Millennium director

Chapter 237 Female Pirate Wei Er

At this time, Wu Yuan, who was regarded as a piece of Tang Monk meat by mainland actresses, did receive a lot of emotional contact calls.

The first one to bear the brunt was the call from the International Chapter.

Speaking of acquaintance, Wu Yuan and International Zhang did know each other very early. They met her in the first semester of college.

It's just that the relationship between the two has always been just a superficial friend.

He also made verbal invitations to International Zhang next time, but he never actually invited her to act in one of his plays.

It's not that Wu Yuan has any prejudice against the International Chapter.

International Chapter is actually quite good at being a person, and her acting skills are really good under the guidance of Zhang Yimou. Apart from the later scandals such as the splash scandal and the beach scandal, she doesn’t have any big scandals about her. She is definitely better than 80% of the women in the industry. The actors are clean.

Apart from being a little snobbish, the International Chapter actually doesn’t have any major shortcomings.

It's just really unfortunate that every time Wu Yuan makes a Chinese-language film, he doesn't have a role suitable for the international chapter.

Either the role is too young or the role is too old. The only one suitable for Gravity is Gong Li, but Gong Li is more suitable than her.

This time after seeing the news that Liu Yifei had joined Pirates of the Caribbean 3, International Zhang couldn't sit still anymore and called Wu Yuan. The words sounded like they were simply reminiscing about old times, but in fact they were. Play the emotional card.

Regarding this, Wu Yuan could only pretend to be dumbfounded, and really only talked about feelings, not any roles or drama appointments.

He really doesn't have any dramas to offer.

Currently, Hollywood's planned projects include Never End and Kingsman as well as The Twilight Saga and World War Z which are only in the planning stage.

None of these four movies had roles suitable for International Chapter, so he could only cope with the situation.

Finally, he managed to cope with it. After hanging up the phone, Wu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Hearing the teasing laughter in his ears, he rolled his eyes angrily at Liu Yifei, who was sitting on the bed and eavesdropping: You are still laughing, it's all because of you.

Plugging you into the crew of Pirates of the Caribbean 3 will ruin my reputation for the rest of my life.

Now domestic movie fans say that I am a director who neglects public affairs for personal reasons and opens backdoors for his actors.

You have to act well this time and show your performance level.

Sticking out her tongue, Liu Yifei put away her smile and replied with a guilty conscience: I know, senior brother, I will work hard!

She also knows how much public opinion her participation in Pirates of the Caribbean 3 has caused in the country.

If the performance is good, all controversies will be turned into praise.

If the performance is not good or the performance is bad, it will be over.

Although she didn't know how serious public ridicule Da Tiantian suffered later, as an insider, Liu Yifei could completely predict this situation.

Resource coffee is never a good name, especially for a resource person who doesn't perform well, the backlash is terrible.

Liu Yifei has already treated this movie with great energy.

Five days later.

Pirates of the Caribbean 3 held a high-profile opening ceremony in Los Angeles and officially started filming.

The first scene of the third part was shot on a relatively primitive island in the Caribbean.

This island is the end of the world in the movie, where Captain Jack was exiled.

A rescue team composed of Captain Barbossa, Elizabeth, Will, and the pirates and leader Wei Er under Singapore Pirate King Sao Feng came here to rescue Captain Jack.

In the original film, Sao Feng's pirates had a low sense of presence and lacked a leader, so Wu Yuan designed the character of Wei'er.

The role of this character is to serve as the representative of Sao Feng, participate in the mission to rescue Jack, and in the final counterattack, capture Jack and give it to Sao Feng.

As for pirates, it is perfectly normal for them to backhand themselves for profit.

In the temporary mobile cabin built on the island, the actors and extras were doing makeup.

Wu Yuan walked to the dressing room with his hands behind his back and checked everyone's makeup.

In fact, the old actors don't have much to say, they are just the old images in the movies.

However, the newly joined Liu Yifei and the group of Chinese pirate extras have quite special appearances.

While continuing the uniform characteristics of pirates such as slovenliness, tattered clothing, bronze skin and yellow teeth, their clothing is indeed completely different from Pirates of the Caribbean.

Ordinary pirate costumes all have their hair tied up, and most of them wear tattered Ming-style leather armor, Ming-style leather boots, a Ming-waist knife on their waist, and a gun in their hand.

It looked more like a defeated army than a pirate.

And this is actually the characteristic of pirates in the late Ming Dynasty.

Most of the pirates in China were legal traders. The Ming Dynasty's maritime ban policy turned them into illegal traders, smugglers and pirates.

They were pirates when they were at sea, but once ashore they transformed into normal businessmen.

Some pirates will even collude with coastal officers, or simply go ashore to rob, not just at sea.

Especially in the late Ming Dynasty, many military households in coastal guard stations could no longer survive, so they simply boarded ships and became pirates.

Therefore, the overall clothing characteristics of Chinese pirates are more like the military, but they are not regular soldiers. They wear tattered leather armor and messy coats.

