Millennium director

Chapter 284 Soul Ferry starts

Mainland China, the magical capital.

Just when Wu Yuan was worrying about the start of his Guangying Qvod streaming platform career.

In his plan, the first online drama Soul Ferry to launch the software of Light and Shadow Qvod has also been launched in the Magic City in a low-key manner.

Directed by Liu Meichuan, starring Liu Zhiyang, Jiang Sumying, and Yu Yi.

As for the protagonists of each unit's story, they are all artists from the company.

From Jin Sha to Luo Jin to Zhu Yawen, Jiang Xin, Zhang Yi, Duan Yihong and other old artists or newly signed artists, they all have roles in this movie, and each is responsible for the protagonist in a unit story.

It can be said that in this Soul Ferry, from the director to the actors, they are all from the era of light and shadow.

This is also the basic operation for producing TV series in this era. From Sugar Man to Huayi to other film and television companies, they basically all use their own artists to make TV series.

Only after 2012, film and television companies no longer signed artists themselves, and film and television production and artist management gradually separated, so this situation became rare.

Therefore, when the powerful Jiaxing Tianxia later produced Gu Jian Qi Tan, she brought eight or nine newcomers from Jiaxing to fill the main roles of the TV series. Instead, she was ridiculed by netizens, saying that she had too much breast milk for newcomers. Too much.

Later, several male artists signed by Jiaxing starred in several TV series with Reba. The male and female actors took turns to play, and the audience also complained. Jiaxing's TV series always have these familiar faces changing partners.

As everyone knows, this is actually the normal operation of the Chinese TV drama industry, but it was somewhat out of date at that time.

But now, it is still very timely.

Lifting incense and worshiping God, Lifting the red cloth, Liu Meichuan led the crew members and smoothly completed the startup ceremony. Under the banner that read Good luck with the launch of Soul Ferry, and after leaving a startup photo with all the crew smiling, The crew started working in full swing.

A convenience store located at the corner of Xuhui, the magical city, has been rented by the crew and replaced with a green Convenience Store No. 444 brand.

Liu Zhiyang, who was wearing a convenience store attendant's uniform, and Yu Yi, who was wearing a leather jacket, were leaning against the door, watching the drama staff setting up the scene.

Brother Yu, have you heard?

This TV series will not be broadcast on TV stations. It will be broadcast exclusively on an online platform. It is a video website built by the company itself.

“It’s the same as Tudou, Liujianfang, and Ku6.”

Liu Zhiyang sounded a little worried. As a young man, he was very familiar with the current Internet video platform.

He also knew it well enough, so he was particularly puzzled by the company's decision.

It's a bit embarrassing to say that although he is also one of the practitioners in the film and television industry, he usually likes to watch various pirated film and television resources on the Internet and is reluctant to spend money to buy genuine discs.

Now that the company wants to build an online genuine video website, Liu Zhiyang's first thought was that it would definitely fail.

Even if there is no payment and it is only broadcast exclusively on the website, viewers can still watch it for free. Liu Zhiyang does not think this strategy will be successful.

Because online video piracy is so rampant now, if you upload a video to the Internet, it will be quickly spread and shared on various websites.

Today's video websites such as Tudou, Liujianfang, and Ku6 are popular because their website libraries are full of film and television resources for various domestic and foreign movies and TV series.

They claim to be uploaded by users themselves, but in fact, they are all pirated resources uploaded by the staff of these websites using their own registered accounts.

Whoever has more sources of pirated films will have more users and be more popular among netizens.

In such a general environment, the Light and Shadow Era wants to put a TV series on a video website for exclusive broadcast. Isn’t this nonsense?

Decisions at the company level are not something we can control. Yu Yi shook his head. He was not interested in these rumors. All we can do is work hard to film this drama and contribute the best performance.

Other things are unnecessary and shouldn't be our concern.

Unlike Liu Zhiyang, who debuted in Liu Meichuan's Don't Knock on the Door and received more than 40 million in box office, his acting career was very smooth.

Yu Yi's acting career is very bumpy. He was born in 1978 and entered the entertainment industry in 2001.

