Millennium director

Chapter 251 The new helmsman of cinema brands in the era of light and shadow

In the age of light and shadow, the living room.

Wu Yuan was sitting on the sofa, with a cup of hot tea on the coffee table in front of him, which was constantly steaming.

He glanced at his watch from time to time, as if he was waiting for someone.

After a while, there was a knock on the door.

Director Wu, Mr. Lin is here. Assistant Xiao Zhang's voice sounded outside the door.

Wu Yuan stood up quickly: Please come quickly.

The door of the living room was pushed open, and Xiao Zhang walked in with a man in a suit and glasses who looked like a complete elite. He looked at a man in his thirties or less than forty years old.

Mr. Lin, I've been waiting for you.

With a smile on his face, Wu Yuan took the initiative to shake his hand and invited him to sit down on the sofa.

This part of the company's theater business is all waiting for you to coordinate and operate it.

Yes, this Mr. Lin is the helmsman Wu Yuan is looking for for the Cinema brand of Light and Shadow Era.

He has been paying attention to this matter since the beginning of this year, asking Li Xiaoping to find suitable personnel and hire a headhunting company to poach them.

After more than half a year of hard work, we have finally found a real elite.

Mr. Lin's full name is Lin Wei. His name may be ordinary, but he is anything but ordinary.

He is a Chinese-American who immigrated to the United States with his parents when he was 16 years old.

His parents are intellectuals in China and were the first batch of college students after the resumption of the college entrance examination. Under the immigration trend in the 1990s, they chose to go to the United States for development.

After Lin Wei arrived in the United States, with his excellent mind, he was quickly admitted to the Business School of Stanford University.

After graduation, he joined AMC.

AMC (American Multi-Cinema) is an American movie theater chain headquartered in Lakewood, near Kansas City, and it is the world's largest movie theater chain.

AMC opened the first movie theater in the United States in 1920. It has a history of 92 years and is a household name in the United States.

In addition to the United States and Canada, there are theaters in the United Kingdom, France, Hong Kong Island, China and other regions.

However, the theaters owned by AMC are mainly concentrated in the centers of large North American cities, and own 23 of the top 50 theaters with the highest box office in North America.

Globally, this is a very powerful cinema chain brand.

After Lin Wei joined the company, he spent more than ten years becoming the regional manager of AMC, responsible for theaters in several states on the West Coast of the United States. He is considered the top management in the middle level.

However, for him, a Chinese-American, this is the highest position he can climb to. Taking the next step to the top of AMC is like a carrot and a trap, and there is no place for him at all.

There is an invisible ceiling for Chinese Americans in the United States. Especially in the entertainment industry related to Hollywood, senior positions are basically held by a group of old white men. Blacks, Asians, and Latinos are unable to reach the top.

Lin Wei, who is only in his thirties and is still on the rise in his career, certainly does not want to end up here in his life, and he still has the heart to climb up the ladder.

So, after the headhunting company's constant persuasion and the development plan of Light and Shadow Era, he was finally moved and asked to quit his job at AMC and switch jobs to Light and Shadow Era.

He will serve as the general manager of Light and Film Times Cinema Media Company.

Yes, Wu Yuan directly spun off the theater brand of Light and Shadow Times and established a new company separately. He is a wholly-owned shareholder, and Lin Wei will receive a rich contract.

For every year you work for the company, you can get 1% of the shares, up to 10% of the shares. These are shares, not options or stock dividends!

In other words, if Lin Wei can work hard for the company for ten years, he will own 10% of the theater company's shares and become the second shareholder.

The only restriction is that if his shares are to be resold, they must be given priority to Wu Yuan at the market price and cannot be transferred to others privately unless Wu Yuan does not want them.

Wu Yuan was still willing to give benefits.

He invited Lin Wei to come here just to develop the company's theater brand.

Wu Yuan is just a director. He doesn't know anything about the development of theater chains. He also knows that the next ten years will be a red sea of ​​theater chains, and opening a cinema will definitely make money.

But he had no idea how to open it, how to run the theater, and how to arrange the staff.

After Li Xiaoping developed the company's theater chain brand to more than a dozen theaters, she was already unable to do what she wanted.

Once there are hundreds of people, management becomes very laborious. In addition, every theater will encounter different problems. Li Xiaoping, who has never been in this industry and has no experience, can only deal with it gropingly.

If you want the theater brand in the Light and Film Era to split and expand to dozens or even hundreds of stores, you must have a professional at the helm and delegate authority to him.

Lin Wei is the professional found by Wu Yuan. He is the most important thing in the 21st century, talent!

If you can't let go of the child, you can't trap the wolf.

How can we tie Lin Wei to the company for at least ten years without giving him 1% of his shares this year?

Spending 10% of the shares in exchange for a theater brand with hundreds or even hundreds of theaters is worth it!

Lin Wei was also moved by the shares and did not want to be just a laborer, so he abandoned everything in the United States and returned to China resolutely.

