Millennium director

Chapter 281 Call Me Maybe is online in North America!

On March 2, Liu Yifei's first English single Call Me Maybe is scheduled to be officially released today.

Because it is a single, not an official album, or even an EP, there is no physical DVD for this song, but it is only available on online streaming platforms.

In the United States, music streaming media developed much earlier than in China, and the legal system is relatively sound.

Apple's iPod has been on sale for seven years and has gone through six generations.

iTunes' streaming music platform has become the largest online paid music platform in North America and even the world.

Call Me Maybe will be released on iTunes Music at 1 pm on March 2.

Because this is an English song, Wu Yuan did not arrange for the Chinese company to do any promotional work for Liu Yifei before it was released online.

At present, Apple's iTunes business is not very sound in China, and almost no Chinese people use iTunes to download songs.

Although, iPod sells very well in China and is considered the most advanced MP3 player.

But everyone knows that there are free music sources on the Chinese Internet, so who is going to spend money to download music?

Even when the iPhone became popular across the country, there were very few Chinese users using iTunes. When some domestic singing and dancing singers wanted to compete in European and American sales, their fans would organize to go to iTunes to buy single sales for their brothers.

A certain fan's new song was released online, and its sales on iTunes surpassed Rihanna's on the day it was released, which shocked the North American veterans. Then he was reported, treated as data fraud, and was directly removed from the list.

Wu Yuan didn't want to lose this face abroad ten years in advance.

Therefore, the release of Call Me Maybe on iTunes this time was very low-key. It only spent money to support the sales of 10,000 copies.

Even after the music video accompanying the song was released on YouTube, it didn't cause any waves.

But the lukewarm response when it was launched doesn’t mean anything.

How can there be so many songs in this world that can quickly become popular without any investment in publicity, relying on word of mouth from fans?

According to the arrangement of the North American record company arranged by Wu Yuan, Liu Yifei flew to New York on the 2nd.

On the morning of the 3rd, Liu Yifei and several team members came to the downstairs of a radio station in New York.


Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, also known as the Billboard Chart.

Ranking on the Billboard charts is determined by the sum of record sales in the United States and the number of times a single is played on the radio.

Therefore, the number of radio plays is crucial to whether a song can break into the Billboard charts.

Here in the United States, influential radio DJs can really determine whether a song can hit the Billboard charts.

For example, Liu Yifei's Call Me Maybe, the cooperative record company here in the United States gave money to many well-known North American radio DJs, asking them to play the song more in the next week.

This kind of operation is a bit like how after the development of online social platforms in later generations, various products were found by popular Vs and top UP owners, and they forwarded pictures and texts or made review videos and posted them on the Internet.

I don’t know if the money was in place, but when I met this legendary radio DJ in New York at the radio company, he was very enthusiastic.

Hey, Crystal, right? This white DJ, who was very casually dressed and wearing fancy rimless glasses, complimented Liu Yifei enthusiastically when he saw her:

Wow, you are really beautiful, the most beautiful Asian girl I have ever seen.

I listened to your new song yesterday. It's really good.

This kind of sweet saliva song is quite popular with listeners and fits the positioning of our radio station.

In fact, salivating is not a derogatory term.

The so-called buzz songs are actually relatively routine and easy to be sung. After listening to them, the audience will hum along with the singer, and it is easy to spread popular songs.

For example, Call Me Maybe, the DJ just listened to it two or three times before he could basically sing it. When he was free, the melody of this song would pop up in his mind from time to time, allowing him to hum a few lines subconsciously.

That's why he believed that this song was likely to become popular in North America, and he was quite enthusiastic about Liu Yifei.

Even if they are paid to do things, as a professional DJ, they still want to recommend some really good songs to the audience, rather than forcefully feeding the audience shit!

Thank you for the compliment. Liu Yifei smiled reservedly, refused his warm hug, and just stretched out her hand to shake his hand.

The white DJ was a little disappointed that he couldn't hug the beauty. He shrugged and joked: Well, I know you Asians don't seem to be used to greeting each other with hugs.

Let me introduce myself, just call me Irfan (Irving), no need to be too outgoing.

After looking at the time on his watch, Owen whistled: Okay, beauty, our radio show is about to start. Come with me to the recording studio.

After entering the recording studio, Owen stopped joking and began to seriously introduce to Liu Yifei that this button should not be touched and that button should not be clicked. After walking through the radio program process with her in general, a smile appeared on his face again. .

As a radio DJ who can make it in a big city like New York, Irving certainly has a lot of skills. At least he takes his show extremely seriously.

Looking at Liu Yifei who put the headphones on her head and sat obediently in front of the microphone, he checked the time, then gently pushed up the signal and turned on the radio.

