Millennium director

Chapter 255 The couple’s relationship is semi-public

In the study room of Dongshan Villa, Wu Yuan was studying a pile of information on current students in the performance departments of three major universities.

Suddenly, the door to the study room was opened, and a little head got in.

Liu Yifei glanced at Wu Yuan who was looking at the documents seriously, smiled, slipped to Wu Yuan's side, and leaned on his arm, Brother, my birthday is coming soon.

20th birthday!

Facing Liu Yifei's shining expectant eyes, Wu Yuan raised the corner of his mouth and said, I've been ready for a long time.

When the time comes, just dress up beautifully and participate.

Hee hee hee was all that was needed. Liu Yifei smiled and put her arms around Wu Yuan's shoulders, looking at the document in his hand.

Information about students in the 06-level acting class of the Film Academy?

Brother, why are you looking at this?

Liu Yifei noticed that the names of Zhu Yilong, Peng Guanying, and Gao Ye on the list were also circled.

Looking further up, Level 05 Zhang Xiaofei was also singled out.

The smart Liu Yifei immediately guessed the reason and said in surprise: Brother, is the company going to sign a new person?

That's right. Wu Yuan nodded with a smile: Isn't it necessary that you, the company's number one sister, should be firmly established?

The company only has two female artists, so you, the first one, are not valuable. Only by signing more artists can you be valuable.

Nonsense! Liu Yifei patted Wu Yuan's junior dissatisfiedly, When I was in Red Star Wu, I was the only artist in the company. What does this have to do with it!

Oh~ Wu Yuan nodded pretending to be enlightened: So that's what you mean. You just want the company to sign you as a female artist and then dote on you alone, right?

Brother! Liu Yifei stomped her feet dissatisfied. How could this guy be so bad and deliberately misinterpret his meaning?

Okay. Wu Yuan smiled and shook his head: The company is really going to work on artist management next.

Not only do we sign new people, but we also work hard to sign a group of good prospects who are just emerging in the industry.

Of course, you, the boss of the company, will have no influence. Wu Yuan held Liu Yifei in his arms and asked with a smile: How are you practicing for the two singles I made for you?

Wu Yuan has always had a vigorous and resolute style.

After asking Liu Yifei last time whether she would release a few English singles, Wu Yuan immediately took action and found a famous American record company with a long history and high quality: RCA Records to produce singles for Liu Yifei.

Taylor Swift, whose popularity is soaring in North America, is an artist of this company.

After Wu Yuan sent the two songs Call Me Maybe and I Really Like You that he hummed and played on guitar to the producers of this company, they quickly perfected the arrangement based on the melody.

The rough version is similar to what Wu Yuan heard in his dream. Although the arrangement may have changed in some places, it does not affect the overall effect.

Liu Yifei also started practicing at home after getting the complete accompaniment and score. After the release promotion of Those Years is over, she will go to the United States to record songs.

She did not sign a record deal with this company, but only signed a cooperation agreement with this company. This company will help promote these two singles, and 30% of the profits generated will be shared with this company.

The contract is limited to these two singles. Whether they will collaborate again in the future depends on the performance of these two singles.

That is to say, Wu Yuan has a great reputation. After all, he is a major Hollywood director and has a Hollywood independent film company that has begun to take shape. Otherwise, ordinary record companies will not agree to this kind of temporary cooperation.

As for why not make a whole album and just release two singles?

Of course, this is because Liu Yifei's main job is still an actor after all, and singers are just a means to earn popularity and fame.

It will be 2008 in half a year, and the iPhone has been on the market for a year. The development of digital music in North America has been quite mature, and singles alone are enough to spread on the Internet.

In fact, in this album of Quamei, only one song, Call Me Maybe, became a hit on the global Internet. The other songs in the album basically have no such name.

This song plus I Really Like You is enough.

If the follow-up response is good, she will release another song Good Time to solidify her popularity, and at least North American fans will remember her in the next five years.