Well, of course, Wu Yuan's promise to invest at least 100 million yuan in starting capital for the theater brand was also one of the reasons that made him excited.

The new boss is too rich.

Director Wu, thank you for your trust. Lin Wei adjusted his glasses frame reservedly, took out a document from the briefcase he carried and handed it to Wu Yuan.

This is the development plan I have made for the company. If you have no objection, the theater brand of Light and Shadow Times will expand according to this plan.

Before returning to China, I carefully researched the development of the movie market in Mainland China. According to my judgment, the movie theater market in Mainland China will have great potential in the next ten years!

With the strong growth of the country's GDP, watching movies has gradually become an indispensable part of mass entertainment.

China has the largest population in the world. If only 1% of its billions of people have the habit of going to cinemas to watch movies, it will create a tens of billions-level movie market.

I believe that this day will not be far away. Within ten years, the film market in mainland China will exceed 10 billion.

Nowadays, mainland movie theaters simply cannot handle such a large movie market. The expansion of the movie theater industry is inevitable.

It can be said that opening movie theaters in mainland China in the next ten years will be a matter of making money while lying down.

Wu Yuan raised his eyebrows and reached out to take the plan.

Not to mention, the elites in the industry are the elites in the industry, and there is indeed no problem with this vision.

Unlike Wu Yuan, who has a future perspective like Wu Yuan, Lin Wei is really good at grasping the development context of mainland cinemas in the next ten years.

Opening the plan, Wu Yuan read it carefully.

The cinema brand of the Light and Film Era will be positioned as a fully digital cinema, using top-notch projection equipment.

Start the Light and Shadow Era Cinema project as soon as possible and build the Light and Shadow Era Cinema into a city landmark building and the center of the business district.

Introducing the advanced design concepts of American cinema chains, humanized services and the successful management model of international chain cinemas, and building each cinema to the standards of a five-star or super-five-star cinema.

In 2007, at least two must be opened in the four major cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, with a business area of ​​more than 2,500 square meters, at least 4 luxurious screening halls and 1 VIP hall, with a total of more than 800 seats, and can simultaneously broadcast various movies with international cinemas. A movie theater for world blockbusters.”

Within 2007, the number of cinemas under the Light and Shadow Era brand must reach 20.

In 2008, we plan to open 20 new cinemas and 3-5 movie theaters to establish brand reputation in major first- and second-tier cities across the country.

The total number of theaters needs to reach 80 in 2009, and 5-8 cinemas will be built in first-tier cities to further consolidate brand influence.

Beginning in 2010, the brand expansion direction shifted to second- and third-tier cities, focusing on developing theaters in third-tier cities to seize the sinking market!

Before 2015, we will strive to open 100 theaters in second- and third-tier prefecture-level cities across the country to form brand dominance!

Of course, the entire plan will not be so simple. Wu Yuan just refined the key points.

Lin Wei is very ambitious and plans to build a large-scale cinema chain brand with 180 theaters and 10 cinemas within nine years.

To achieve this, 100 million is definitely not enough.

Wu Yuan pointed to the big word cinema on the plan and asked: Mr. Lin, the cost of building a cinema is much more expensive than opening a cinema.

Yes. Lin Wei said calmly: An ordinary cinema can be built at a cost of one to two million if it is not self-built and only rents the venue.

But if we want to open a movie theater covering an area of ​​more than 2,500 square meters, we need to rent a one- to two-story building in the main square of the business district, plus five-star decoration services. A movie theater will cost between 10 and 20 million. Open.”

Wu Yuan frowned, Is it so expensive?

Would it be too much of a burden to open two businesses at once?

The initial capital given by Wu Yuan was only 100 million, and two movie theaters could directly sell 40 million. Will the remaining money be enough for Lin Wei to realize the expansion plan of 20 theaters and 3 movie theaters in 2008?

Director Wu, I have calculated it carefully. This plan is definitely the one with the highest return while maximizing the use of funds. Lin Wei's eyes flashed with excitement, and he danced and described his business blueprint.

The profits of the more than ten theaters currently in operation by the company are very good, but the cost has been recovered within one year.

Now is the blue ocean for cinemas. Basically, if you open a cinema, you can repay the capital in half a year, and the net profit can exceed one million in a year.

The fission of existing theaters alone is enough to support the doubling of the number of theaters in a year.

Your new investment of 100 million will mainly be used to build cinemas. Although cinemas have high gross profits, cinemas are what truly represent the brand image and influence of a cinema chain.

Only by opening large-scale cinemas in first-tier cities can we quickly enhance the brand image of cinema chains and attract audiences to choose our cinemas.

It's just like those hotel brands, they have to try their best to build luxury high-end hotels, like six-star or seven-star hotels.

It is impossible to become an industry leader and a high-end brand by only being a low-end chain of convenient hotels.

The same principle applies to theater chains. Even if you grit your teeth, you must invest more in cinemas in the early stage. You must not lose a big deal for a small amount!

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