Millennium director

Chapter 3 Wang Xiaoshuai and Seventeen-Year-Old Bicycle

In the winding alleys of Dongcheng, a chase scene is taking place.

People who hunt geese all day long will one day be pecked in the eye by geese.

Unfortunately, Wu Yuan was the unlucky guy who got his eye pecked by the goose.

Wu Yuan, who had been wandering around the east city of the capital for more than half a year, finally attracted the attention of some interested people as his reputation as the King of Dongcheng Gun Edition spread.

Wu Yuan, who just earned 60 yuan yesterday and was scolded by Jia Zhangke, today was finally beaten by a group of aunts from the street management office when he was selling Feng Xiaogang's last year's New Year movie See You or Be Part to an older girl. Caught the transaction scene.

Fortunately, Wu Yuan was clever. The moment the aunts shouted, he put the pirated disc in his hand into the girl's arms, got on the bicycle leaning against the wall, and fled the scene quickly.

Several aunts with red sleeve bands on their arms, after being stunned for a moment, immediately chased after them with an attitude of dedication and responsibility to the people.

Hey, kid! Don't run!

I've been with you for a week, and you're the only one who sells pirated CDs in the alley every day, right?

Wu Yuan was riding a bicycle in front, his feet almost kicking out sparks.

Behind him, four or five aunts from the street management office were not slow at all, and they clung to Wu Yuan in pursuit.

The demeanor of the Chaoyang aunts of later generations can already be seen in them now.

Wu Yuan, who was pedaling his bicycle furiously, even distractedly lamented the power of inheritance. Perhaps the Chaoyang aunts 20 years later will be the descendants of this group of energetic aunts.

“What a great chaser!”

A chase scene comparable to a Hollywood car chase blockbuster was staged passionately in the alleys of East City.

The aunts chased Wu Yuan in hot pursuit, and every time he turned around an alley, there would always be a flurry of excitement and insults.

At this moment, a middle-aged man wearing glasses, who was as short and fat as Jia Zhangke, but looked older and darker than him, happened to walk out of his yard and saw this exciting chase.

In his eyes, what he saw was a young man wearing a military green coat and a Type 56 military cap, riding a bicycle and charging towards him against the light.

Although there were several panting aunts hanging behind him, and his movements on the bicycle were very fast and hard, Wang Xiaoshuai did not see the slightest trace of nervousness or anxiety on his face.

On this handsome face, Wang Xiaoshuai only saw a bright smile and a hint of excitement and excitement in the smile.

To be honest, he is very handsome and eye-catching, making it difficult to take your eyes away from his smile.

Wu Yuan flew past Wang Xiaoshuai like lightning.

Looking at the back of the boy riding the bicycle, Wang Xiaoshuai couldn't help but join in the chase, hanging behind the aunts, and chasing Wu Yuan together.

However, two legs cannot run as fast as two wheels.

After chasing hard for seven or eight minutes, the aunts finally ran out of energy and could no longer catch up with the 18-year-old.

Wang Xiaoshuai, who was already in his thirties and still a fat man, had no physical strength. When he caught up with the aunts, he couldn't even see the butt of Wu Yuan's car.

Huh, ha, who is this kid? Wang Xiaoshuai put his hands on his knees and asked while panting heavily.

Just taking one more look in the crowd, Wang Xiaoshuai made a decision in his heart. This boy riding a bicycle was the leading actor in his new movie!

Several aunts who had not caught anyone and were getting angry looked at each other. Although they didn't know who Wang Xiaoshuai was, they explained to him in a hurry because he was full of sense of justice and followed him. road:

This guy sells pirated discs here and has been selling them for more than half a year!

We chased him several times but failed to catch up. We asked a few people who bought pirated discs from him, and they said that this guy claimed to be a student at the film school!

Bah! It's so shameless. A top student from a film school would come here to sell pirated discs?

You want to be a great director and actor. How could you do such a thing? You are deliberately deceiving people and discrediting the film academy!

That's right, I think this guy is just a bastard. How can he be a college student!

