Millennium director

Chapter 291 Liu Yifei’s future arrangements, encounter while shopping

Hahahaha, senior brother, they all said that I played very handsomely!

At home in Los Angeles, Liu Yifei had her hands on her waist and was swaying in front of Wu Yuan, her chin almost raised to the sky.

Looking at Liu Yifei dotingly, Wu Yuan shook his head and laughed: I broke your cock, didn't I?

Now Hollywood fans are calling on you to play more of these female roles.

What, are you planning to be a movie star in Hollywood like Cheng Long?

What happened to the star? Liu Yifei wrinkled her nose and said proudly: The star is also very good. Brother Cheng Long is so popular in North America. To have such an achievement as him is already very impressive.

Nowadays, there are countless celebrities in China who want to imitate Brother Cheng Long.

This statement is indeed true.

In recent years, the craze for domestic martial arts stars has almost reached its peak.

After Cheng Long and Jet Li entered Hollywood through kung fu movies, martial arts seemed to be a shortcut for Chinese actors to go global, and everyone wanted to replicate their success.

From Hong Kong's Donnie Yen and Chou Zhaolong to Mainland's Zhao Wenzhuo, Wu Jing and others, they are all pursuing the path of martial arts stardom.

Everyone believes that stardom is the most promising and the option to become an international superstar.

Of course, Liu Yifei cannot think outside this circle, and she also believes that stardom is a good way.

Then you're not going to follow the literary route? Wu Yuan raised his eyebrows and joked: Don't you want to win the Best Actress, the top three in Europe, and learn from your idol Gong Li.

But if you are a star player, you will never be able to get into the top three in Europe.

Liu Yifei chuckled: I can't walk on two legs. I'm working as a movie star in Hollywood while acting in art films in China.

She doesn't object to becoming a star at all. In fact, under Liu Xiaoli's plan, she almost took the route of becoming a star.

In The Legend of the Condor Heroes she had a lot of fighting scenes, flying up and down with wires hanging on her every day.

If Wu Yuan hadn't appeared, she would have acted in The King of Kung Fu and tried to enter Hollywood as a martial arts actress.

Liu Xiaoli's path arrangement cannot be wrong. After all, in the current international entertainment industry ecosystem, Chinese actors can only rely on fighting to get ahead internationally.

But aren’t there better options now?

Well, Liu Yifei does want to take a better path.

I want to learn from Wu Yuan and plan his career as an actor just like he did commercial films in Hollywood and artistic films in China.

However, You are not young, and your tone is quite loud. Wu Yuan said with some humor: Do you have so much energy?

Brother Cheng Long has been trying to transform for so many years but has never succeeded. Why do you think you are better than Brother Cheng Long and can do both fighting and literary drama at the same time?

Being a martial arts actor is not as easy as many people think.

And the most important thing is that martial arts actors really have to focus all their energy on how to perform the fighting scenes well, and don't have much time to delve into literary dramas.

The simple truth is that when martial arts actors are fighting back and forth, the camera has no time to pay attention to their facial micro-expressions, or whether there is emotion in the dialogue.

Everyone is attracted by their handsome martial arts moves, their flying and climbing postures, and the fierce collision of swords and guns. Naturally, the actors have to work harder in this aspect.

It is true that Cheng Long was not good at literary opera, but what he gained from his incompetence at literary opera was that he was number one in martial arts in China!

No one plays better than him and is more loved by the audience than he does!

If you want to have a successful career as a star, you have to put in a lot of sweat and hard work, and you have to focus all your energy on how to film martial arts action, and you have no time to think about how to perform well in literary dramas and how to express emotions. Release layer by layer.”

Wu Yuan patiently said to Liu Yifei: Look at the actor circle, whether it is China or Hollywood, there are no actors who are excellent in both literature and drama.

Schwarzenegger and Stallone, as the most powerful action movie actors in Hollywood, their acting skills are also indescribable.

The same goes for Cheng Long, Donnie Yen and others in China. If they are good at acting, they will not be good at literary acting.

The most talented one is Jet Li. He is great at acting, and his writing is not bad either. He is at least as good as a domestic actor.

But this is something that is rare. Among so many actors in the world, Jet Li is the only one.

It cannot be said that Liu Yifei has no talent in terms of acting, but she cannot be said to be the kind of actor who is rewarded by God.

In other words, God has already given her good looks, and it would be unreasonable to give her full acting talent as well.

Therefore, it is unrealistic for Liu Yifei to want to walk on two legs.

Only by putting all her energy into one place can she possibly leave something in the international film industry.

Why don't you put all your energy into the road of stardom and become a Chinese international kung fu superstar after Cheng Long?

Otherwise, just focus all your energy on literary and opera, work hard to study how to be a good literary and opera actor, strive for awards at home and abroad, and take the route of winning awards.

On the original track, Liu Yifei basically gave up the career of stardom after Four Famous Catchers and never took on action movies again. The movies she starred in were all heroines of literary and opera dramas. She wanted to be like her idol Gong Gong. Like that, hit the prize.

