Millennium director

Chapter 249 The premiere of Good Guys, Bad Guys, Weird Guys!

No matter how smooth Huang Bo was later, he knew more about the rules in the industry.

At least Huang Bo now is still a complete newcomer in the industry, and he really doesn't understand the twists and turns in the industry.

Wu Yuan, a great director, treated him as a courtesy corporal and was very optimistic about his future, which made him extremely excited.

In this case, Wu Yuan expressed that he wanted to sign him, what could Huang Bo say?



He could only honestly tell Wu Yuan the status of the contract he signed and the amount of liquidated damages.

When he heard that the liquidated damages were 1 million, Wu Yuan immediately waved his hand: This is nothing, just wait for the news!

One million is exchanged for Huang Bo to sign with the company for the next eight years. Is this a good deal?

What a deal!

Putting his arm around Huang Bo's shoulders, Wu Yuan led him back to the creative group with a smile on his face.

As soon as Liu Yifei saw his smile, she knew that this guy had done something satisfying and good. She asked with a sweet smile: Brother, what did you and Brother Bo talk about? You are so happy.

Nothing. Wu Yuan shook his head. This topic was not something he wanted to discuss in front of everyone.

He directly changed the subject and said: The premiere should start soon, right?

Leslie, it's time for you to take them to the front to greet the guests.

Zhang Guorong looked at his watch and greeted quickly: Let's go, let's go, it's almost time. The guests should start to arrive. Come with me to the front to greet them.

Immediately, more than ten people left the backstage with a roar to arrange the red carpet for the premiere, leaving only Wu Yuan and Liu Yifei alone backstage.

There were no outsiders now. Liu Yifei took Wu Yuan's hand and asked curiously: Brother, what did you say to Huang Bo just now? Are you so happy?

Although Huang Bo and she both graduated from the Film School in Grade 02, their vocational classes and undergraduate classes were not in the same building. In fact, they had almost no contact and did not know each other.

She was curious why Wu Yuan treated Huang Bo so differently.

Nothing. Wu Yuan didn't hide anything this time: I just think that Huang Bo will be a good actor in the future, so I want to recruit him to the company. I chatted with him verbally and I feel that he is quite willing.

As long as they are not artists from Huayi, it is quite easy for Light and Shadow Era to poach artists from other agencies.

Because Light and Shadow Times has its own self-produced films, this advantage is not available to most mainland agencies.

There are only a few brands that can compete with them, including Huayi, Chengtian, and Bona in the mainland, and Emperor in Hong Kong.

Coincidentally, Huang Bo did not sign with the above-mentioned companies, but a company that specialized in artist management business. In terms of rich resources, it could not be compared with the Light and Shadow Era.

This is also the chaotic current situation in the artist management industry.

Domestic artist management companies have sprung up in recent years, but 80% of them only have one name.

With a few employees and a few so-called professional agents, the company is up and running. If you go to a professional school to sign a few newcomers to the acting department, or go to Hengdian and sign some character actors, the company will be on the right track. .

But in fact, they need resources but not resources, and connections but not connections. They say they are agents, but they do not bring any benefits to the artists. They are just big life assistants who help artists prepare audition resumes.

To actually take a role, you still have to submit your resume everywhere and participate in auditions. It doesn't matter whether they are there or not. It still depends on the artist's fame and luck.

As a result, many well-known actors nowadays would rather choose to work for a single agency than sign with such a small agency.

There is no benefit to speak of except being exploited one more layer.

Huang Bo suddenly became famous. He didn't understand this. He thought it was a good thing that a management company came to his door. It meant that he was going to become a real professional actor, so he signed a contract with the company excitedly.

Wu Yuan poaching him is, in a sense, a good thing for Huang Bo.

Because Wu Yuanzhen would give him resources, not exploiting him in vain.

After telling Liu Yifei all the inside information, she immediately patted her chest with lingering fear: It turns out that it's just a simple signing with a brokerage company, but there are so many twists and turns.

I thought those professional brokerage companies were very powerful.

When she debuted, she was protected by a brokerage company specially opened by her godfather, and now she is protected by Wu Yuan. Liu Yifei, who has never lacked film and television resources, does not understand the chaotic management situation in the industry at all.

Wu Yuan made a sound of cut and said in a casual tone: Where are there any professional brokerage companies now?

Including Chengtian, where Wang Jinhua switched jobs, he only learned a little bit about Japanese agents, and his main business is still investing in film production.

Truly professional brokerage companies will still have to wait until after 2012 to appear. There is no shortage of connections and resources. They also have a dedicated crisis public relations department and a professional hype packaging plan, which can quickly package an amateur into a traffic star.

How to create characters, stir up topics, buy trending searches, and push traffic? You are all very skilled at it. This is what you call professional!

Current agency?

Including Tangren and Chengtian, they only know how to foolishly provide resources for their own movies and TV series, and then give money to the media to write more drafts. They are very elementary!

Wu Yuan just doesn't like this method of creating a popular star, otherwise he would have to give the domestic entertainment a little bit of artist packaging to shock!

Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Let's go to the screening room.

Wu Yuan took Liu Yifei's little hand and went to the screening room of Good Guys, Bad Guys and Weird Guys with her.

Half an hour later, the screening hall, which could accommodate nearly a thousand people, was filled with guests, film critics and lucky fans who had won premiere tickets.

As the first western film in mainland China, Good Guys, Bad Guys, and Strange Guys has attracted the attention of many domestic film critics and fans since its inception.

From the very beginning, Zhang Guorong showed a tribute attitude, directly stating that this film is a tribute to the classic western film The Good, the Bad, and the Bad, and it can be regarded as a localized adaptation.

Light and Shadow Times also honestly bought the adaptation rights, but it will not be criticized in this regard.

The film critics and audiences at the scene were looking forward to what this localized western film would be like.

After Zhang Guorong came on stage and made a speech, thanked a lot of people, and talked about interesting things about the filming of the film and how hard it was, the film premiere officially began.

As the dragon logo and the logo of the Light and Shadow Times lit up and then went out, a figure riding a horse standing on the Gobi desert appeared in front of all the audience.

Yellow sand flew across the sky, and the figure turned around slowly on horseback. Although he was wearing a scarf that covered most of his face, the audience could tell at a glance that this was Liu Ye!


After spanking the horse hard, the horse rushed down from the Gobi Desert with Liu Ye. The camera also changed according to Liu Ye's perspective. A steaming train was galloping not far ahead.

An idea immediately flashed in the minds of many film critics.

This is to rob the train!

To engage in such an exciting plot?

This movie is interesting!

Write a thousand more words in the next chapter.

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