Millennium director

Chapter 259 Have you heard of Netflix?

Outside a newly opened cinema in the Chaoyang business district of Beijing, various movie posters were plastered all over the glass door.

Among them, the most eye-catching one is a spooky-looking poster posted in the center.

This poster has a black and gray background, and in the center of the poster, there is a red door.

The door was half-open, and the open part was dark, which seemed to mean that it was dark outside. But in the darkness, there was a bunch of bloodshot pupils, looking directly at everyone looking at the poster. Breaking the third wall.

At the top of the poster, there are three big bloody characters.

Don't Knock

Below the poster, there are only a few lines of small white text:

Works directed by Liu Meichuan.

Starring: Lei Jiayin, Sun Yizhou, Jiang Shuying, Liu Zhiyang, Zhang Han, Tong Liya.

The leading actors on the poster are currently in Hall 1 of the theater, accompanying director Liu Meichuan, waiting for the movie to start.

Don't Knock is naturally not qualified to hold a premiere.

From director to actor, no one is well-known.

The director is a new director who has just graduated, and the actors are all students who have just graduated or are still studying in the acting departments of Chinese Opera and Shanghai Opera.

If you expect this group of people to hold a premiere, who can you invite to attend?

Therefore, after the release of Don't Knock was finalized, although some online and offline promotions were done, the production started directly after the trailer was released on many platforms on the Internet.

If Liu Meichuan and others want to watch this movie, they have to buy their own movie tickets and go to the cinema to watch it.

After discussing it, these creators bought movie tickets for the same show and watched this movie together, which was a debut for many creators.

In the fifth row of seats, Lei Jiayin was still chattering in Liu Meichuan's ear: Director, my head is really not big.

It's just a visual effect from the filming.

Stop calling me Big Tou. If this nickname spreads, how will I be able to hang out in the industry in the future?

Everyone's nicknames are Chaoyang Xiaoyanzu and Demon City Jin Chengwu. My name is Lei Datou. I'm so irritated!

Zhang Han, who was sitting on the other side of him, grinned when he heard this and showed a tyrannical CEO smile. He happily hugged Lei Jiayin's shoulders: Jiayin, accept your fate. This nickname is right for you. You are the most vivid.

What Chaoyang Xiaoyanzu, Demon City Jin Chengwu, do you think you are worthy of this title?

How come I'm not worthy? Lei Jiayin said anxiously: I originally wanted to be a model, but during the interview, Teacher Lu took a liking to me at a glance and said that I had a good image and was suitable to be an actor. Passed the Shanghai Opera exam!

“The results at that time were still second in the country!”

After I entered the school, no one said I wasn't handsome!

Why am I not worthy enough to be called Modu Jin Chengwu?

Don't tell me, don't tell me, Lei Jiayin is really handsome when he is young now. He is a perfect little boy with no shortcomings except that his head is a bit big.

Jiang Shuying added in a special way: Everyone in school praises Lei Zi for his handsomeness, and the teacher also likes him.

No, as soon as I graduated, I was spotted by the Shanghai Drama Center. We couldn't get in even if we wanted to.

Lei Jiayin started to sneer, which made other actors laugh frequently.

They are all newcomers, which is different from the experienced actors who clearly separate their work and private lives on the set.

After the filming of Don't Knock, students from the two schools of Chinese Opera and Shanghai Opera have become very familiar with each other, calling each other brothers and sisters.

Everyone got along so happily and the atmosphere was very good.

Director Liu Meichuan is not very young, and Don't Knock is his first feature-length film. It has a different meaning, and he also gets along very well with everyone.

Ten years later, twenty years later, when these actors have become famous in the industry, they will have a very deep network of connections.

This is how the connections in this circle are gathered and managed, especially the academic faction.

Okay, stop making trouble.

The rest of the audience has almost arrived, and the movie is about to start.

Everyone, be quiet.

Liu Meichuan spoke, and the other creators immediately fell silent. The director's words were still very effective.

Everyone cast curious eyes on the big screen.

Except for Liu Meichuan, the other leading actors have not seen the edited film, so they don't know how their own performance will be, and they don't know what the director will ultimately edit it into.

To be honest, Liu Meichuan is so young and this is his first work. Although everyone is excited, they are still a little worried.

I was worried that the final effect of the film would not be good and would be cut into pieces.

Soon, in the screening hall where about a third of the audience was seated, the lights began to go out and the big screen slowly lit up.

The movie started to show.

On the other side, in another Guangying Times Cinema not far from Chaoyang Film Times Cinema, Liu Yifei and Wu Yuan, wearing masks and glasses, also walked into the cinema.

Unlike Liu Yifei who mainly stared at the posters, Wu Yuan was carefully observing the layout of the theater and the attitude of the ticket seller from the moment he entered.

This is his first time coming from a theater run by his own company.

Beijing is considered one of the key cities in the development of the era of light and shadow. In Beijing alone, five cinemas have opened and a movie theater is under construction.

Lin Wei plans to open five more theaters and one movie theater in the future.

