This was Liu Yifei's aunt, a relative who had lived in Los Angeles. She was also back to visit relatives this time, but she arrived before Liu Yifei and her daughter. .

Aunt~ Liu Yifei, who was fully armed, ran towards Zhou Wenqiong enthusiastically, hugged her and let out a coquettish voice.

Fortunately, she also knew that she was a star and was not suitable to stay in public places. After giving Wu Yuan a look, the group got into the car first.

Auntie, this is my boyfriend Wu Yuan. After getting in the car, Liu Yifei shyly introduced to her aunt.

Zhou Wenqiong looked at Wu Yuan with some surprise. Although Liu Xiaoli had given her a pass in advance, she still couldn't believe that Wu Yuan, a young and talented director, was actually Liu Yifei's boyfriend.

Somewhat outrageous, but very reasonable. After all, Liu Yifei and Wu Yuan are often tied together in front of the public.

I originally thought it was just the director's promotion of the actors, but I didn't expect that there was something fishy in it!

Because she has lived in Los Angeles for a long time, she is very aware of how powerful Wu Yuan is in Hollywood. The record of a single film box office exceeding one billion US dollars that only five people have achieved is an unattainable achievement. Achievement.

It is naturally a good thing for my niece to have such a boyfriend.

When Zhou Wenqiong was observing Wu Yuan, Wu Yuan also looked at her openly, nodded and smiled, and said hello: Hello, auntie.

Zhou Wenqiong is very beautiful, very similar to Liu Xiaoli, and is also a top beauty.

No wonder Liu Yifei says she is the ugliest in the family.

The genes of the Liu family are really excellent, and each female member is more beautiful than the last.

In the car, the young girl sitting in the driver's seat turned around and shouted excitedly: Sissi, Director Wu is really your boyfriend!

You actually took him home for the Spring Festival!

Wow, Director Wu, can you sign your autograph for me? Many of my colleagues are fans of You!

'Pirates of the Caribbean' is really great. Although the second part was not released in China, we also bought the disc and watched it!

This whimpering girl is Zhou Wenqiong's daughter.

Although Zhou Wenqiong is Liu Xiaoli's younger sister, because Liu Xiaoli gave birth relatively late, Zhou Wenqiong's daughter is several years older than Liu Yifei, and Liu Yifei has to call her cousin.

Moreover, she did not work in the United States with her mother, but stayed in China to work hard.

Wu Yuan looked at her amusedly. Disney did not release genuine Pirates of the Caribbean discs in the country. All the discs available in the country were pirated discs. Can he mention this in front of him?

As long as you like it. After the Chinese New Year, Sissi and I will go to the United States to film Pirates of the Caribbean 3 together. The third part will definitely be released in China by then.

What?! My cousin was shocked again and shouted excitedly: Is Sissi going to film Pirates of the Caribbean 3?

That's awesome, Sissi is going to become an international superstar!

The new cast members of Pirates of the Caribbean 3 have not been announced to the public yet. It is still a secret and the news will not be disclosed until the official launch.

After getting such a gossip, her cousin looked at Liu Yifei with an expression of success and said with envy: Sissi, it's great to have a boyfriend who is a great director. You are so lucky.

My cousin is also quite good-looking, with Liu family genes, and she is also a little beauty. Although she has not entered the entertainment industry, she does have a longing for the glamorous star industry.

Hehe. Liu Yifei smiled proudly, hugged Wu Yuan's arm in front of the elders, raised her chin and said proudly: Cousin, you can't envy this~

There is only one Wu Yuan in the world, and he is already mine~

Shameless! Liu Xiaoli, who was sitting next to her, reached out and tapped her daughter's face in an angry and funny manner: Do you talk to your cousin like this?

Do you still need the restraint of your daughter’s family?

Liu Yifei didn't care about this. She made a face at her mother and her playful smile made everyone in the car laugh.

The vehicle started, and laughter and laughter continued all the way. Although Wu Yuan didn't speak much, he blended into it peacefully.

More than an hour later, the car stopped at the door of a small bungalow in an old neighborhood in Sanzhen.

Although the Liu family is not a wealthy family, it is still a well-off family with three generations of intellectuals. The family can enjoy themselves comfortably living in a small bungalow of a certain age.

At the door, Wu Yuan also saw Liu Yifei's grandmother, a kind and loving rich old man. It could be vaguely seen in his eyebrows that she must have been a gorgeous woman in her youth.

As if to welcome Wu Yuan, grandma specially changed into a bright red Jifu and wore a red flower accessory on her head.

Against the background of this festive color scheme, she is not tacky at all.

He simply stood at the door, still well behaved and exuding a noble temperament.

It can be said that you, the white-haired and flower-wearing gentleman, don’t laugh. Time has never failed to defeat the beauty.

Grandma asked, Where is Sissi's boyfriend?

Are you Xiaoyuan?

The young man is so handsome! Wu Yuan was warmly welcomed into the home by his grandma.

The scene of the three-court trial that he expected to encounter did not appear. Instead, there was a warm and warm welcome and praise.

In this way, Wu Yuan's Spring Festival vacation began.

