Millennium director

Chapter 31 Black Widow and Captain America fall in love? (Revise)

Wu Yuan still did not accept John's suggestion this time and rejected John's idea of ​​preparing a welcome party for him.

He didn't want to get too involved with Fox Searchlight, so he chose to go back to the hotel to have a good rest and catch up on the jet lag.

The next day, early morning.

Wu Yuan was still asleep when he was woken up by a phone call.

Hey Daniel, aren't you up yet?

Looks like you had a really great night.

I'm sorry to bother you, but the actors we need have arrived. You need to come to the company to meet them.

Come! I'm waiting for you!

Wu Yuan, who was a little unaccustomed to the jet lag, climbed out of bed groggily, washed briefly, put on the suit sent by the hotel, got into the car arranged by the hotel, and rushed to the Fox Searchlight company building.

He has something serious to do today.

More than half an hour later, Wu Yuan arrived at Fox Searchlight.

To be honest, the appearance of a Chinese man downstairs at Fox Searchlight seemed a bit uncomfortable for Fox Searchlight employees.

Fortunately, the news that the company has a film project cooperation with a Chinese director has spread throughout Fox Searchlight. Naturally, no one will stop Wu Yuan, which saves him the opportunity to show off.

The journey was smooth to John's office. As soon as he entered the door, Wu Yuan saw two young actors sitting on the sofa.

Good director.

It's an honor to receive your invitation.

The older actor stood up a little awkwardly and took the initiative to hold Wu Yuan's hand.

The actress sitting next to him, who looked to be only sixteen or seventeen years old, also stood up, smiled at Wu Yuan, and said gracefully: I didn't expect you to ask me to star in this movie. It's a great honor.

These two actors are the Juno stars that Wu Yuan asked John to invite in advance before he came to the United States!

They are the candidates for the heroine Juno: Scarlett Johansson.

Candidate for the lead role of Brick: Chris Evans.

Yes, that is Black Widow and Captain America in the Marvel Universe.

It’s not that Wu Yuan has any evil intentions and wants to see Black Widow and Captain America fall in love.

But at this time point in 2001, it was really not easy to find actors suitable for the movie Juno.

Ellen Page, who played Juno in the original movie, did a great job, bringing Juno, an eccentric girl, to life.

But she is not yet 14 years old this year. Putting aside her acting skills, her age alone makes it impossible for her to meet the role.

As for the male protagonist Brick, his presence in the original movie is very low, and any actor can play him.

But Wu Yuan's version is different. The male protagonist in his Juno is also very important, and you can't just find an actor and dismiss it.

What's even more frustrating is that because this movie focuses on high school students, Wu Yuan had to find two actors between 16 and 20 years old, and the maximum could not be more than 20 years old.

He doesn't like to find mature actors to play high school students. Although he has the acting skills, the young girl's temperament is gone.

Is the international chapter great? Is your performance in The Legend of the Palace good enough?

But if she is asked to play a 16-year-old girl in Shangyang Fu at the age of 40, can she do it?

I can’t act!

After much deliberation, Wu Yuan fell in love with Scarlett Johansson, who is not yet 17 years old.

The current Scarlett is not the sexy queen she was later, and she is not yet a widowed sister.

Now Scarlett is a complete sweetheart girl, taking the cute and innocent route, and already has good filming experience.

She has starred in five movies since her debut in 1994 in The Hustler's Bodyguard.

Although she did not play the heroine in these movies, her roles were all in line with her own positioning, and they were all cute or quirky girls.

It just so happens that Juno is a sharp-tongued, quirky, and lovable character. Only in this way can the movie theme of early pregnancy seem less heavy.

In fact, before Scarlett Johansson, Wu Yuan had another first choice, the British rose Keira Knightley.

Keira Knightley is one year younger than Scarlett, and is just under 16 years old this year. She is a complete plus-size lolita.

Moreover, in Pride and Prejudice, she perfectly showed what a lively, smart, and witty girl should be like, which shows that she can handle this kind of role.

It's a pity that Keira Knightley is still an unknown person now. Wu Yuan can't even remember when she debuted in the United States.

She had to wait until Pirates of the Caribbean 1 to become famous.

No matter how powerful he is, there is no way he would ask John to find an actress who has no reputation in Hollywood.

It's better to say that she can't be found. If she is found, Wu Yuan can't explain why he, a person who has never been to the United States, knows Keira Knightley.

So at the moment, 17-year-old Scarlett Johansson is the most suitable candidate for Juno.

As for why the actor wanted Chris Evans, this reason is the same as why Marvel wanted him to play Captain America.

On the one hand, this guy is handsome enough to play the role of a high school idol.

On the other hand, his handsomeness is still very orthodox, and he looks like he can shoulder a sense of responsibility at first glance.

He can play Captain America in Marvel, who goes from confusion to firm belief, and finally takes up the responsibility of the country and fights for justice!

Of course, you can also play a man who goes from confusion to firm belief, and finally takes on family responsibilities and fights for his wife and children!

His face and temperament are perfect for this type of role!

Scarlett Johansson and Chris Evans are not big actors right now.

Both of them have only played supporting roles in a few movies. They are somewhat well-known in Hollywood, but no one is looking for them to film.

Although Chris is older than Scarlett, he is less famous than Scarlett.

As for why Fox found him to play Juno

This is a fateful coincidence.

He was not Wu Yuan's initiative, but an actor recommended by Fox.

This year Chris just starred in the Fox TV series The Opposite Sex, which can be regarded as a collaboration with Fox.

As luck would have it, after Fox Searchlight approved the project for Juno, considering that Wu Yuan might not be familiar with Hollywood actors, Fox Searchlight prepared a batch of resumes for him.

It just happened to have Chris Evans in it.

Wu Yuan thought this guy was good enough to try out for the leading role, so he made an appointment to meet him.

Modified and deleted Ocean Horse.

Very good, this book also appears in different parallel time and space, and Wu Yuan in the two time and space made different choices.

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