Millennium director

Chapter 241 Supporting movies released one after another, Cheng Long’s version of Sao Feng

Oh, it's okay.

Originally, this is a plan to support young directors. It's not just about making money.

The success of Whose Youth Is Not Confused is an abnormal situation.

You see Andy Lau, the Asian rising star director, has also been cast in six movies. Isn't it only Crazy Stone that made a splash?

Han Yan's situation is normal. Don't put too much pressure on him.

For newcomers, the first movie requires trial and error.

In our age of light and shadow, a big tree attracts attention. The media will write about it whenever something happens, and it is normal to gloat about misfortune.

Don't worry too much about these.

While Wu Yuan was filming Pirates of the Caribbean 3, he received a call from Li Xiaoping.

On the phone, she reported to Wu Yuan some recent domestic events.

The main reason is that Han Yan's new movie was released, but the box office performance was very poor, and it was followed by many media reports.

There are those who ridicule, there are those who laugh, and there are even more who gloat over misfortunes.

Although the media does pursue Wu Yuan and this international first-line director, it does not mean that the media will always have good things to say when writing about the era of light and shadow.

Zhang Yimou is so awesome. Back then, Hero became the hope of Chinese-language directors, with a box office of 250 million, but the media still scolded him regardless of whether it should be scolded.

The City Is Full of Golden Armor has been criticized by many entertainment media.

Wu Yuan's era of light and shadow is naturally not immune, and it is still the focus of the Uncrowned King.

The achievements before the era of light and shadow are too conspicuous.

From The Embalmer to Stealing Hearts and If Love to Your Name and Painted Skin...

There is also Whose Youth Is Not Confused released last year.

Although there are not many movies produced, every one of them has paid back, and some of them have even made a lot of money.

The rate of return for this production is not generally high.

Most film production companies in the industry are envious to tears.

I don’t know how many outsiders, after seeing how profitable the Light and Shadow Era were, resolutely invested a large amount of money in the mainland film market.

Since 2004, various mainland film production companies have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, hoping to get a share of this emerging market, which has greatly promoted the development of the mainland film market.

However, most of them are pioneers. Although they have produced many movies and enriched the movie-watching choices of mainland movie fans, their box office performance has been mediocre, and losses are common.

Nowadays, the first choice for mainland movie fans when watching movies is to buy pirated discs. Only movies made by really famous directors and superstars will feel that it is worthwhile to go to the cinema and they are willing to spend money to watch them in the cinema.

This has led to the box office of top-tier blockbusters getting higher and higher, and it has gradually become not a rare thing to exceed 100 million yuan (regardless of whether the money can be recovered if it exceeds 100 million yuan).

But the top-tier movie box office is off a cliff.

It is getting easier and easier for blockbusters to break over 100 million, or close to it. However, the box office of the second-tier movies below has suddenly dropped below 50 million. 95% of domestic movies are struggling at the box office below 50 million.

Even 50 million is very rare, most of them only have a box office of 20 to 30 million.

At the level of 50 million to 80 million, there is almost not much.

Most of the newly entered capital has suffered miserably in film production. They were deceived by producers and invested in high costs for low incomes. A number of film companies that were only established for two years have gone bankrupt.

I don’t know how many bosses hate the era of light and shadow. It’s because of the huge sales of movies in the era of light and shadow that gave them the illusion that this market is very profitable. As a result, they entered the market in a hurry and lost all their money.

Now in the era of light and shadow, a movie that loses money has finally come out, but it can't help but be ridiculed in all kinds of ways.

This can somewhat calm their jealous mood.

Even if it is as big as the Age of Light and Shadow, not every movie can make money!

Wu Yuan had no reaction to this, and he would not put pressure on Han Yan and other supporting directors who had not released the film just because of the ridicule from some newspapers and so-called industry insiders.

From the moment he decided to start this young director support program, he never expected to make money. The 30 million was just spent to train young directors for mainland films.

His mentality was very calm from the beginning.

On the contrary, Li Xiaoping lost her temper and asked Wu Yuan to comfort her in turn.

After comforting her and asking her not to put pressure on other directors, Wu Yuan hung up the phone and returned his attention to the set.

The crew of Pirates of the Caribbean 3 has returned to Los Angeles.

I have been filming in the studio these days.

Although it is called a studio, this studio is very large, with a height of ten meters and a length and width of several hundred meters. The Black Pearl can be dragged directly into the studio for shooting.

The scene filmed in the past few days was the scene where Sao Feng led people to take down the Black Pearl and captured Captain Jack and handed it over to Lord Beckett.

There is also a scene where Sao Feng is attacked and killed on the ship.

In short, Sao Feng’s boat scenes were all concentrated and planned to be filmed in one go.

Cheng Long, the leading actor, naturally joined the team for intense filming.

Different from Zhou Runmao's version of Sao Feng, Cheng Long's version of Sao Feng's image can be said to have been greatly changed.

After all, he doesn't look like Zhou Runmao.

In terms of clothing, Cheng Long wore a tattered Ming-style armor.

This is a set of golden arm armor. Originally, the Chinese historical consultant of the crew recommended wearing cloth face armor. Cloth face armor was very common in the Ming Dynasty army and was used on a large scale.