After being warmly received by the Liu family and spending a lively Spring Festival with everyone asking for help, Wu Yuan finally realized why the Liu family was so enthusiastic towards him.

The reason why the other parents-in-law are not polite to my uncle is because their daughter is married outside. Once she gets married, she will be thrown away. She will have to serve other people's parents-in-law, take care of the housework, and have children.

But Wu Yuan is different. There are no elders above Wu Yuan, and he is all alone.

Liu Yifei fell in love with him, and after they got married, they lived as two people without any parents-in-law to take care of.

Not to mention there is no need to worry about whether to spend the New Year at the man's house or the girl's house. You can go back to Liu's house to celebrate the New Year together every year.

Good guy, this is not a married woman. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is looking for a son-in-law.

From Grandma Liu's point of view, she must be very satisfied with Wu Yuan, her grandson-in-law!

Enthusiasm, must be enthusiastic!

Throughout the Spring Festival holiday, Wu Yuan enjoyed meticulous care and considerate care at the Liu family. Except that he couldn't share the same room with Liu Yifei, everything was fine.

In just a blink of an eye, more than half of the Spring Festival holiday has passed, and the days have come to the end of February.

The New Year atmosphere in the streets and alleys had not yet dissipated, and before they had time to eat the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Wu Yuan and Liu Yifei had to regretfully bid farewell to their grandma, aunt and other relatives and friends, and embarked on a flight to Los Angeles. flight.

The filming of Pirates of the Caribbean 3 really can't be delayed any longer.

All the preliminary preparations for the crew have been completed long ago. The actors, including Cheng Long, who became famous in Hollywood because of Rush Hour 3, have arrived in Los Angeles and are waiting for him, the director, and Liu Yifei.

No matter how proud Wu Yuan was, he was too embarrassed to actually celebrate the Lantern Festival in China. He could only fly to Los Angeles on February 28, the tenth day of the Lunar New Year.

Daniel, you are finally here.

As soon as he received Wu Yuan and his entourage outside the airport, Jerry couldn't help complaining: If you don't come, I will go to China to invite you in person.

Oh, and Crystal, welcome to join the cast of Pirates of the Caribbean!

Jerry smiled and hugged Wu Yuan, shook hands with Liu Yifei, and then said enthusiastically: I'm just waiting for you two.

Daniel, this time Pirates of the Caribbean 3 will be the most important part of the series, and everything depends on you.

Pirates of the Caribbean 3 is the last film in the contract signed by Wu Yuan.

Not only him, but also the three leading actors including Depp, Orlando, and Keira only signed the contract for the third part.

Although this does not mean that there will only be three parts of this series, but if you want to prepare a fourth part later, it will not be easy to coordinate the schedules of these actors and satisfy their salary appetite.

Jerry even pessimistically believes that in the next five years, there may not be enough actors to film a fourth film.

Therefore, Pirates of the Caribbean 3 is very important to him and Disney. It is best to earn more than one billion US dollars at the box office in one fell swoop, making Disney's financial statements look better in the next few years.

Jerry, put your heart in your stomach. Wu Yuan patted his shoulder, I am a dedicated director. Now that I have signed the contract, I will complete the work seriously. Don't worry.

According to the previously signed contract, Wu Yuan's director's fee for filming Pirates of the Caribbean 3 will be US$10 million.

Although this money is nothing to Wu Yuan now, for him, the Pirates of the Caribbean series is not just as simple as making 30 million US dollars. This series has brought him the status of a leading commercial film director on a global scale. The fame that is constantly rising cannot be bought with money.

So he really takes the third Pirates of the Caribbean movie seriously, which is also the last one he directed. He has been discussing the script with the screenwriter.

Wu Yuan's version of Pirates of the Caribbean 3 has a lot of changes compared to the previous two films, especially Sao Feng's line, which has been almost completely redesigned, down to the costumes and the setting of the pirate village. Everything from the characters' designs to their lines have been completely changed.

This time, Pirates of the Caribbean 3 will at least no longer be criticized by Chinese fans for vilifying China!

Not all pirates in the world, but the stereotypical image of Europeans and Americans with one leg, a black eyepatch, a three-cornered hat on his head, and a pirate hook in his hand!

What is cultural export?

This is cultural export!

People all over the world, including Asians, have been influenced by countless European and American pirate novels, paintings, movies, and TV series over the past hundred years. When they think of pirates, the first thing they think of is the stereotype of Pirates of the Caribbean.

Even in Japan's One Piece, most of the pirate images in it are borrowed from Pirates of the Caribbean and have no local style at all.

But now, Wu Yuan wants to bring a different image of Chinese pirates to movie fans around the world!

Since Captain Jack wants to travel across the seven seas, wouldn't it be boring if the pirates in the seven seas were exactly the same as those in the Caribbean?

When Captain Jack drives the Black Pearl to the South China Sea, he will lead the audience to experience a Chinese style that is different from the Caribbean!

This is actually what European and American audiences want to see.

When Captain Jack Sparrow drove the Black Pearl out of the Caribbean and to other parts of the world, movie fans also wanted to see pirates that were different from the Pirates of the Caribbean style.

See Captain Jack in different sea areas and have various interesting stories and adventures with different pirates!

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