Millennium director

Chapter 26 Returning to school with honor!

After Wu Yuan returned to China, he really felt that his movie was popular.

Although no one recognized him as the director of The Night the Comet Came on the street, news about him and this movie can be seen everywhere in newspapers.

The actors in the crew also became popular with the help of this movie.

Including Chen Kun and Zeng Li, who have just returned to China, the eight movie starring actors have received many announcements for activities and TV programs, and their schedules have become busy.

Wu Yuan only had time to have a celebration banquet with everyone, and everyone flew around the country, leaving Wu Yuan alone in the capital.

However, after all, the millennium is not the future when the entertainment industry is developed.

The Night the Comet Came became a hit, but it didn't bring any more film contracts to the leading actors.

Nowadays, there are few movies and not many TV series approved every year, and most of them have their actors finalized months in advance. It is still difficult for those who suddenly become popular to receive any good script invitations in the short term.

Chen Kun even pushed the program announcements and acupuncture activities that came to his door. He just wanted to spend time with his girlfriend.

Well, they were not in the capital either. The two of them went on a trip. Chen Kun's hobby of traveling may have been cultivated by this girlfriend.

At least Wu Yuan had never heard Chen Kun say that he loved traveling before, but he never expected that he would go cycling into Tibet later.

As for Wu Yuan himself, after asking Director Han when the film's share of the money would be received, he returned to school with nothing to do.

The first semester of his junior year has started for more than a month, and Wu Yuan has not returned to school since finishing editing the film!

He has to go back to school and cancel his leave with the teachers. By the way, he can bring the trophy back to school to show it to the teachers. This will at least make his next leave more logical!

Film Academy, Hall of Honor.

All teachers in the entire directing department, including professors who do not teach classes, are all gathered here.

Even teachers from other departments such as the Performance Department and the Photography Department next door came.

All the teachers' eyes were focused on a trophy in the corner of the honor room.

Sitges International Fantasy Film Festival - Best Screenplay: Yuan Wu

Hey, that's weird!

No domestic filmmaker has ever won any award at the Sitges International Fantasy Film Festival!

Only Nie Xiaoqian from Hong Kong Island has taken it!

Mainland filmmakers currently working in the film industry have an almost pathological pursuit of foreign awards.

After all, movies are imported, and they are art created by foreigners.

Therefore, due to the lack of national pride, whether they are fifth or fourth generation filmmakers, they all hope to win foreign awards and prove that they are no worse than foreign filmmakers!

This phenomenon will have to wait until after 2010, when the box office market picks up and national pride rises, and mainland filmmakers become more confident and don't care about these foreign honors.

Now, if a directing student can win an award from a foreign film festival, that is definitely a big news worthy of causing a sensation in the entire film school!

Speaking of the directing department teachers at Beijing Film Academy, they have indeed won many foreign awards. Trophies from more than a dozen awards at various film festivals are placed in the honor room.

But there are no trophies from the three major fantasy film festivals in the honor showroom.

Mainland filmmakers rarely make suspense, fantasy, and thriller movies.

The teachers are naturally very curious about this trophy.

Hey, this is the trophy from the Sitges Film Festival? Xie Xiaojing couldn't put it down, fondling the trophy belonging to Wu Yuan, smiling so hard that she couldn't close her mouth.

Let me take a look! Hou Keming, who came specially from Beijing Film Studio, grabbed the trophy and looked at it.

There were more teachers who wanted to come over to take a look and touch the trophy.

Wu Yuan, the winner, was pushed to the outside.

This enthusiasm lasted for an entire afternoon. First, teachers from the directing department, then teachers from other departments, and finally students from the film school. Most of them came to watch the trophy and Wu Yuan, the new legend of the film school. !

It was not until the evening that Wu Yuan finally got away and had time to talk to the department chair, Mr. Xie Xiaojing.

Xiao Wu, this movie was shot well and it brought honor to our film school!

Xie Xiaojing held the thermos cup in her hand and took a big sip, spit out another mouthful of tea foam, closed the lid, and stretched out her hand to signal Wu Yuan to sit down and talk.

I know what you want to say, about going to Hollywood to film a movie, right?

Han Sanping told me everything.

Wu Yuan smiled and was about to explain that he didn't mean to say this.

I haven't even mentioned the matter of going to Hollywood yet, so why has it spread now?

It was as if he could go to Hollywood and make a movie right away if he wanted to.

In fact, Wu Yuan only communicated briefly with John via email.

Although John personally admires Wu Yuan, if he wants to cooperate, it depends on whether he can come up with a script that satisfies Fox Searchlight!

If we can't come up with a suitable script, there will be no follow-up to this matter.

At most, he only has a channel to submit scripts to Fox Searchlight. It's not as easy as Director Han said!

Wu Yuan just wanted to come to Professor Xie to sell him a holiday!

But before his explanation could be uttered, Xie Xiaojing immediately said: It's a good thing to go to Hollywood to make a movie!

It's not like the school doesn't know how to adapt.

Although in principle the college does not encourage current students to go out for filming, they should focus on their studies.

But you are different. Your film The Night the Comet Came was very good. Many seniors who have graduated are not at this level.

You don't need to take rigid classes every day anymore.

In this way, the department will give you a note. If you really have something to do in the future, you can miss classes as appropriate.

But you can't slack off in your studies. Don't miss out on the knowledge you need to learn. Study by yourself when you have time! I believe you have this ability!

But you still have to take the final exam of each semester. If you really can't catch up, you can take it alone. Missing the exam is not allowed!

Upon hearing this, Wu Yuan swallowed the explanation in his mouth again.

He really didn't think much about studying this.

In the past, the plan was to get the first pot of gold after the 2002 World Cup and then start to control the crew, so Wu Yuan hung out in school, and the relationship between classmates became harmonious.

But now, due to various circumstances, he has made his debut as a director, and his debut film has done very well, and he has widened the gap between him and his classmates.

Then there is no point in continuing to study.

Wu Yuan had already learned the knowledge he needed to learn in his dream, and he had no problem handling the exam!

Thank you teachers for your accommodation. Wu Yuan stood up immediately and thanked him.

There is no reason not to agree to such a good thing!

Well, go about your business. Xie Xiaojing looked at Wu Yuan with a smile: Teacher is looking forward to your next movie.

Hollywood, hey, that's amazing. Our school has a director who can go to Hollywood to make a movie!

But Hollywood is not a harmonious place.

People over there are all about profit. No matter how big a director is, as long as they make two movies that lose money at the box office, they will no longer be able to attract investment or receive projects.

Teacher's sincere blessings and hope that your new movie will also achieve good results in Hollywood!

Win glory for our Chinese directors! Win glory for the country!

Let those Americans who have higher eyesight see that our Chinese directors are no worse than Americans in making movies!

In fact, pursuing foreign awards and taking foreign awards as very important does not mean that it is unpatriotic behavior.

At least the fifth generation directors do this precisely because they are very patriotic (I’m talking about Zhang Yimou, Tian Zhuangzhuang, Xie Xiaojing and other teachers, it’s hard to say for Chen Kaige). They want to prove to the world that Chinese films are no worse than foreign films, and Chinese directors can also make films. A good movie recognized by the world!

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