After all, this is the capital, one of the mainland cities with the highest consumption level, and the only one that can stand shoulder to shoulder is the Magic City, which focuses on economic development.

After observing with thoughtful eyes for a while, Wu Yuan nodded with satisfaction.

As a mid-level and high-level executive of a theater chain from Hollywood, Lin Wei does have two skills.

The layout of the cinema is very modern, very similar to European and American cinemas. The ticket sellers are also well trained, smiling and speaking softly. When the audience has difficulty in making a choice, they will also carefully introduce the characteristics of each movie being screened. However, there was no active motivation to promote which one, and the choice was still left to the audience who bought tickets.

Holding the movie tickets that Xiao Zhang had bought in advance yesterday, Wu Yuan took Liu Yifei's hand and entered the theater from the ticket gate, stepping into Theater No. 2.

The biggest feature of a newly opened cinema is that all the equipment is new.

Sitting on the seat in the screening room, Wu Yuan could even smell a faint smell of leather.

This shows that the cleaning staff of the theater have a good attitude towards their work. They wipe all the seats in the theater every day or even every half day to prevent any odor from remaining.

Brother, have you seen this movie? Liu Yifei asked enthusiastically, interrupting Wu Yuan's thinking.

He smiled slightly: I haven't seen the finished film, I've only roughly read the script.

Horror movies made in the mainland were only made in Hong Kong and Taiwan in the past. Liu Yifei was still very interested: I don't know if the content is exciting or not.

You've read the script, but no spoilers are allowed!

One of Liu Yifei's major hobbies in life is watching horror movies.

Moreover, I stayed alone on the sofa at night and watched DVDs.

Wu Yuan didn't know why a little girl like her would like to watch horror movies.

What's more interesting is that she also likes watching cartoons.

It's not the kind of Japanese animation, but a cartoon movie that's geared towards younger audiences, the kind made by DreamWorks.

In Liu Yifei's words, watching this kind of cartoon does not require any brain use and is very relaxing and enjoyable.

Watching horror movies is very exciting and can relieve stress.

As for literary and artistic films, although she watches them often, she mostly watches them with a learning attitude and even takes notes.

Just like directors working on movies every day, it's not relaxation and entertainment at all, it's just another kind of overtime.

In order to meet their movie-watching needs, two private screening rooms were built in the basement of the large mansion in Dongshan Villa, allowing Wu Yuan and Liu Yifei to screen movies at the same time.

But every night when he was studying at La La Film, Wu Yuan could hear the screams coming from the screening room next door.

Don't get me wrong, it's not Liu Yifei who is screaming, but the hoarse voices of actors in horror movies.

His girlfriend is not very courageous. She would not scream out of surprise while watching a horror movie, and then rush into his arms for a hug.

Unfortunately, life has lost a great joy.

Who hasn’t imagined taking his girlfriend to the cinema to watch a horror movie, and then his girlfriend screams and hides in his arms, while he displays his masculinity and hugs his girlfriend and comforts her softly.

However, the reality is completely different.

As the movie Don't Knock began to be screened, Liu Yifei stared intently at the plot development on the screen. She also said tsk tsk from time to time and kept commenting: How dare they open the door?

If you don't run when you hear the sound, why are you standing there stupidly?

What the hell, why are you pretending to be Sadako with all your hair covering your face?

Haha, the male protagonist's head is so big, it's almost as big as the two female protagonists.

But these actors did a pretty good job, and they felt quite immersive.

Brother, has your company signed them?

Liu Yifei, who had been staring at the screen since the screening, finally had time to turn around and chat with her boyfriend.

Then, she saw Wu Yuan, whose lips were trembling slightly, his hands clenched on the armrests, and his pupils were constricted.

Although I have read the script, the text and the sudden thriller shots are very different, and the visuals and effects are completely incomparable.

After being stunned for a moment, Liu Yifei burst out laughing, overjoyed: Brother, aren't you scared?

Don't you dare watch horror movies?

Who doesn't dare to watch? Wu Yuan glared at Liu Yifei, put his hands back on his legs, and coughed dryly: I'm just a little too immersed in the scene.

You know, as an excellent director, you must first have a high enough fantasy ability. I just put myself too much into the movie and felt the same as the protagonists.

Yes, yes, senior brother is really awesome. Liu Yifei said nonchalantly.

It’s better not to expose the false cover of her boyfriend.

However, as soon as his eyes rolled, Liu Yifei immediately thought of many interesting things, and she discovered a weakness of Wu Yuan!

Ahem. Seeing Liu Yifei's little witch look, Wu Yuan immediately guessed what she was thinking. Anyway, it was nothing good, so he had to quickly change the topic: These new actors are pretty good, but the company Not signed in full.”

Only Lei Jiayin, Jiang Shuying, and the newcomer named Liu Zhiyang signed into the company.

The company plans to do a big project next, and both Jiang Sumying and Liu Zhiyang will participate in it.

Big project? Sure enough, Liu Yifei was immediately attracted.

What big project?

Wu Yuan's lips curled up: Internet streaming media.

Sissi, have you heard of Netflix?

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