But because he doesn't look like a young boy in mainstream aesthetics, he has never been able to play any good roles. He has been in the industry for seven years, and he has only been able to play supporting roles for male leads.

Light and Shadow Times suddenly came to the door, saying that they wanted to sign him, and arranged for him to star in the TV series Soul Ferry. This opportunity was already very rare for him.

He is not like Liu Zhiyang, who is worried about whether this TV series will be broadcast online or star.

No matter how this TV series is eventually broadcast, Yu Yi is already very satisfied. What kind of bicycle do you need to play the leading role?

Patting Liu Zhiyang on the shoulder, Yu Yi said very casually: If you don't have time to think about these things, why don't we start the movie again and do the scene again.

Today is the first day of startup. It would be unlucky if there are too many NGs.

Liu Zhiyang also realized that he was worrying unfoundedly. He nodded with a smile and said, Brother Yu is right, let's do a duel.

The two of them walked into the convenience store arm in arm and started chatting about today's filming scene.

What they didn't know was that Liu Meichuan, who was chatting with the producer less than a hundred meters away from them, was also talking about the same topic.

The company still decided to broadcast online and not consider going to the stars? Liu Meichuan asked helplessly.

His producer, Yang Ping, who also came from the age of light and shadow, smiled awkwardly: Director Wu, the scale of this drama makes it impossible to get a star. Radio and Television will not pass the review.

Furthermore, developing a streaming media platform is a strategy set by Director Wu himself. As a brother company, we must fully cooperate.

On the contrary, this producer doesn't care about webcasting or anything like that.

Thinking from the perspective of the Light and Shadow Times Company, after the company produces a TV series, it is actually the same no matter who it sells to, as long as it can make money.

Because Guangying Times and Guangying Kuaibo are two independent companies, although the boss is the same person, the business cooperation between the companies is still carried out normally.

Soul Ferry will sell the exclusive broadcast rights to Guangying Kuaibo at market price. The company will not lose money and will also make a small profit.

It's just that Liu Meichuan is not very satisfied. After all, it takes three to five months to shoot a TV series. Liu Meichuan has to pay the time cost. If the broadcast channel of this TV series is not good and the final result is not good, it will not be good for him. Reputation has negative consequences.

After impulsively agreeing to take over this TV series project, Liu Meichuan has been regretting it more and more recently.

Once Soul Ferry is stolen by other websites after its premiere on the Internet, and the number of views and clicks are diverted away, the performance of this TV series will be difficult to calculate.

This is not like TV stations, which can directly calculate intuitive ratings.

There is no way to count the results, and there is no way to boast about the ratings exceeded What value can there be?

Whether it is domestic or foreign, I have never heard of any TV series that were first broadcast on the Internet. Liu Meichuan's tone was full of resentment: Isn't this just to facilitate other people's piracy?

I remembered the rumors on the Internet that Wu Yuan was a pirated disc dealer before becoming a director.

Liu Meichuan also had to complain in his heart, wouldn't the wise and powerful Director Wu want to give benefits to his former pirate brothers?

Director Liu, don't worry so much. Although Yang Ping was not optimistic about this project, she still comforted him casually: I heard what Mr. Li said.

Guangying Kuaibo seems to have mastered some powerful video playback technology and can customize some private transmission protocols.

It is said that users cannot directly steal the video resources on their website, which can effectively prevent piracy.

Perhaps by then only Guangying Qvod on the entire network can watch our Soul Ferry.

At that time, it will depend on whether our show can attract viewers and become popular on the Internet.

Liu Meichuan was stunned: Is there such a thing?

If Guangying Kuaibo can really prevent other video websites from piracy, then the situation will be much better.

If Soul Ferry can get hundreds of millions of views, then he can be considered a big fan, and can even be called the number one drama on the Internet, then this project will be valuable. .

Liu Meichuan immediately became energetic, cheered up a few times, stood up, picked up the loudspeaker and shouted:

Are all units ready?

Everyone cheer up!

Ready to start shooting!

This is our country's first modern urban drama with a supernatural horror theme!

If the film is well done, it will be remembered by the film and television industry for a lifetime!

Get out of here!

Prepare one shot at a time!

One more chapter

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