Millennium director

Chapter 276 The movie is finished and the singing and dancing actress is visiting the United States

Assembly finally allows Chinese audiences to lift the curtain on heroism and see the true face of war. This is China's first war blockbuster in the true sense. - Yangcheng Evening News

When the bullet, with its whoosh sound and light, passes through the helmet, blows off the head and splashes blood, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a realistic war scene on the Chinese big screen! - Beijing Daily 》

Assembly tells all the audience a truth: good people should be rewarded, and heroes cannot shed tears after bleeding! - Guangfu Entertainment

The day after Assembly was released, newspapers across the country flooded the film with praise.

Huayi and Feng Xiaogang really didn't waste any money, and these positive reviews really come from the sincerity of moviegoers.

These days, it is really rare to have a movie that can resonate with most Chinese audiences.

In the past, most of the big-selling movies in the mainland focused on a grand scene, and people only went to the cinema for the big scene or the star.

To say that these movies really resonate with audiences is a lie.

From Hero to The Promise to The City of Gold and other blockbusters, the box office is hundreds of millions, but the audience just watches the stars and has no feeling at all about the plot of the movie.

Even Wu Yuan's Your Name or Li Yang's Those Years only resonated with some groups, that is, young people, those born in the 1980s, and those born in the 1970s, and gave them some resonance.

Assembly is different. It can be said that any adult, from teenagers in their 18s and 19s to seniors in their 70s and 80s, will be moved by the movie's story.

The plot of this movie is actually very simple. The movie does not discuss the meaning of war, or the value of sacrifice. It just tells the story of a hero who has been wronged.

Such a simple story can easily put the audience into Gu Zidi's perspective and experience the painful experience of bloodshed and tears during the war years.

I have never seen that Teacher Li Xuejian is so old, and his eyes are red after watching the movie.

After recording a box office record of 15 million yuan on the day it was released on December 20, Assembly continues to stand out from several other Lunar New Year films, achieving a box office miracle of 70 million yuan in its first weekend.

Although it is still inferior to the box office result of more than 90 million in the first weekend of The Famous Movie.

But the investment in Assembly Number is only less than one-third of that in Investment Certificate!

Moreover, on the third day of its release, Assembly Number was featured on the news broadcast that night.

As a blockbuster with a main theme and a theme about the Anti-Japanese War, even the official media is supporting this movie.

Wu Yuan paid a little attention to the box office trends, and after confirming that the film had no deviations due to his appearance, he felt relieved and returned to focusing on filming.

What? Why is Wu Yuan so concerned, you ask?

Although the success of Assembly will not bring any benefits to Wu Yuan, the success of this movie also dealt a blow to the group of Hong Kong directors who went north to make money!

As long as they can attack those Hong Kong directors who go north to make money and have evil intentions and hands, they are my own family.

The Chinese market is just that big. If mainland capital is more powerful, Hong Kong and Taiwan capital will be less powerful.

As a member of mainland capital, Wu Yuan certainly wants to open up the industry and sincerely hopes that Assembly will be a big seller.

It doesn't matter even if the final box office of this movie exceeds Those Years, if it stimulates the mainland market and develops more audiences who usually don't go to the cinema to watch movies, then Gravity will have a larger audience next year!

The Lunar New Year stalls are in full swing. On the Internet and in offline newspapers, everyone is discussing this year's Lunar New Year stalls and the Assembly Number that went crazy during the Lunar New Year stalls.

The crew of Wu Yuan's A Man Called Li Wen Decides to Die is still filming in an orderly manner despite the intense heat from the outside world.

The weather in Beijing this year is quite good. After the first snowfall at the end of November, the snow became heavier and heavier in December, covering the entire capital with a layer of snow.

The weather was perfect for filming this movie.

In order to take advantage of this good weather for filming, the crew started working almost every morning at around 7 a.m., and continued shooting until the sun had completely set in the evening.

As a heart-warming film, whether the filming of this film can go smoothly depends mainly on whether the actors can perform well and perform the essence of the characters.

Teacher Li Xuejian is an experienced actor with superb acting skills.

Actors such as Song Dandan and Fan Wei also cooperated very well.

Wu Yuan naturally does not need to worry about this.

It only took him half a month to shoot most of the plot of the movie.

On January 5, 2008, A Man Called Li Wen Decided to Die was finished in a low-key manner in a staff dormitory in Xicheng.

Some paparazzi with good noses immediately learned of the news and quickly posted it on the Internet.

However, compared to the much-anticipated Assembly, Wu Yuan's new film has not attracted much attention.

The era of artistic films is really coming to an end.

