Millennium director

Chapter 28 Juno more suitable for Asian babies

The story of the movie Juno is not complicated.

To put it simply, it is the story of a girl named Juno, who secretly tasted the forbidden fruit with Brick, a cool boy from the school track and field team, and then became obsessed with it and became pregnant unexpectedly. How to solve this big trouble.

Although the story may seem simple, the American people really like this.

Since the 1980s and 1990s, the problem of unwanted pregnancies among American young people has been plaguing society. This problem has also become a major issue in American society after the turn of the millennium.

The original Juno is a very American movie.

After Juno confirmed that she was pregnant, she first discussed with her friends and planned to abort the child. Then due to various things, she experienced psychological changes. Maternal love took over and she decided to give birth to the child.

In the first half of the movie, everything is going well. After all, the principle of life is precious is universal in human society.

But by the second half of the movie, most non-European and American audiences may not understand it.

Juno told her father and stepmother about the pregnancy, and her parents gave her warm support. It seemed like a happy ending.

Juno then began looking for adoptive parents for the child.

She didn't plan to raise the child, she just wanted to give birth to it and not raise it. She planned to pat her butt after giving birth and continue to be a student Juno.

Accompanied by her father, Juno determined the child's adoptive family, a happy and prosperous family.

Well, the plot so far is still acceptable. Juno really cannot raise the child well. Perhaps adopting the child to a happy and wealthy family that lacks children is also a good choice.

But the screenwriter started to make trouble again.

As Juno's due date is getting closer and the child is about to be born, the long-simmering marital conflicts between the adoptive parents have broken out, and they are about to get divorced, making life difficult for them.

Logically speaking, when the story progresses to this point, there should be a turning point.

For example, when Juno saw the marital conflicts between the adoptive parents, she clearly understood her responsibility to the family and the child, and chose to take up this responsibility and raise the child well alone or with the child's father.

Juno has grown up and understood what responsibility is, and the child does not have to leave his biological mother. This can be regarded as a happy ending.

But the screenwriter didn't write it that way.

Juno faced the marital conflicts in her adoptive parents' family. Although it was painful, she still chose to believe in this adoptive mother who was divorced and became a single woman. She said to her, As long as you are still willing to continue, then I will continue too.

As a result, the adoptive mother who cried with joy became the adoptive mother of Juno's daughter and became a single mother. After giving birth, Juno also returned to school and planned to have a post-baby love with the cool boy Brick.

holy shit!

This is the story of the original Juno!

When Wu Yuan watched this movie, he only had one question in his mind.

Don’t Americans know how to write the word “responsibility”?

He can understand that the movie needs to have a dramatic plot and ups and downs, and it will not look good if it is too bland.

But this does not mean that his values ​​​​can accept this kind of plot!

Therefore, Wu Yuan does not plan to restore 100% according to the original script.

You want to give it to an adoptive family and find a happy and normal family!

He didn't think that Juno's behavior of giving birth to a child and then giving it to a single mother for adoption was a salvation for himself and the child!

Abandoning a child to a divorced single mother is an act that shows no concern for the child, or even disgust!

It's like giving a toy that has no value to you as a gift to your neighbor!

It’s not that divorced single mothers are bad.

But the future of such a child is full of uncertainty. He may have to face an adoptive mother + stepfather, and it is not clear what the stepfather is like. What kind of sinkhole is this?

This is not redemption or a happy ending, but the heroine's escape, abandonment and irresponsibility!

If you want to do this, you might as well not have it in the first place.

Wu Yuan did not intend to write the story this way.

Juno can't just give the child away for reasons like I'm still young, I don't know how to take care of children, I have no financial ability, and I'm just a child so that she can continue to return to her own life with ease.

The appearance of this child is destined to change the trajectory of Juno's life. It cannot be treated as just an episode!

In addition, the male protagonist in the movie has too little sense of existence. Apart from contributing a bullet, he has no sense of existence throughout the whole process. He has no ideas of his own, no thinking of his own, and he doesn't care about the future of his children.

This is not right!

Juno has the right to choose whether to give birth or not. Even if she doesn't give birth, no one can blame her, and even more, they should support her.

But if you decide to give birth, then as parents, you should shoulder this responsibility!

