Millennium director

Chapter 301 The sensation on both sides of the Pacific before the release

The trailer for Gravity was released at the perfect time.

Because by coincidence, on the same day as the trailer for Gravity was released, the National Space Administration announced the specific launch date of this year's Shenzhou 7 manned space flight.

In May, Shenzhou 7 had arrived at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center for assembly testing.

On June 21, at the same time as the trailer for Gravity was released, the space agency simultaneously announced that Shenzhou 7 would be launched on July 12.

The most important tasks of this Shenzhou-7 manned space program are astronaut extravehicular activities and small satellite accompanying flights.

It's no coincidence that in the movie Gravity, there are a lot of astronauts going outside the spacecraft.

At this time, reality and movies merged.

If only in the movie, China's aerospace level is so advanced, it may really make the audience feel a little unrealistic, too damn advanced science fiction.

However, when China Aerospace Corporation in reality actually conducts spacewalks, the story in the movie suddenly seems to be not far from reality.

The astronauts on Shenzhou 7 have left the cabin. Is it still far to build our own space station and repair the space telescope outside the cabin?

This time, the sense of immersion came immediately.

This is China.

If it were a country like Japan, South Korea or India, and they were to make a movie like Gravity, it would really have no real background support at all. It would be too science fiction, and it would be too sci-fi for the domestic audience to accept it.

In China, with the launch plan of Shenzhou 7 and the release of the trailer of Gravity, the Internet, which had just calmed down from the official announcement of Liu Yifei and Wu Yuan's romance, is once again turbulent.

Whether it's fans looking forward to it, passers-by joining in the fun, or even Heizi who questions and mocks Wu Yuan, they all watched the trailer of Gravity for the first time.

Then, they went crazy.

After it was confirmed that the special effects of Gravity were indeed up to par with Hollywood standards, a real batch, and the effects were super shocking, the film's attention was immediately raised to the level of national attention.

First of all, young people really have no resistance to this kind of space disaster movie.

Topics such as earth disasters and human crises have always been a long-lasting worry for mankind.

Otherwise, the rumors of Mayan doomsday in 2012 would not be so marketable and attract so much attention.

Even the various disaster movies derived from it have all been box office hits!

Human beings have a fear of disasters in their genes, and have always had an unspeakable obsession with this subject.

As for the majority of middle-aged and elderly people, they attach great importance to China's national rise and are quite supportive of Gravity, which promotes national power and showcases national science and technology.

Although they may not know much about science fiction movies, they know that this movie is strongly supported by the space agency, so they must support it!

In addition, China Film is really willing to spend money and actually bought advertising time for Gravity to play the trailer on the TV station!

Good guys, watching a movie trailer on TV is a novel thing, and it also greatly expands the popularity of this movie among middle-aged and elderly people.

Middle-aged and elderly people may not use the Internet very much, but they will definitely watch TV.

Age does not prevent them from seeing and understanding the trailer for Gravity.

Moreover, the trailer of this movie has shocked the middle-aged and elderly people in China even more than the young people.

This is not the year of 2020 with the explosion of Internet information. Most ordinary Chinese people actually have no idea about space.

The only impression and memory I have of the universe is the photo overlooking the Earth taken from the window of the Shenzhou spacecraft that was published in major newspapers when Yang Liwei went into space.

Photos that cannot be moved cannot be compared with the visual impact brought by video images.

This feeling is like the shocking effect when seeing a 3D movie for the first time after getting used to watching 2D movies.

It's so pitiful that China hasn't had any space videos in the past few decades!

Now Wu Yuan has come up with the top space special effects scene in Gravity, which is so shocking.

All of a sudden, Gravity has become a hot topic among the people, from major Internet forums and post bars to offline streets and alleys.

Many middle-aged and elderly people don't even know what special effects are. They think that the space scenes in the movie and the shocking images overlooking the earth are all real shots. They exclaim that China's technology has developed so much that it can be used on the Internet. Filming in space? !

Their children can only explain to them what movie special effects are, dumbfounding.

This is all fake and computer generated.

Then they were even more amazed. Technology has developed so much now that even space can be faked using computers, and the Earth can also be faked, and can the effects be fake? !

Then go to the cinema to watch this movie!

