Millennium director

Chapter 243 Decline to Pirates of the Caribbean 4

After careful consideration of the Bruce Lee biopic, Wu Yuan decided to include it in his subsequent shooting plans.

However, he has not yet decided when and how to shoot.

Anyway, this is not a copied movie. You need to write the script yourself. You don’t need to consider the impact of copying. You can do it whenever you want.

Although there is this plan, Wu Yuan feels that this movie will not be made too early.

He still has a lot of work ahead of him.

After the filming of Pirates of the Caribbean 3 is completed, he will make a literary film at the end of the year to compete for awards. Next year, the focus will be on the release of Gravity.

After Gravity is released, the Kingsman series should also start filming. Whether he will direct this series himself has not yet been decided.

Even if he doesn't direct Kingsman himself, Wu Yuan plans to start shooting a Hollywood commercial movie at the end of 2008.

The era of Marvel superheroes is coming.

Iron Man was released globally in 2008. After Avatar, Hollywood will enter the era of IP blockbusters. Most of the commercial blockbusters that can sell at the box office are new works or sequels of various classic IPs.

There was not much room left for Wu Yuan to choose.

If he doesn't make a commercial blockbuster in Hollywood, he may not have any chance to make one in the future, unless he works as a tool for Marvel.

Bruce Lee's biopic may have to wait until at least 2010 before Wu Yuan has time to start preparations.

Keeping this in mind for the time being, Wu Yuan chatted with Kayla for a few more words, and saw that Liu Yifei was almost done rehearsing, so he started the official filming.

Perhaps as Keira said, every Chinese actor is really good at playing.

At least that's the case with current actors.

Liu Yifei is very serious about fighting scenes. She performs them all in person, and her moves are all in place. Her movements are sharp and handsome, and her posture is perfect. It is very pleasing to watch.

Wu Yuan looked at the monitor carefully and felt very emotional.

This kind of fierce, hard-hitting, real-sword and gun-fighting scenes have basically disappeared from domestic entertainment ten years later.

It is different from the current rampant action scenes, both in movies and TV series, where there are heart-warming, realistic and fierce fighting scenes.

Ten years later, whether it is a movie or a TV series, when the hero and heroine have a fight scene, they basically stay put and pinch their fingers, and then various special effects spells come into play.

The actors only need to stay in place or be suspended in mid-air to form a concave shape.

With a wave of his sleeves, the extras would fall back and vomit blood. It was simple and relaxing.

Go into a fight in person, where you punch me and I sword?

Are you kidding me? How can our brother (sister), who is so skinny and tender, be able to do such a hard and dangerous thing?

The kung fu fighting drama that China was so proud of has now disappeared.

In Wu Yuan's memory, the last movie he had ever seen was a movie with a Millennium martial arts style fighting style, which was Xiu Chun Knife.

After Xiu Chun Knife, there are no more physical fight scenes.

The martial arts instruction industry has basically withered away, and there are no successors.

Wu Yuan sighed slightly as he looked at Liu Yifei, who was wielding a Miao knife and charging at the pirates under the guidance of a martial arts instructor.

Daxing will eventually be eliminated by the times. This is a general trend and he cannot resist it.

I hope that before Daxing is eliminated, he can cultivate Liu Yifei into an actress with excellent literary skills and occupy a market in Hollywood.

There is really no future as a star player!

Compared with the filming of the previous two films, Wu Yuan is really familiar with the filming of Pirates of the Caribbean 3 this time.

Although Depp has become more popular and more famous because of the second film's global box office of one billion US dollars, under his suppression, the crew's filming was still extremely smooth and fast.

The staff built a 60-foot-tall replica of the front half of the Black Pearl in Utah, and the back half was replaced by a trailer, specifically for the filming of Black Pearl Shadow. The filming was expected to take 19 days, but In the end, it only took 4 days to get it done, which shows how smoothly the shoot went.

It's just that the third part was longer again, so even if the filming went smoothly, it still took the crew more than four months to complete the film from the Caribbean to Los Angeles and then to Utah.

On June 18, 2007, the crew of Pirates of the Caribbean 3 officially announced the completion of filming at Disney Studio 3 in Los Angeles.

Liu Yifei, who was with the team throughout the whole process and participated in the final scene, stood next to Wu Yuan with a bright smile on her arms and took a final photo with him.

At the same time, the news that Pirates of the Caribbean 3 has been completed has quickly spread in the global entertainment media.

The current level of Internet development is no longer the same as it was in 2000.

With the help of the fast Internet, fans around the world who were paying attention to the movie knew the news of the film's completion the next day, which was called anticipation.

Thanks to the high global box office and high reputation of Pirates of the Caribbean 2, this sequel can be said to have high hopes from countless movie fans.

