Millennium director

Chapter 265 Your Korean drama is good, but the next second it will be mine

Chapter 265 Your Korean drama is very good, but the next second it will be mine~

Heh, Hu Ying's movements are quite fast.

Looking at the freshly released daily newspaper in his hand, the headline was a photo of the director and screenwriter of Parasite holding a media apology meeting. Wu Yuan laughed and shook his head.

Both of them bent down and bowed 90 degrees, which looked very sincere.

The key point is not the two of them, but the producer from Emperor and the producer representative from Yoyo Sunshine Film and Television who also apologized.

Hu Ying himself became invisible.

Wu Yuan was tacitly aware of this.

Director Wu, do we still want to continue the appeal process? Li Xiaoping, who was waiting aside, asked cautiously.

Of course we must continue to appeal. Wu Yuan said calmly: Since the other party has infringed our copyright, of course we must protect our rights through legal means and recover our lost profits.

“If apologizing works, why do we need the police?”

A classic line from Meteor Garden successfully made the always serious Li Xiaoping laugh.

I understand, Director Wu. Li Xiaoping covered her mouth and replied with a chuckle.

Okay, just follow up on this matter. Wu Yuan waved his hand.

He doesn't think at all that any company would dare to go against the Light and Shadow Era when the fact of plagiarism is clear.

He still has a certain influence on the mainland film industry.

I dare not say that it is the biggest mountain, but it is definitely one of the best. Cheng Er now has Wu Yuan as his backer. Not to mention bullying others, but it is absolutely impossible for him to be bullied by others.

In the entertainment industry, it is really important to have a strong backer.

Otherwise, Huayi wouldn't have a reputation as a slut and there would still be actors wanting to join Huayi like moths flying to a flame.

Of course, there are more actors who want to join the light and shadow era.

Wu Yuan remembered what he had arranged before and asked: Mr. Li, how is the company's agency department doing? How many of the actors I have circled have been signed?

We are already in contact with these actors, and most of them are very excited about the olive branch offered by the company.

Jiang Xin, Chen Zihan, Hai Qing, Zhang Yi, Duan Yihong, Pan Yueming and others are all willing to change jobs and join our company.

Luo Jin and Jia Nailiang, who have acted in company dramas, have already signed contracts.

Wu Yuan frowned and was a little surprised: Wang Likun, Qin Lan, Yan Kuan and Yuan Hong are not willing?

Qin Lan clearly rejected it, Wang Likun was a little vague, and Yan Kuan and Yuan Hong were still hesitant.

Wu Yuan thought about it and found that Qin Lan had a reason for refusing. Her current boyfriend was Lu Taijun.

Speaking of which, Lu Taijun can be regarded as the young Nortel director who was crushed by Wu Yuan.

Lu Jie is a 95-year-old graduate student in the Directing Department of Nortel and is Wu Yuan’s senior brother.

But he debuted later than Wu Yuan, and his film debut was released in 2002.

As we all know, although Looking for a Gun is directed by Lu Zhen, in fact, the decision of this movie is entirely made by the male protagonist Jiang Wen.

When Jiang Wen acted in Jing Ke Assassins the King of Qin, he was always at odds with Chen Kaige, and even ended up quitting the show because of different ideas. Not to mention Lu Jie, who had no say in front of Jiang Wen, was just a director in name only.

His first real work was Kekexili in 2004, which made him famous in one fell swoop. He won awards and won awards, establishing his status as an outstanding young film director.

However, now Lu Jie is also involved in plagiarism controversy.

Liu Yujun, the director of Tibetan Antelope and Me - The Glacier Flows Here, accused Lu Chuan of plagiarizing his documentary.

The plots, concepts, creativity, scenes, scene atmosphere, visual background, shot composition, etc. of the two films are exactly the same, and even some dialogues are exactly the same, with dozens of similarities.

Whether it is plagiarism or not depends on the benevolent and the wise.

Anyway, the lawsuit is still going on, and the situation is not good.

But it is undeniable that Lu Xun has a really wide network of connections. His father and many people in the college support him and provide him with resources.

As Lu Jie's girlfriend, Qin Lan does not value the olive branch of the light and shadow era as much as other actors do, and she is not short of resources now.

Wang Likun did not agree, which was beyond Wu Yuan's expectation.

I haven't heard of this actor's background, otherwise he wouldn't have been lukewarm all the time.

Maybe it's because she has a happy-go-lucky personality and doesn't have such a strong desire to strive in her career?

Speaking of which, it is indeed rare to see Wang Likun participating in variety shows. Like Liu Yifei, she is very salty.

Yan Kuan and Yuan Hong Wu Yuan frowned, go back to their work.

What does Yuan Hong think? He has only been able to play the supporting role in Sugar Man, so he plans to be Hu Ge's second male lead for the rest of his life?

In The Legend of the Condor Heroes, Yuan Hong also played the second male lead Yang Kang, right?

Li Xiaoping explained in a soft voice: Yuan Hong is actually very excited, but Cai Yinong from Sugar Man manages the company's atmosphere very well.

Under Cai Yinong's painstaking management, the relationship between Sugar Man's contracted artists is like a big family, and the atmosphere is very harmonious.

She is very good at playing the emotional card, plus Yuan Hong is Hu Ge's college classmate, and they sleep together in bunk beds.

Although Yuan Hong is somewhat dissatisfied with the current resources, she is still emotionally unwilling to leave Sugar Man.