After five years of hard work, Liu Yifei, who is famous and under the operation of Wu Yuan, still can't establish a firm foothold in Haolaiwu?

Yifei, you have to sing these songs well. Wu Yuan said earnestly: Whether you can open up the market in North America, these songs are very important.

“Singers are still more likely to become famous than actors!”

I think of Justin Bieber, whose song Baby became a global hit on YouTube, and even caused the world to imitate his thick slanted bangs hairstyle, which has been popular for more than ten years.

Recall that South Korea's Psy also became a global hit with his song Gangnam Style. He even won a lot of awards at various music awards around the world and danced horseback dancing with famous Hollywood actors and singers.

From the United States to the United Kingdom to Germany, wherever he went, tens of thousands of people gathered to dance the horseback dance with him. It was so popular.

There is also the Spanish song Despacito, which set off a global shuffle dance trend, with stars and actors from all over the world competing to interact and collaborate.

Compared with actors, singers want to become famous instantly, and become famous all over the world. There are too many examples.

Wu Yuan did not expect Liu Yifei to achieve such an exaggerated hit effect. As long as Call Me Maybe could become popular among young people in North America, it would be on the top ten of the Billboard, and the MV would be a hit.

With a hot single and a wonderful appearance in Pirates of the Caribbean 3, North American audiences should remember this star from the mysterious East, right?

I know, senior brother! Of course Liu Yifei also understands how much effort her boyfriend has made to pave the way for her acting career.

She was moved and said: I will practice singing well, senior brother. I didn't expect you to write songs specifically for me and write them so well!

Although Wu Yuan doesn't have any romantic qualities, he often uses actions instead of words to express his love.

But isn’t this act of writing songs for the girl you like not romantic?

Anyway, Liu Yifei is very satisfied. For her, these two songs are the best gifts.

Three days later, Liu Yifei's 20th birthday party was held at their love nest in Dongshan Villa.

It can be considered as a housewarming party together.

Wu Yuan's friends in the industry and Liu Yifei's best friends were all invited to attend this birthday party.

Of course, there were no reporters or media present at the scene. Wu Yuan was not like Chen Jingfei, whose coming-of-age ceremony could be turned into a commercial event.

Because no outsiders were present, the atmosphere was very harmonious.

Including Zhu Yawen, who was invited to participate, also swept away his previous bitter mentality and looked happily at Wu Yuan and Liu Yifei embracing each other to receive blessings.

Hehe, his love life has been very smooth recently!

Destiny is really a magical thing.

When filming Those Years, Director Li Yang called out the male and female protagonists of Whose Youth Is Not Confused, Shen Jiani and Wang Kailai, as a guest couple who appeared in the movie for more than ten seconds, which was considered an Easter egg.

With just this opportunity to make a cameo, Zhu Yawen shamelessly entangled Shen Jiani and exchanged contact information with her.

Two years in advance, Zhu Yawen hooked up with Shen Jiani.

The two are now in the ambiguous period of getting to know each other. How can Zhu Yawen have time to grieve for his lost secret love?

Whenever he sees a couple now, he will smile like an aunt on his face, and then he fantasizes about what his life as a couple with Shen Jiani will be like, and how sweet it will be.

So when he saw Wu Yuan hugging Liu Yifei and accepting blessings from friends from all walks of life, he was not jealous at all. The smile on his face made Liu Yifei a little scared when he saw it. He whispered to Wu Yuan: Brother, Ya Wen is here. What's wrong? Is it because the stimulation is too great or there is something wrong with your mind?

That's not the case!

Wu Yuan glanced at him and said a little funny: Don't talk to him.

Wu Yuan is very well informed, and the affairs of his artists are very clear.

He is falling into a new relationship now. He is about to catch up with the new girl Shen Jiani that Director Li discovered. He looks so cheerful to everyone now.