According to the background of the movie, Sao Feng was a defeated general in the late Ming Dynasty. He was defeated on land all the way to Annan. In the end, he had no way out, so he led his soldiers to rob a few ships and became a pirate.

After more than ten years of development, it has become the largest pirate king in Singapore.

So he had a lot of pirates who looked like soldiers.

There are also some extras who wear obvious Southeast Asian clothing styles, have Japanese hairstyles, and wear Japanese-style clothes. Of course, these clothes are also tattered.

This is also in line with the characteristics of Chinese pirates in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties. The Chinese pirates at that time would recruit some Japanese ronin and people from Singapore, the Philippines and other places to serve as thugs, not all of whom were Chinese.

In comparison, Liu Yifei, the pirate leader, wears more formal and tidier clothes.

She wore a horse-faced skirt and boots on her lower body, and a Chinese-style men's jacket on her upper body, but the cuffs were narrowed and tied up to facilitate movement.

This combination is a bit nondescript. The lower body is a women's skirt, but the upper body is a men's jacket.

But this is consistent with her status as a daughter who leads men.

The horse-faced skirt makes it easier to move around, and wearing a men's jacket also means that although she is a girl, she is acting like a man on the ship.

Pirates are not the same as the traditional ladies on the shore. After all, the movie still needs some artistic adaptation.

Not to mention, Liu Yifei looks pretty good in this outfit.

Although her face was deliberately bronzed and her flowing hair was tied back, the Chosen Ancient still looked like a beautiful classical beauty after putting on a horse-faced skirt.

The bronze face not only did not bring any negative bonus to her appearance, but instead gave her a bit more wild and untamed beauty.

Of course, in order to comply with the characteristics of pirates who float on the ship all year round and find it difficult to obtain good sanitary conditions, her face was also smeared and dirty.

It's just Liu Yifei's face. The plainer and dirtier it is, the more broken and beautiful it is (refer to Pan'er being paraded through the streets in Meng Hua Lu). It's hard to look at no matter what.

Standing next to her with her hands on her chin, looking at Liu Yifei in the mirror who had tried her best to look ugly but was still very beautiful, Wu Yuan sighed: Your face is really foul.

Even if I dress you up in a beggar's costume, it's still like walking in Paris Fashion Week.

Just like her, Keira is still very beautiful no matter how hard the makeup artist tries, even if she applies all kinds of plaster on her face.

Seeing this, Liu Yifei was very worried, Isn't it ugly enough? I'm already bare-faced, so I really can't put on more black makeup?

She is really worried that her style will dissatisfy movie fans. Who has seen such a beautiful pirate?

It's okay. Wu Yuan waved his hand indifferently.

Are you kidding me? Although Liu Yifei is a pirate in the movie, her position is the same as Keira, just to be a vase. The only difference is that she is good at fighting.

As a commercial blockbuster, this kind of beauty is definitely needed to adjust the atmosphere and attract the audience's attention.

A movie like Transformers in which the protagonist is a group of robots needs a top star like Megan Fox, let alone Pirates of the Caribbean.

Keira is responsible for the aesthetics of European and American audiences, and Liu Yifei is responsible for the aesthetics of Asian audiences.

The role of Wei Er mainly replaces Tai Huang, the leader of the Chinese pirates sent by Sao Feng in the original film to guide Barbossa to the end of the world and pilot the Black Pearl.

And Wu Yuan has added some scenes to this role. She will not only participate in the quarrel between Barbossa and Jack about the pirates uniting to deal with David Jones, but also participate in the pirate conference as Keira's deputy. Later, she will also participate in the final battle. Great war.

Of course, although she is Sao Feng's daughter, Wu Yuan did not change the main story and let Wei Er succeed Sao Feng as the new Pirate King of Singapore. Instead, he still let Elizabeth take over the position according to the screenwriter's ideas.

The reason actually makes sense. In the script, Sao Feng mistakenly believed that Elizabeth was a mortal with Poseidon sealed in her body, so when she was suddenly killed, she gave the token to Poseidon before she died.

He hoped that the goddess of the sea could gather the nine tokens and then regain her freedom and become a god again.

From the beginning to the end, he looked down on the so-called Pirate King of the Seven Seas, looked down on any Pirate King meeting, and did not care about the name of this Pirate King. He was a Chinese general, and being a pirate was something he had no choice but to do.

All Elizabeth received was a token representing her status as the Pirate King of Singapore, allowing her to participate in pirate conventions.

The pirate army under Sao Feng still obeys Weier. It does not mean that Elizabeth can take over Sao Feng's power if she has the token.

This also makes the plot more reasonable. With Weier in the middle, it makes sense for Elizabeth to get the support of Sao Feng's pirates.

These pirates did not support Elizabeth, but only supported Weier, Sao Feng's heir, and Weier was willing to help Elizabeth.

In this way, the role of Weier also has its own important meaning. Although the role is not many, it is crucial.

As long as she plays this role well, Liu Yifei will become famous in Hollywood.

The specific changes to Pirates of the Caribbean 3 will be revealed after it is released.

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