It's just that they didn't know that if it hadn't been for a change of director and Wu Yuan's delays last year, they would have been able to meet Pirates of the Caribbean 3 in May this year.

Pirates of the Caribbean 3 has indeed undergone big changes this time. No matter how fast Disney moves, it is estimated that it will not be released until the end of the year or next year.

Disney prefers to release it in May next year. Although it does not require so much time for post-production, the schedule at the end of the year and the beginning of next year is not very good.

A movie like Pirates of the Caribbean, which has the popularity of its predecessors and countless fans around the world, is not suitable to compete with other blockbusters during the popular Christmas season. It is suitable for itself to occupy an off-season month.

For example, in May, June, and July, there are not many blockbuster films released.

Daniel, are you really not planning to take on Pirates of the Caribbean 4 again?

After the wedding banquet, before Wu Yuan and Liu Yifei packed their bags and prepared to return to China, Jerry suddenly came to his home.

Faced with Jerry's sudden inquiry, Wu Yuan was very confused, Isn't this already agreed upon?

I will make these three films. After these three films are completed, you will find another director. Isn't Disney happy to do so?

When filming the second part, Jerry already knew that Wu Yuan only planned to fulfill the contract for these three parts and not continue filming this series.

Disney also feels that this decision is quite correct. After all, Hollywood does have a trilogy curse. No director can make four consecutive films in a series with good results. Three films is usually the limit.

Disney has been looking for a director to replace Wu Yuan since last year.

Why did Jerry suddenly come to ask about this now?

Daniel, Disney and I have carefully considered it. The Pirates of the Caribbean series cannot be done without you. Jerry showed a sincere expression and grabbed Wu Yuan's hand.

Somewhat disgusted by his appearance, Wu Yuan broke away from his furry palm in disgust and rolled his eyes: Jerry, we have known each other for several years, so don't do this.

Tell me, have you encountered any difficulties with this project?

Let me guess.

Are Orlando and Keira no longer planning to continue filming the series and quit Pirates of the Caribbean?

And Depp is so bold and offers a sky-high salary for the film. If he is not satisfied, he will not stay?

Jerry smiled, with a hint of embarrassment on his face, Hey, Daniel, you're really smart.

Wu Yuan rolled his eyes again.

Isn't that right? He was driving full-picture perspective. How could he not know the future of the Pirates of the Caribbean series?

He even knew that the wife Depp would marry in the future would destroy Depp and the Pirates of the Caribbean blockbuster series.

Daniel, our cooperation is great, so I won't tell you any nonsense.

Jerry straightened his expression and said with a serious face: Orlando and Keira have determined that they will not join the subsequent sequels. They do not want their images to be completely tied to Elizabeth and Will, so that their future dramas will basically be it's over.

As for Depp, you know, he is really too arrogant. After becoming famous, he likes to act like a big star. We are not sure whether we can talk to him again.

In this way, you will be the only one left in the original team of Pirates of the Caribbean.

If you don't take over the fourth part, then this series may be completely over.

Daniel, you don't want the super IP that you spent countless efforts to create to end so hastily, right?

Stay, let's move on to Part 4.

As long as you are here, even if Depp doesn't choose to return for the fourth film in the end, we can start over. Without Depp, we can make another Pirates of the Caribbean story and let him replace Depp and start a new journey!

As long as you are here, I believe the Pirates of the Caribbean series will never end!

As the founding director of this series, Wu Yuan is indeed prestigious in the minds of Pirates of the Caribbean fans, although Depp is more popular and is the real soul core of this series.

But as long as Wu Yuan is still there, even if Depp stops acting in the end, with Wu Yuan's Dinghaishenzhen effect, at least half of the fans can stay and continue to support this series.

It may not be possible to achieve such good results as global box office exceeding one billion U.S. dollars, but there is still hope for three to four billion U.S. dollars.

Is this at least better than having both Depp and Wu Yuan leave and directly destroy the series?

Disney is trying to get Depp to stay, while Jerry is trying to get Wu Yuan.

As long as one of the two can be won, then there will be confidence in subsequent sequels.

However, Wu Yuan is really not interested in Pirates of the Caribbean 4. This series has brought him enough popularity and popularity, and also sent him into the billion-dollar box office club.

If he continues to stay in this series, he will not be able to achieve the box office performance of the second film, which will only bring disadvantages to him, but no advantages.

The right thing to do is to retreat bravely.

Jerry, I'm sorry, my movie plans for next year and the year after have already been made, and I really don't have time to take on Pirates of the Caribbean 4.

Wu Yuan spread his hands: You know, I have made this decision since last year and have been planning my career in the next few years.

You'd better hire someone else.

Hollywood has gathered the best commercial film directors in the world, and I believe Disney will find a better director than me to take over this series.

If there is a chance in the future, let's cooperate again.

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