Just like Zhang Yimou's Shadow and One Second almost no one paid attention to them.

A movie title like A Man Called Li Wen Decides to Die really turns off most movie fans.

Except for a few fans who love literary and artistic films, they are very excited and look forward to seeing this movie with the audience as soon as possible.

Most Wu Yuan fans are still more concerned about the follow-up of Gravity.

Everyone wants to see Wu Yuan’s new commercial film!

Coincidentally, just when A Man Called Li Wen Decided to Die was announced to be finalized, good news also came from the other side of the distant ocean.

Pirates of the Caribbean 3, which has been completed for a long time, has finally completed post-production and is scheduled to be released worldwide on May 25, 2008.

This release time is a full year later than the original track, but the audience's enthusiasm for this series has not diminished at all.

Even because it was delayed for an extra year, more fans who originally thought this series was average after watching Pirates of the Caribbean 2 are looking forward to this sequel.

From North America to Europe to Asia, movie fans around the world have been stirred up memories by Disney's announcement.

The pirate ship that has grossed more than 1.7 billion US dollars in global box office is about to set sail again!

The sales of Pirates of the Caribbean peripheral products, which originally had been somewhat stable, have triggered a surge in sales due to the announcement of the release date of Pirates of the Caribbean 3.

The movie hasn't even been released yet, but it's just been scheduled for release, and Disney has made millions of dollars.

The global influence of this super fantasy IP is evident.

However, only Wu Yuan smiled bitterly at this release time.

May 2008 was a time full of painful memories for the Chinese people. How could they have time to go to the movies?

In fact, it's not that he hasn't thought about whether he should give some warning to his superiors in advance through some channels.

But such a big thing is not something he can do casually like saving Zhang Guorong.

Let’s not talk about whether the superiors can believe his “prophecy”, let’s just say that the superiors really believe it and mobilize a lot of manpower and material resources to prepare in advance. When the disaster does come, how can Wu Yuan explain that he knew it in advance?

More importantly, even if he wanted to push for a change in this natural disaster, according to relevant laws and regulations, he could not do so. If he did, he would be directly physically eliminated by the God of Harmony.

Therefore, he could only acquiesce that Pirates of the Caribbean 3 is scheduled to be released in May, without any reason to refuse.

With a heavy heart, Wu Yuan boarded the flight to the United States.

Disney invited Wu Yuan to watch the feature film of Pirates of the Caribbean 3. By the way, he also wanted to go to Los Angeles to see his girlfriend who was filming the music video.

Also, the filming of Weakness over at Light Times has been completed, and Never End has also entered the preparation stage. Wu Yuan also has to show up to see the situation.

New Line Cinema has also produced the first version of the script for Agent Academy 1 based on Wu Yuan's ideas, and he also had to talk to the screenwriter.

It has been more than half a year since he returned to China, and in the blink of an eye, there are a lot of things piled up here in the United States, waiting for him to deal with them.

This year's Spring Festival, Wu Yuan will most likely spend it with Liu Yifei and her daughter in the United States.

To him, this is nothing, since he is alone every Spring Festival anyway.

To put it in a more beautiful way, as long as he is with Liu Yifei, it doesn't matter where he spends the Spring Festival.

But for Liu Yifei, she had to stay in the United States to accompany Wu Yuan, and Liu Xiaoli also had to stay with her. The two of them could not go back to their hometown in Sanzhen to see their grandma.

Wu Yuan is not an ignorant person. He knows that his little girlfriend feels sorry for him spending the Spring Festival alone overseas.

Therefore, after landing in the United States, Wu Yuan did not get busy with work first, but immediately asked Daisy to take him to the scene where Liu Yifei was filming the MV.

This place is not far from downtown Los Angeles. It is an upper-middle-class residential community in Los Angeles.

The crew rented a small independent building with a garage here as the filming location for the MV.

When Wu Yuan arrived at the scene, Liu Yifei happened to be in the garage, singing and dancing with the band in front of the camera.

In front of a building next to her, a classic car was parked on the roadside. A handsome man wearing a white T-shirt with a model figure was seriously washing the car. Another camera was also filming him.

Hey I just met you~

【Hey! I just met you~]

and this is crazy!

【This is really crazy! 】

“But here’s my number~”

【But this is my phone number~】

So' Call Me Maybe!

[So maybe you can call me! 】

Call Me Maybe sung by Liu Yifei was playing in the loud speakers at the scene.

Seeing Liu Yifei singing and dancing with the band in the garage, Wu Yuan leaned against the car window with his arms folded and raised the corners of his mouth.

Singing and dancing is really good!

One more chapter.

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