A man in love, tsk tsk tsk

What's wrong with a man who falls in love? A cold voice sounded in his ear, Isn't it bad?

Okay! Wu Yuan turned his head and said to Liu Yifei very sincerely: Okay, I feel like I am living in a honeypot every day.

Humph, you are lucky to have a girl as good as me want you. Liu Yifei wrinkled her nose and reached out to poke Wu Yuan's chest: Don't be unaware of your blessings when you are surrounded by blessings!

Yes, today is your birthday and you are the biggest.

Wu Yuan nodded with approval on his face, but he was complaining strongly in his heart.

Where is that little girl who liked me one after another and wanted to pursue her fiercely?

Sure enough, both men and women have two faces before and after falling in love!

On the side, the eyes of Liu Yifei's college classmates who were watching Wu Yuan and Liu Yifei's whispers and small actions from a distance were about to pop out.

Especially Liu Yifei's best friend Wang Jia, she is the squad leader of the class of class 02. Because Liu Yifei was the youngest classmate in the class, as the squad leader, she was very enthusiastic to help Liu Yifei adapt to school life, and later she became a good best friend.

After graduation, Wang Jia's acting career was not very smooth. Now she almost wants to give up being an actor. This industry is not easy to get along with, and she is also very negative about the fame and fortune fair in the entertainment industry.

But when she saw how close Liu Yifei and Wu Yuan were, she was still severely shocked.

Isn't it a good idea for Sissi to hide this? She said excitedly: Sissi is actually getting along with Director Wu?

This girl, she's hiding something like this from us!

Su Chang, who was also standing next to her and watching, covered her mouth and smiled. Su Chang had already seen this sign. At Liu Yifei's 18th birthday party, Su Chang was sure that Liu Yifei must have thoughts about Wu Yuan.

I just didn't expect that she would actually take Wu Yuan down without saying a word.

You think we should go up and join in the fun? It's so unethical for Sissi to hide it from us. Su Chang said without fear of causing trouble.

Wang Jia, Zhou Yang, Jiang Yan and others looked at each other, rushed up and surrounded Liu Yifei, and started teasing each other.

The thin-skinned Liu Yifei couldn't stand the teasing from her girlfriends, especially those weird looks, so she had no choice but to admit her mistakes again and again, and solemnly announced to them that Wu Yuan was her boyfriend.

At this point, with the help of this 20th birthday party, the relationship between Wu Yuan and Liu Yifei has become semi-public in the mainland entertainment circle after being semi-public in Hollywood.

There are jealous people and there are envious people.

Of course, these emotions are all for Liu Yifei. Who knows that Wu Yuan, this piece of Tang monk meat, is really greedy.

Liu Xiaoli is most gratified about this.

If Liu Yifei's love partner were someone else, Liu Xiaoli would definitely not want to make it public, not to mention beating the couple.

But when the target was Wu Yuan, things were different. Seeing that the relationship between the young couple was becoming more and more stable, and their family members had also met, Wu Yuan still maintained a single character in the circle, and Liu Xiaoli was a little dissatisfied. .

Isn’t this attracting bees and butterflies?

Now that the relationship between Wu Yuan and Liu Yifei has finally been made public in the industry, there are more than 20 friends of celebrities in the industry who came to attend the birthday party today, including Liu Yifei and Wu Yuan.

Through their mouths, word of their love relationship will soon spread throughout the circle.

By then, who in the industry would dare to neglect Liu Yifei?

As a mother, Liu Xiaoli always hopes for better things for her daughter.

Looking at the two people standing in the center of the banquet hall, receiving blessings from friends from all walks of life, looking at their golden boy and girl, Liu Xiaoli smiled happily.

In the blink of an eye, Sissi will be 20 years old and have a boyfriend. Time flies so fast.

Touching the crow's feet at the corners of her eyes, Liu Xiaoli felt filled with emotion.

It's time to let go completely.

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