The big family culture of Sugar Man is indeed very powerful. It is completely different from the incompatible situation between artists like Huayi.

Tapping his index finger on the table, Wu Yuan pondered for a while, and then said with certainty: We are all adults. We can't always rely on our emotions to act.

Do more ideological work on Yuan Hong, and he will think clearly. Only by leaving Sugar Man can he have a better development.

He knew that later in 2010, after Yuan Hong's contract with Sugar Man expired, after weighing the pros and cons, she finally did not choose to renew the contract and did not want to continue to be the second brother in Sugar Man.

Now it's just a matter of convincing him earlier that he wants to pursue a solo career.

What's going on over there with Yan Kuan? Wu Yuan asked again.

Li Xiaoping thought for a while: Yan Kuan has a good relationship with his agent, and they work well together. And although he is not particularly popular now, he has no shortage of drama appointments, so he has no intention of moving away.

After all, his manager has contributed a lot to his ability to become a costumed idol.

Even the agents are hired together! Wu Yuan said decisively: Anyway, the company is indeed short of agents now. The level of agents who can recruit Yan Kuan is not that bad, let's hire them together!

To say that artists and companies can have any kind of relationship is pure nonsense.

However, artists do have feelings for managers who have worked with them for a long time. After all, they have been together for a long time, and the manager is responsible for the artist's entire career planning.

Therefore, for many artists, if their managers are of the opposite sex, especially the millennial generation, many of them have been in love with their managers, and many of them even eventually got married.

In this way, these artists who have signed with the company should not be idle.

Just when Wu Yuan was about to take out his cigarette case and light a cigarette, he touched his pocket and found that it was empty. Only then did he remember that he had been quit smoking.

Touching the tip of his nose, Wu Yuan paused and continued: Let them all go to Soul Ferry to play the male and female protagonists in the same unit.

It just so happens that the first part has a total of seven or eight unit stories, and each of them will play the protagonist of a unit.

As he spoke, the corners of Wu Yuan's mouth also turned up.

Now it seems that there is nothing unusual about bringing these actors together in a TV series, but when you watch it ten years later, it will be another magical drama, and countless viewers lamented that this kind of lineup can never be assembled again. That kind of thing.

After they all finished their guest appearances in Soul Ferry, the company will arrange new scripts for them, so they will not miss scenes.

In the entire mainland entertainment industry, Wu Yuan has the most scripts at his disposal. No matter how many actors the company signs, he is not afraid of insufficient resources.

When it was decided that the company would have movies and TV series on two legs, Wu Yuan only came up with some Taiwanese idol dramas to seize the idol drama market. This does not mean that he only has Taiwanese idol dramas as his card!

Wu Yuan also prepared a card, specially prepared for his own streaming media platform!

That’s all the popular Korean dramas in Asia in the past life!

In fact, the current Korean TV dramas have shown signs of dominating Asia.

From Dae Jang Geum, Blue Life, Full House, My Name is Kim Sam Soon to My Girl, New Staff, Witch Yoo Hee...

But it hasn't reached its peak yet.

The streaming media platform Wu Yuan wants to build is of course not limited to the domestic market. He also wants to look into the Asian market.

Although I don’t want to admit it, the fact is that Korean TV dramas are indeed very popular among Asian audiences, including mainland audiences.

The Heirs, The Signal, City Hunter, My Love from the Star, Descendants of the Sun, The Lonely and Brilliant God-Ghost, W-Two Worlds...

Wu Yuan has too many cards to play.

Coupled with some of the more outstanding Chinese dramas of later generations, such as White Night, Want to See You, Twinkle Twinkle Star, Age of Awakening and so on...

In the light and shadow era, there will really be no shortage of TV dramas to be filmed in the next ten years.

Of course, these TV series will all be broadcast simultaneously on the network or exclusively on the network, in order to expand the influence of their own streaming media platforms, preferably to conquer the entire Asian market!

Netflix can make its own streaming platform popular in Europe and the United States with a House of Cards series.

Can't Wu Yuan win the Asian market with this batch of excellent Korean dramas + Chinese dramas?

It's just that if you want to achieve this layout, you must use a large number of actors. In the era of light and shadow, it is impossible to rely on just three or five familiar faces to shoot TV series back and forth.

Isn't this what Jiaxing is all about? There are just three or five actors matching each other every day. The producers are not tired of it, and the audience is tired of it.

That's why Wu Yuan asked Li Xiaoping to sign a group of actors he was optimistic about.

With good actors and good scripts, Wu Yuan doesn't believe that he can't produce a batch of high-quality TV series!

And through the training of these TV series, not only can the Light and Shadow Era become famous for a group of its own 85 flowers and 85 niche students, but Wu Yuan can also gain a group of actors who have been trained through a lot of acting!

When the time comes for him to make a movie, he can also select some suitable actors from this batch of actors, which can be regarded as cultivating reserve talents for himself.

After all, Wu Yuan knows very well the level of young actors in the entertainment industry in later generations.

I don’t dare to use it, I don’t dare to use it at all!

I understand, but everyone feels it’s boring.

But this is indeed the layout period before and after the plot.

This plot must be foreshadowed, as it is related to Wu Yuan's path for the next ten years, but as of this writing, the foreshadowing is almost complete. Don't worry, Those Years and Gravity are coming soon.

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