Millennium director

Chapter 271 Wenyi Fei finally has to use her beauty to commit murder.

Wenyifei is logging in to her account...

Account logging in...

Login failed……

Imagination is beautiful, reality is very skinny.

Liu Yifei, who tried to log in to her literary and art account, failed to log in at all. On the first day of filming, she fell into filming difficulties.

Wu Yuan, who had successfully logged into his literary account, looked at Liu Yifei with a headache and a cute expression.

If you choose an actor yourself, you naturally have to teach it yourself.

He patted his forehead, his mood was very stable.

Sissi, please calm down your expression. You are a sunshine beauty, not an artistic beauty.

When you two met on the train, even though you were reading a book, don't act so literary. You should show your sunny and cheerful side.

Raise your swan neck, smile at the sunset outside the window, and wink at Luo Jin playfully.

Wu Yuan carefully taught Liu Yifei how to act.

She nodded with some annoyance, quickly readjusted herself, and smiled apologetically at Luo Jin, who was sitting opposite and wearing work clothes.

Yes, Wu Yuan finally decided to let Luo Jin play the role of young Li Wen.

This guy has some artistic qualities in him.

The first literary film he acted in was a gay man in The Mistake.

It was my first time to be electrocuted, to challenge a literary film, and to challenge a very wild character, but I still accomplished it very well.

Although the script of the movie Beautiful Mistake may not even be approved yet, Wu Yuan believes that even if it is a few years in advance, Luo Jin can produce an acting that satisfies him and complete the role of young Li Wen.

In fact he did.

Being able to star in Wu Yuan's movie again, Luo Jin also cherishes this opportunity.

From the moment he got the script, even when he was eating, taking a shower, or going to the toilet, he would hold the script in hand, always trying to figure out the heart of the young Li Wen and how he should play this role.

After joining the group, he also consulted teacher Li Xuejian when he had the opportunity.

Teacher Li Xuejian, who would come to the set on time every day to watch other actors filming even if he didn't have a role, was also willing to discuss with Luo Jin the mental journey of the character Li Wen and how this character should be played.

After the two of them continued to improve and figure out the role of Li Wen, it cannot be said that Luo Jin completely understood it, but he was indeed quite comfortable in the performance.

In comparison, Liu Yifei, who also works hard but always works in the wrong direction, can't keep up with the rhythm.

But it doesn't matter, she has a cheat.

Under Luo Jin's envious eyes, Wu Yuan took Liu Yifei and went to the side to open a small stove.

He still has to blame himself. After giving the script to Liu Yifei, Liu Yifei was busy running road shows of Those Years across the country.

After that, it was rare that he had time to go home a few times. Wu Yuan also just took his little girlfriend to learn lessons without discussing the understanding of the characters in the script at all.

He thought that with his many words and deeds and Liu Yifei's hard work and experience, her acting skills had improved dramatically.

Unexpectedly, the facts were somewhat different from his imagination.

Liu Yifei's acting skills have indeed improved visibly, but they haven't improved by leaps and bounds.

Probably improved to the level of her mid-twenties.

If compared with actors of her age, Liu Yifei, who is only 20 years old, can say that she has a promising future with her current acting skills.

It's just that she is playing a high-end game now.

Although Luo Jin is a classmate with Liu Yifei, he is indeed more talented in acting.

I'm not afraid that you have talent, but you're afraid of working hard even if you have talent.

Luo Jin is this kind of person.

To compete with this kind of actor, Liu Yifei must be at her best.

After listening carefully to Wu Yuan's narration, Liu Yifei readjusted her state and sat sideways in a corner of the train by the window as requested by Wu Yuan, holding an open book in one hand and holding it in the other. Chin up, looking out the window.

I have to admit that Liu Yifei's beauty in a static state is unparalleled. Looking through the entire entertainment industry, I can't find anyone so beautiful.

Under the lighting master's top lighting, the half of Liu Yifei's face facing the camera is breathtakingly beautiful. Even the tear moles on the tip of her nose and corners of her eyes look charming.

Wu Yuan, who was sitting behind the monitor with a walkie-talkie in his hand, opened his mouth slightly and was a little shocked.

It is said that no matter how beautiful people are, they will get tired of them after being together for a long time and will become accustomed to them.

But Wu Yuan has known Liu Yifei for more than six years, and they have been in love for more than two years. They even do a lot of intimate activities, but he is still surprised by Liu Yifei's beauty from time to time.

Not to mention the others, they were completely stunned by the picture of the beauty looking out from the window.

Luo Jin, who was sitting opposite Liu Yifei, was completely stunned. He didn't know whether he was caught in the drama or was really amazed by Liu Yifei.

Wu Yuan couldn't think so much anymore. Now Luo Jin's state was exactly in line with the script. He quickly directed the camera to zoom in on Luo Jin's face.

At the same time, another camera continued to take close-ups of Liu Yifei's face.

After looking out the window for a few times with a smile on her face, she slowly turned her gaze away and looked at Luo Jin, who was sitting opposite. She closed the book in her hand with a snap and winked at him playfully. .

For Li Wen played by Luo Jin, love begins just like this.

Very good, click!

Sissi, you did a great job this time!