The focus of the original story lies in Juno's interaction with the adoptive couple, her struggle when choosing an adoptive family, and her self-salvation after deciding.

The main theme of the movie is the idea that life is precious, and unwanted pregnancy is not a terrible thing.

However, in the script conceived by Wu Yuan, although Juno wanted to find an adoptive family at first, when marital conflicts broke out in the adoptive family and after the divorce, Juno's intention to give the child away began to waver.

And Brick, who caused all this and should also bear half of the responsibility, is also undergoing transformation.

His mentality went from being irresponsible and avoiding it at the beginning, to constantly reflecting after seeing Juno's belly getting bigger, to finally waking up and deciding to take on the responsibilities of being a father!

When Juno gave birth to a child, she took a year off from school and chose to take care of the child until weaning before continuing her studies.

Brick chose to join the North American Football League and become a professional rugby player to earn money to support his family.

One of the two takes care of the child, and the other takes on the responsibility of the family. They lie happily on the bed and coax the child to sleep. This is a warm and perfect ending!

In Wu Yuan's version of Juno, faced with the changes in people and things around him, the strange eyes and opinions of the outside world, how his mentality changed, and how he mustered up the courage to grow up and shoulder this responsibility!

It is a movie that focuses more on campus, on the growth of teenagers and learning to take responsibility!

It took half a month to finish Wu Yuan's greatly revised version of Juno and it was sent to John's mailbox immediately.

And John's reply is also very fast.

The next day, John edited an email reply.

He didn't think there was anything bad about the script. On the contrary, John was very optimistic about the script. He felt that the script was very deep and in line with the American social environment!

It’s not that Americans don’t understand the word “responsibility”, otherwise classic movies like “Schindler’s List” wouldn’t have been born!

Movies that tell the story of young people's peaceful lives that suddenly change and then grow and transform. It is also a genre favored by Hollywood, and the academy also likes it!

After receiving John's reply, Wu Yuan finally let go of his anxious heart.

In fact, his best choice is to write the original version of Juno meticulously, so that Fox Searchlight will 100% like it!

After all, on the original track, this movie was produced and distributed by Fox Searchlight.

But Wu Yuan didn't want to do this.

Although he went there for the money, he also wanted to leave some traces of his own in Hollywood!

If it were shot according to the original version, then this movie would be very American from beginning to end. No matter in terms of the theme of the movie, the concept of the story, or the way the characters think, there would be nothing related to China at all.

So, what does he, a Chinese director and screenwriter, mean to this film?

When Wu Baige makes Hollywood blockbusters, he also adds Chinese Kung Fu elements and Chinese thinking into them!

Wu Yuan is not Wen Ziren, he is a director born and raised in China and trained by the Beijing Film Academy.

He can invest in some movies in Hollywood that are good for Hollywood, whether they are cult movies or commercial movies, it is nothing to make money.

He can also make some Hollywood-style movies in China, because the current Chinese movies are learning from Hollywood and crossing the river by feeling the stones.

But when he creates and directs his own movies in Hollywood, there must be something Chinese-style!

Otherwise, he would no longer be a Chinese director, but would become one of the many American directors without any special features at all.

Therefore, Wu Yuan's revised version of Juno is more in line with Asian audiences' values, family views, and love views!

People will know at first glance, hey, this is a movie made by an Asian director!

This is the style a Chinese director should show in Hollywood!

Although doing so may prevent the North American box office of Juno from reaching the high results of the original version.

But the box office of this movie in Asia will be better than the original version!

This is a movie more suitable for Asian babies’ physiques!

Although China’s box office market is indeed not promising right now, Japan and South Korea are now the second and fifth largest movie markets in the world respectively!

The box office lost in North America may not be made up for in Asia!

The first round of recommendations this week!

Dear book friends, please support me and keep reading every day!

The follow-up reading data is very important. It is compared with the same period. If you are missing a follow-up reading, I will be eliminated and will not be able to advance to the next round of recommendation!

OZR! OZR! Please try your best to read it every day!

PS. In fact, when the original version of Juno was released in North America, it was widely criticized. Many Americans also felt that there was something wrong with the plot. It was the same as what I wrote in the book. It shows that although the cultures are different, the love for their children still exists. , the sense of responsibility to the family is the same no matter which country it is.

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