And those public intellectuals who looked down upon and ridiculed the film when it was first proposed, and felt that China could not produce good science fiction films, also temporarily stopped working.

Judging from the trailer, it seems that Wu Yuan has really produced a top-notch science fiction movie.

Public intellectuals are not fools, and they also know that they cannot go against the trend.

Of course, they have no intention of giving up, they just plan to wait and see first.

After Gravity is released, let's see how the feature film is. If the feature film doesn't have the same effect as in the trailer, or the plot is terrible, then they can make a big fuss about it.

To play science fiction movies, you have to be a beacon on the other side of the ocean. How can China, which is backward, play science fiction masterpieces?

However, what these people don't know is that while they are still thinking about how to lick their master.

On the other side of the ocean, in the United States, there is a group of white people who they regard as noble, but they are looking forward to the movie Gravity.

North America, California, San Francisco.

Buggy, who had just returned from the planetarium, was holding his mobile phone and chatting with his friends on MSN.

“Guys, the trailer for Gravity is out!”

Although it is a Chinese version, someone has already made English subtitles. You can search for the trailer with subtitles on YouTube!

Oh my God, Daniel did not disappoint. The trailer is so cool. I can't wait to see the movie.

It's a pity that there is no news about the release of this movie in North America!

Are the Big Six in Hollywood blind? Daniel's movie is not scheduled to be released in North America?

Baji sent a series of messages to his friends in the MSN group chat.

He is an astronomy enthusiast, to be precise, a cosmic enthusiast.

Buggy is extremely obsessed with everything related to the universe. His biggest dream in life is to become an astronaut, take a rocket to the International Space Station, and see the vastness of the universe with his own eyes.

However, this dream will only be a dream, and there is almost no way to realize it. He cannot choose NASA astronauts.

However, he still pays attention to all things that humans explore the universe.

From NASA's various space exploration plans, to the space exploration projects of Russia and European aviation, to China's aviation industry, which has been developing faster and faster in the past ten years, he has been paying attention to the small steps that have been made for every human aviation. And cheered.

Naturally, he also loves all movies related to the universe.

From the Star Wars series to the Star Trek series to the 2001: A Space Odyssey known as the science fiction masterpiece, etc., they are all his favorites.

Especially the latter two movies, which focus more on traveling in space, made him particularly fond of them.

This description of the vastness and loneliness of the universe, overlooking the earth, the home of mankind, from a cosmic perspective, showed a cosmic romance that made him obsessed and unable to extricate himself.

Therefore, even though Gravity is a Chinese film, Badji paid attention to the film as early as the project was initiated, and continued to promote it in his own small group.

It's not that he likes Chinese movies very much, but that he has full confidence in Wu Yuan, a great Hollywood director.

He believes that a top commercial film director like Wu Yuan, who is also a commercial director who plays with special effects, will be able to make good science fiction films.

And after the trailer of Gravity was released yesterday, facts proved that his belief was correct.

The vast and deep universe shown in the trailer of Gravity is simply too charming!

The vast and endless dark universe, the vast and shocking Earth from a cosmic perspective, the sudden space crisis, and the astronauts who were swallowed by the lifeless universe.

All this attracted him so much.

After watching the trailer, he couldn't help but hang out with his friends in the circle again.

As an astronomy enthusiast, he has of course joined many forums and group chats where space enthusiasts gather.

Everyone is a group of like-minded people with the same interests and hobbies, so Amway's effect is naturally the best.

As soon as Baji bubbled up in the group chat, many group members immediately responded.

The trailer for Gravity is online?

Damn, I've seen it too. It's really cool. Why isn't it released in North America?

Space disaster movies should belong to global audiences. There are no cultural barriers or racial barriers. What is there is just the yearning for space that is common to every human being!

We need Gravity but we can't go to China to watch it, and I can't understand Chinese!

What should we do to make Hollywood pay attention to our needs and introduce this movie as soon as possible!

After reading the replies from the group members one by one, Baji typed again: Yes! We need to speak out!

Damn Hollywood is controlled by a group of capitalists. As long as they know that there is a group of people in North America who want to see Gravity, I believe someone will introduce this movie!

“Hey, why don’t we go to the White House website to petition!”

Fortunately, I didn’t sleep through the night this time

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