However, Wu Yuan considered that the background of the story was in Singapore. Although Sao Feng's character was a pirate who was a defeated Ming Dynasty general, wearing cloth armor was too hot in tropical and subtropical areas.

Then it was changed to a set of ring arm armor that existed in history but did not have much equipment.

This kind of arm armor looks very good-looking and fits the image of ancient generals in most Chinese people's minds.

In addition to this set of armor, he also wore a Ming Dynasty flying saucer hat, which immediately made his image much uglier.

The official name of the flying saucer hat is big hat. Its appearance is similar to the helmet of the Mongolian army. It can be said that it was widely used in the Ming Dynasty army.

Considering the strong sun when going to sea, just like most pirates in the Caribbean wearing hats to protect themselves from the sun, Sao Feng also had to wear a hat.

He is not bald. Wu Yuan really dislikes the bald look of Sao Feng in the movie. Although it looks more fierce, it is indeed a bit too ugly.

Cheng Long is wearing his hair tied up this time.

As a general of the Ming Dynasty, his body and skin were influenced by his parents, so of course he had to tie his hair. Wu Yuan definitely didn't use that money-rat tail hairstyle, it was a bit ugly.

But in order to fit the pirate's fierce and war-fighting background, Cheng Long still had a lot of scars on his face, especially one scar that extended from his left eye through his nose to his right cheek, which looked very hideous and terrifying.

The only thing that dissatisfied Wu Yuan was that Cheng Long was still a little shorter. He didn't look tall and burly at all, and his momentum could only be supported by the armor on his body.

Fortunately, he is famous enough in Hollywood and left a deep enough impression on the audience.

As soon as they see his face, the first thing that movie fans think of is that he is good at fighting, and he can also play a pirate.

At least there is no need to be like Zhou Yunmao, who can only rely on ugly makeup to increase the sense of character because he is not well-known in the world.

When the audience saw that his bald head was covered with scars, and he always glared fiercely, he had the impression of a ferocious pirate and the King of Pirates of the Caribbean.

Of course, Cheng Long also needs this.

As we all know, Cheng Long's literary plays are really average.

On the set, Wu Yuan had to teach him step by step how to play a fierce pirate.

What troubled him the most was that Cheng Long had a quarrel scene with Keira, and the most important thing in this scene was Sao Feng, not the vase of Elizabeth Swann.

Although he doesn't like Zhou Yunmao very much, Wu Yuan has to admit that Zhou Yunmao's acting skills are much better than Cheng Long.

Chow Runmao played the pirate king's ruthless and manipulative character with ease, but Cheng Long struggled to play it.

In the studio, which was decorated like a pirate ship cabin, the light was dim and yellow.

Keira was standing in the middle of the cabin, wearing a Southeast Asian style, or Singaporean style to be precise.

Cheng Long, who was wearing a Ming-style lining, washed his hands aside, took out a betel leaf and stuffed it into his mouth.

You admitted it.

Admit what?


Keira's expression was pretty good, with confusion and confusion, and she couldn't understand what Sao Feng meant at all.

But Cheng Long's expression was almost meaningless.

Cheng Long simply couldn't portray the depth of a man full of intrigues and the intriguing look in his eyes.

Wu Yuan sighed, Ka!

Jackie, look, you have to pay attention to your eyes!

Who is Sao Feng? He is not just a simple pirate king, he is different from ordinary pirates.

He once worked in the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty. He was a general who experienced the chaos at the end of the Ming Dynasty. He was good at playing tricks and was full of intrigues and bad intentions.

If he wasn't smart enough and couldn't play tricks, he wouldn't be alive now, let alone become the pirate king who controls Singapore.

So your eyes must be more sinister. Have you ever seen a snake?

Just like the look in the eyes of a snake, it makes people feel chilled just by looking at it, and they dare not look at it at all.

You should read more of this character's biography and experience more of this character's characteristics.

Perhaps because he felt that what he said was a bit hollow, Wu Yuan simply gave an example: Just like the big villain played by Mads Mikkelsen in Rush Hour 3.

Although he looks polite and polite, his eyes are piercingly cold and intimidating. You can tell at a glance that this person is definitely very bad and full of evil.

Cheng Long wiped the sweat from his forehead. It was indeed hot and stuffy in the studio, but his sweat was mostly due to insufficient acting skills and too much pressure.

It’s really difficult to shoot literary dramas with a director like Wu Yuan who has won three major awards in Europe.

Even though Pirates of the Caribbean 3 is a commercial film, Wu Yuan also holds him to high standards.

This is a completely different feeling than filming a movie that is within his comfort zone like Rush Hour 3!

Recommend an entertainment novel The Anti-Fraud Bureau wants a promotional film, will you make All or Nothing? 》

Semi-contemporary director entertainment, quite enjoyable

I know that I still owe two chapters, so I won’t steal them. The updates will continue, and there will be three updates in the next four days. There were supposed to be 21 chapters in 7 days, but now there are only 19 chapters, so I will add two more chapters. Three updates, then back to three chapters a day, two chapters a day.

I didn't expect that I would sleep for 14 hours...

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