Yo, dear listeners who are waiting in front of the radio station, good afternoon everyone, are you having a good day today?

Here's Owen's Music Patty!

We have a very special guest on our station today.

She is the main actor in Pirates of the Caribbean 3 and a superstar from China!

She is Hollywood director Daniel Wu's favorite actress in China!

And today, she is a guest on our show with her first English single Call Me Maybe.

She is Crystal Liu from China. Oh, forgive me, this Chinese surname is really difficult to pronounce. Let's just call her Crystal.

So, before today's program officially starts, let's listen to this new song Call Me Maybe from Crystal!

At the beginning of the radio program, Owen played Liu Yifei's new song first, which can be said to be a great honor to her.

At this moment, there are probably one or two million listeners in New York listening to his radio program on time.

In Manhattan, the most prosperous city in New York, John was waiting for the traffic light on Fifth Avenue. He stopped at the intersection and turned on the radio skillfully, and heard Irving's words.

Crystal? He muttered to himself in confusion, realizing that he didn't know this Chinese superstar at all.

After thinking about it carefully, he remembered that when he was paying attention to the news about Pirates of the Caribbean 3, he seemed to have indeed seen a Reuters photo of an Asian actress starring.

Although he was still unfamiliar with this singer, for the sake of Daniel Wu, as a loyal fan of the Pirates of the Caribbean series, he chose to continue listening.

Soon, a piece of light music sounded in the carriage.

I threw a wish in the well.

【I made a wish on the wishing well】

“Don’t ask me I’ll never tell.”

[Don’t ask me what I promised, I will never tell you]

I looked to you as it fell.

【When I look at you it’s like falling in love】

“and now you’re in my way.”

【And now you appear in my life】

The brisk melody and sweet voice immediately attracted John's attention.

He was still a little careless at first, but he unconsciously moved his head up and down along with the melody, and started humming along with it.

I have to admit that the song Call Me Maybe is really brainwashing, especially the chorus. It is unforgettable after listening to it once and keeps repeating it in my mind.

In fact, Liu Yifei's singing skills are not very good. After all, she only received one year of professional training. To say how professional she is and how good she is at singing is definitely nonsense.

But in such a sweet song where the treble is neither high nor the bottom tone is low, and there are no difficult transpositions throughout, her singing skills are definitely adequate.

Hey I just met you~

【Hey, I just met you】

and this is crazy!

【This is really crazy】

“But here’s my number~”

【But this is my phone number】

So' Call Me Maybe!

【So maybe you can call me】

No skills, all depends on the voice!

The sweet singing voice made John smile unconsciously.

It wasn't until the car behind him beeped that his horn beeped that he came to his senses. It turned out that the green light was already on.

While humming a light and sweet chorus to the rhythm of the music, John stepped on the accelerator and got back on the road.

Not only him, but millions of people in New York were all immersed in this light and sweet singing because of the appearance of this song.

The 3 minutes and 13 seconds of the song soon ended, and the radio microphone returned to Irving's hand.

Wow! Do you think this song is great?

Yes, I feel the same way, so I will share it with you as soon as I hear this song.

In less than two days after this single was released online, more than 10,000 copies of the song have been sold online, ranking fifth on the iTunes real-time popularity rankings.

As a Chinese singer, this is quite an achievement.

Listeners who are listening in front of the radio station, if you haven't heard enough just now, you can go to the iTunes website and pay to purchase this song to listen to it.

Remember, this song is called Call Me Maybe and it is sung by Crystal Liu. Everyone, please act quickly!

It was a good radio music program, but Owen made it look like a TV promotion.

I can't help it, I just took the money.

Listening to his boast, Liu Yifei's cheeks turned red.

Almost all of the sales of more than 10,000 copies on iTunes were generated by record companies.

A single costs $2, and more than 10,000 copies cost more than $20,000.

It's not that Wu Yuan is stingy and unwilling to spend more money, but this water injection also requires skills. Liu Yifei, a newcomer in North America, is really unparalleled if he swipes 10,000 pictures. If he swipes more, he will be criticized by other companies.

Okay, that's it for the recommendations.

Today, we are fortunate to have the original singer of this song. Let Crystal say hello to everyone and talk about interesting things about this single!

Owen continued to host the radio show, and Liu Yifei also had a smile on her face.

Hello to all listeners of Owen's Music Patty program, my name is Crystal Liu, I am an actor and a singer.

It's an honor to be a guest on Owen's radio show.


Brothers, I have a cold and a fever. I am really sick and have a low fever all day long.

Today I will start with two updates, don’t worry, if I say I will update three times a week (seven days), I will definitely do it. If there is not enough, I will postpone it.

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