Just act like this, let's keep one more thing!

Wu Yuan's fierce and high-spirited voice interrupted Luo Jin's brewing emotions. He came back to his senses, secretly glanced at Wu Yuan with some guilt, and took a deep breath.

Sissi, you did a great job! He smiled and gave Liu Yifei a thumbs up.

But no, this time Liu Yifei relied entirely on her beauty to lead him into the scene.

Fortunately, Luo Jin is a professional actor. He enters the scene quickly and exits the scene quickly.

One more!

Three, two, one!


Liu Yifei joined the crew for filming on her first day. Although there were some difficulties at the beginning, she quickly adjusted herself and the filming was on track.

She still has some talent, but she needs a good director to bring her talent into full play.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, the crew finished work successfully.

After Liu Yifei accompanied Wu Yuan to check the materials taken today, the two of them took the nanny car back to the hotel.

Since the two made their relationship public at Liu Yifei's birthday party, they have basically avoided being in front of people in the industry, and they are always in love with each other.

Now that they are filming together, they don't have to avoid taboos. They are not afraid of being photographed. The reason is very good. Isn't it normal to work on the same crew and work together?

Anyway, the paparazzi reporters couldn't follow Liu Yifei and Wu Yuan into the hotel, and they couldn't see which hotel room they entered.

The moral standards of mainland paparazzi are still higher than those of Hong Kong and Taiwan.

At least I can't do things like dressing up as a hotel waiter, sneaking into the hotel, knocking on the crew's room door one by one, or even secretly playing a recorder.

Domestic paparazzi have been developing for so many years, and photos secretly taken in hotel corridors have basically never appeared.

The Light-in-the-Dark Script incident that happened later was most likely exposed by an insider on the crew, but it was not the work of the paparazzi.

With the crew all on their own, Wu Yuan could safely go back to the hotel with Liu Yifei.

Of course, the two of them still opened two separate rooms, and the most basic concealment still had to be done.

However, Liu Yifei's room was really just a cover-up, empty and empty.

Her luggage is in Wu Yuan's room.

Brother, do I need to focus on filming my scenes?

After returning to the hotel, Liu Yifei flopped down on the bed and asked lazily: I took a look at the crew's schedule for the next few days. They are all filming scenes for me and Luo Jin.

Yeah. Wu Yuan patted Liu Yifei's butt and motioned for her to move inside.

First, we will film the scenes of young Li Wen and Li Wen's wife Gu Xian.

Anyway, your scenes all appear in the memories of old Li Wen. There is no interaction with other actors, so you can start filming.

Then it snowed in the capital, and it was just in time to start filming the scenes of the elderly Li Wen again.

Try to finish the film before the Chinese New Year so that it can participate in Venice next year.

After I finish this movie, I will definitely not make any more movies next year.

Wu Yuan has made up his mind. He really doesn't plan to make any more movies in 2008.

Gravity took him more than two years of energy. In the meantime, he also filmed Pirates of the Caribbean 3, and now he is filming this literary film.

Doing the math, he will have three movies released next year, both domestic and Hollywood blockbusters.

Even if he is a donkey on the production team, he should take a break.

New Line in Hollywood has been communicating with Light Times and wants to set the start time of the first work in the new series Kings Agent as soon as possible.

New Line really hopes that Wu Yuan can direct this series himself. After all, his Rush Hour 3 created the highest box office of the Rush Hour series.

The cooperation between him and Jackie Chan can be regarded as a wonderful spark.

So why not continue?

However, for Wu Yuan, just promoting these three movies next year will be tiring enough. It is really impossible for him to make new movies.

Wu Yuan has talked with New Line and wants to find an excellent director to take over the Kings Agent series.

But New Line was not willing. They were even willing to wait another year for Wu Yuan to shoot this series himself.

Wu Yuan is unwilling to make a new movie in 2008?

no problem!

We can wait until 2009 to make Kingsman 1!

Don’t be afraid of being late for a good meal!

With New Line's attitude now like this, Wu Yuan naturally had no choice but to follow suit and temporarily shelved the follow-up preparations for this project.

It's good to take a break. Liu Yifei nodded in agreement: Brother, you have been making movies continuously in the past few years. It is indeed too hard.

Actually, the frequency of making one movie a year is just right. It's not too tiring.

Liu Yifei still feels sorry for her boyfriend. In addition, she has a rather salty personality and has always adhered to the standard of filming one film a year.

In her opinion, it is really not easy for a director as prolific as Wu Yuan.

It would be nice to focus on filming my scenes. The topic returned to the movie being filmed. Liu Yifei turned over, supported her head and said to Wu Yuan:

American record companies are already urging me to go to the United States to record those two singles.

The accompaniment of those two songs has been completed, and the only thing left is for the singer to record and do post-production.

After the filming of the scenes here was completed, I flew directly to the United States to record two songs. I tried to release these two singles before Pirates of the Caribbean 3 was released.

Brother, can these two songs really become popular in North America?

Of course! Wu Yuan nodded firmly and affirmed: Believe me, I'm right!

No one knows the European and American music scene better than me!

These two songs of yours are so popular!

Just waiting to be your little North American sweet song queen!

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