A pug wearing a string of bells is pretending to be a big animal!

He's either a stinky bastard or a stinky bastard. He's not a good person anyway!

Hey, did you see what he looked like just now?

The aunts chatted away, but Wang Xiaoshuai touched his chin and fell into deep thought.

If it were anyone else, I really wouldn't think that film school students would come here to sell pirated discs.

But Wang Xiaoshuai is different. He is an old senior from the film school with a good reputation!

Recently, in order to prepare for his new independent film, he returned to the capital and visited teachers at the school. He also chatted with many juniors who have become famous in the film school in recent years.

He had heard from several juniors that there was a gangster from the 1998 directing department. Ever since he was admitted to the school, Keke had been number one in his class, but he didn't focus on studying at all. In the past six months, he had been Pirated discs have been launched, and small industries have become prosperous. Several old professors in the school hate that iron cannot become steel!

Now the person is right!

I remember it was called Wu Yuan?! Wang Xiaoshuai murmured, clapped his hands hard, turned around and slowly left the scene under the surprised eyes of the aunts.

On the other side, Wu Yuan, who successfully got rid of the street aunts, was completely honest this time.

Not to mention committing crimes against the wind, at least now it is impossible to go back to Dongcheng to sell pirated discs.

Fortunately, I planned to go to school today, so I rode my bicycle out the door, otherwise I wouldn't have had to run.

Riding his bicycle home, Wu Yuan put all the CDs tied to his body back into the compartment, went out and got on the car again, planning to go back to school to hide from the limelight.

The film academy is not in Dongcheng, but in Haidian, west of the capital. This is why he always sells pirated discs in Dongcheng.

The capital city of these days was not as congested as it was in later generations, and the urban planning was not as crowded. Wu Yuan whistled for a spin and swayed back to the film school.

Under the helpless and teasing gaze of the janitor, Wu Yuan said hello with a playful smile and turned into the directing department classroom.

Unlike the acting department in the building next door, which recruits 20 to 30 people every year, the directing department of the film school prefers to have a shortage of undergraduates. Sometimes it does not recruit undergraduates for two or three years in a row.

One graduate student was recruited in the class of 1997, and a further training class in directing was held in the class of 1999, recruiting 42 people at once. It also opened a vocational class in editing, which also recruited 22 people, but it was nothing serious. There are still no undergraduates, only 5 graduate students.

The 00-level students have just finished their art exams and have not yet enrolled in school. However, teachers in the department said that they will not recruit undergraduate students this year. They only plan to admit a few graduate students. Vocational courses will continue to be held.

Therefore, in a huge directing department teaching building, there is only one undergraduate class in the four grades combined, which is very difficult to find.

Wu Yuan wandered back to the classroom on the second floor. Just as he was about to enter for re-education from his classmates and teachers, a chubby hand suddenly stretched out from nowhere and stopped him.

Classmate Wu Yuan, right?

Looking at the short fat man who suddenly appeared in front of him, Wu Yuan touched his head in confusion: It's me, are you?

It's like this, I am Senior Brother Qin, level 85 Wang Xiaoshuai. I have a script to shoot, and I specially invite you here.

Huh? Wu Yuan was a little surprised. This person in front of him was Wang Xiaoshuai. He really didn't recognize him at first glance. Speaking of which, Wu Yuan had never seen him before entering school.

His impression of Wang Xiaoshuai still remained in his dream, where he looked like he was forty or fifty years old.

Ah, hello, senior brother. Wu Yuan took the initiative to hold Wang Xiaoshuai's hand and said with some excitement: Are you going to ask me to be the cameraman for your new movie?

Or the assistant director?

Oh, my reputation in the department is so great that I have alarmed you? How embarrassing is this!

The corner of Wang Xiaoshuai's mouth twitched slightly, and he looked at Wu Yuan with a strange look. After a pause, he shook his head and said, No, I'm here to ask you to act, to play the leading role!

My book is called Seventeen-Year-Old Bicycle. I think you are what I imagined the hero to be like, a young, brilliant, confident and sunny city boy.

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