It's just that the final result was unsatisfactory.

And now, she also has to face a choice. Should she completely follow the star-making route, or should she take the literary and opera route?

Faced with Wu Yuan's calm analysis, Liu Yifei also came to her senses and realized that she was thinking too much if she wanted to go two ways together.

She is not a loser like Wu Yuan.

Brother, what do you think? Liu Yifei asked with some distress.

Making choices is the most annoying thing!

She likes both paths. She not only likes to shoot martial arts scenes, but also wants to become an international movie queen like Gong Li.

She chose to leave this difficult decision to Wu Yuan.

Wu Yuan's lips curled up: I think?

Have I not already arranged everything for you?

First rely on your reputation as a star to make yourself remembered by North American audiences, and then you can transition into literary drama.

I just said that you can't go both ways at the same time, but you can go in separate directions!

In Kingsman 1, Wu Yuan left a role for Liu Yifei, that is, the mantis leg.

Logically speaking, it would be difficult for an actor to change his acting style once it is known to the audience.

For example, Cheng Long has been fighting for decades, and now he wants to play some little old man who can't fight. No one wants to see him.

Another example is Leonardo. After he became famous with the handsome Jack in Titanic, he has been trying to transform for ten years. He didn't want to be regarded as a vase who relied on his reputation, but it was still difficult for him to transform.

When they leave a deep impression on the audience, and when they are mentioned, they will think of a certain classic character, and it will be difficult to transform.

However, there are no absolutes.

Liu Yifei is different from them. Under Wu Yuan's careful arrangements, whether it is Weier in Pirates of the Caribbean 3 or Mantis in Kingsman, they are not the absolute protagonists, they can only be regarded as supporting roles with memorable points. .

It's enough for the audience to remember her, but it doesn't completely fix her image into these characters.

She is not Keira. She has played Elizabeth Swann three times, making the title of Rose of England so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people that she will never be able to escape this image of a rich beauty when she takes on roles in the future.

She can first take advantage of the lack of actresses who are good at acting in Hollywood, first rely on a few supporting roles with good martial arts to improve her appearance, and then transform into a heroine in commercial films.

For example, the Dream Builder in Inception, Emilia in Interstellar, etc., and finally launched an attack on literary and artistic films to win awards.

In this way, she will have a good reputation and box office results. Finally, she can try to achieve honors. Her achievements will definitely not be lower than those of Cheng Long.

With Wu Yuan's support, there is no way she would be short of movies in Hollywood. Even if she only plays Wu Yuan's movies, she can still be praised as an internationally renowned actress!

Okay~ Liu Yifei nodded softly, stopped placing her hands on her hips, and threw herself into Wu Yuan's arms with a smile, I'll listen to my senior brother.

In fact, she is a very independent person in life, and she has always been conscious of wanting to be an independent woman.

But when it comes to career planning, she has never been very assertive. Basically, she just listens to what Wu Yuan arranges, and she listens to her senior brother in everything he does.

Who told her that her acting career has been closely related to Wu Yuan since her debut, and several important career choices were arranged by Wu Yuan.

She was already used to listening to Wu Yuan on this matter.

With a top international director arranging your career, is there anything else you can be dissatisfied about?

Being independent does not mean going against everyone. This is called rebellion!

The next day, Liu Yifei put on a T-shirt with hallokety printed on it, pulled Wu Yuan along and went shopping together on Rodeo Drive, the most prosperous street in Los Angeles.

Rodeo Drive is right next to Beverly Hills. It has the status of the most prosperous and expensive shopping avenue in the world and is also known as one of the top ten shopping paradises in the world.

Liu Yifei has visited here many times, but because of the enthusiastic response to the release of Pirates of the Caribbean 3 this time and the rising box office results, she wanted to celebrate.

What could be a happier celebration than spending money in a shopping paradise?

The two of them held hands and just wore simple masks and sunglasses to cover up, and started shopping on Rodeo Drive.

Brother, do you think this looks good?


What about this one?

It looks good too.

How about matching this bag?

They all look good.

Pouting her mouth, Liu Yifei looked dissatisfied at Wu Yuan, who had a full shopping bag in his hand and a tired look on his face: Brother, apart from the word good-looking, can you give me some more advice? Don't be so perfunctory!

Qian Qian. Wu Yuan spread his hands with a look of helplessness on his face: With your looks and figure, even if you put on a sack, it will look like you are walking in a fashion week. What else can I say except that you look good?

Maybe these words are perfunctory to others, but to you and me, they are really sincere!

Hey, Liu Yifei immediately beamed and smiled. She didn't care about him anymore and happily hugged a gauze skirt: Then I'll go put on this dress and try it on. You wait for me outside.

Looking at her back as she turned around and walked into the changing room, Wu Yuan sighed.

Sure enough, as long as you are a woman, there is no one who doesn’t like shopping.

Why do some of her fans think she is an otherworldly fairy?

Hey, are you Daniel Wu?

Suddenly, a strong voice came from behind, calling Wu Yuan.

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