Millennium director

Chapter 319 Actor? Don’t do it!

Nowadays, the class circle of domestic entertainment is very obvious.

Advertising actor<TV actor<Movie actor.

In the first five years of the new millennium, there was actually no such term in the industry, and there was almost no distinction between TV actors and movie actors.

Si Dan Shuang Bing was in both TV series and movies, and it didn't mean that she would no longer be interested in TV series after being in movies.

But after 2005, as China became more and more integrated with international standards, the entertainment food chain in Europe, America, Japan and South Korea was quickly copied by the country.

Film actors are at the top of the food chain. Once an actor establishes a foothold in the film field, he will no longer make TV series.

After Zhao Junqi, Zhou Xun, Shuang Bing and others established a foothold in the film industry, they stopped making TV series and thought that making TV series was a bad thing.

It’s a simple truth. It’s free to watch TV series, but it costs money to watch movies.

If you have commercial value and can make the audience spend money to watch movies in the theater for you, then why would you still act in a TV series that is free to watch for free?

Aren’t you afraid that if you act in too many TV series, people are used to your film and television works for free, but they are no longer willing to spend money to go to the cinema to watch the movies you act in?

Don't think this is alarmist.

The Japanese, Korean, European and American film and television circles that are at the forefront have countless examples telling everyone that it is better for film actors not to be exposed too much and to maintain a sense of mystery.

The film and TV drama actor circles in these countries are very clearly divided. For example, almost all of the first- and second-tier actors in Hollywood have never acted in a TV series.

Although the distinction is not so clear in China, actors who can reliably appear in movies should try not to act in TV series.

Therefore, Liu Xiaoli did not quite understand Wu Yuan's decision to let Liu Yifei act in a TV series.

The box office record holder for Chinese-language films actually went back to film a TV series as time went by?

How embarrassing!

Auntie, special situations are treated specially. Wu Yuan could also understand Liu Xiaoli's thoughts. He explained patiently: General TV series are indeed not suitable for Sissi, nor are they worthy of Sissi's current status.

But if I can star in a TV series that is national-level and even popular across Asia, it will still be worth it.

Just like Huan Zhuge Ge, it was popular throughout Asia at that time.

Meteor Garden is also a hit in Taiwan, China, Taiwan and Southeast Asia.

How much explicit and implicit benefits has such a phenomenal TV series brought to these actors?

To this day, audiences in Vietnam, Thailand and other places still love Little Swallow and Ziwei!

I can honestly say that the effect may be even better than a movie like Hero.

What the company has prepared for Sissi this time is a TV series that has the potential to become popular in Asia.

The main markets are South Korea and China, but it will definitely be popular in Southeast Asia as well!

The Lonely and Brilliant God: Goblin is one of the most influential Korean dramas in Asia.

It can almost compete with dramas such as Full House, Blue Life and My Love from the Star.

In other words, Descendants of the Sun can compete with them.

It's just that Wu Yuan would definitely not be happy to film Descendants of the Sun according to the original version. If it were to be filmed, it would definitely be changed to the Chinese peacekeeping force. What is there to brag about about Bangzi's peacekeeping force?

In this way, the Chinese version of Descendants of the Sun is not suitable for counterattacking the Korean market. After all, Koreans have extreme self-esteem and only like to watch some cool dramas from their country.

The Lonely and Brilliant God: Ghost is more suitable. It doesn't even need to be changed. It's just a grudge and hatred between a ghost and the messenger of hell that spans hundreds of years.

In addition to this TV series, Wu Yuan also plans to let Liu Yifei film Hotel Del Luna in the future, especially for the Korean market.

It is through this TV series that IU became popular in Asia as an actor. This kind of good resource cannot be let go!


Let’s switch to Hualiu!

Of course, if Light and Shadow Express wants to replace Netflix in the Korean streaming market, it will also have to use local Korean actors and shoot some TV series with almost all Korean casts, so that it can really be accepted by the Korean market.

TV series such as the Reply series, Master's Sun, W Two Worlds and Dark Glory are very Korean and there is almost no way to change them into domestic dramas. You can directly find Korean production companies in South Korea to cooperate. It was made into a Korean drama and aired on Guangying Kuaibo.

Wu Yuan's ambitions are not big. He can capture half of the Korean TV drama market in the next ten years or so.

And since we have this plan, of course we have to let our girlfriend take advantage of it and let her enter the Korean and Southeast Asian markets as an actress!

The heroine of The Lonely and Brilliant God: Ghost is not given to anyone, she might as well let her girlfriend do it.

Liu Yifei is too lazy. She only makes one movie a year. It's time to give her more responsibilities.

The title of Asian goddess must be well deserved!

Wu Yuan enthusiastically introduced the specific plot and character settings of The Lonely and Brilliant God and Ghost to Liu Yifei and her daughter.

Not to mention, the theme and setting of this TV series were considered novel when it was broadcast, let alone now.

Liu Yifei and Liu Xiaoli were easily attracted by the story told by Wu Yuan.

The male protagonist has been living as a ghost for 939 years and wants to end his immortal life.

The one who lost his memory was once the messenger of the underworld who was transformed from the king whom the hero was loyal to.

The heroine who has been able to see dead souls that ordinary people cannot see since she was a child. Her destiny is to become the bride of the ghost, pull out the sword from the hero's chest and grant him death.

The reincarnation of the hero's sister, who was once the second female lead in the king's concubine.

Three ancients with complicated relationships thousands of years ago, full of love and hatred, and an ordinary and kind-hearted 19-year-old female high school student, have various wonderful encounters, and a story full of romance and fantasy begins.

Although the core is still that of a love idol drama, after being wrapped in a fantasy skin, the whole story becomes novel and unconventional.

After listening to Wu Yuan's introduction, Liu Yifei was immediately interested.

This story sounds so interesting.

I want to act!

Liu Xiaoli also looked a little relaxed.

This TV series does sound like it will be popular. If it can be popular in Asia, as Wu Yuan said, especially in the Korean market where Liu Yifei's influence has been unable to penetrate, then it will be worthwhile to star in this TV series.

But. Liu Yifei rolled her eyes and hugged Wu Yuan's arm with a smile: Brother, I think this male protagonist is very suitable for you.

You see, he has lived for almost a thousand years. It can be said that he is omnipotent and omniscient. He is rich in knowledge and is a walking knowledge base.

Although he has strong martial arts, his personality is like that of a child. He bickers with the messengers of the underworld every day.

The most important thing is, you must look handsome!

He is an uncle, but the script can be changed so that he died at the age of 26.

Ah?! Wu Yuan's eyes widened. He could accept the compliment of having learned a lot, but when did he act like a child?

Moreover, one of the major selling points of The Lonely and Brilliant God: Ghost is the love story between the male and female protagonists, the uncle and the little lolita.

A funny and romantic fantasy love between a 19-year-old high school girl and an uncle who has lived for almost a thousand years.

How could he, a young man who is only 26 years old and in his prime, play such a role?

The most important thing is that he is a famous international director, and he comes to act in a TV series?

Is that okay~ Liu Yifei didn't care about this, she took Wu Yuan's arm and pouted and acted coquettishly.

If there is anything that she regrets the most, it is that she has never acted with Wu Yuan.

Wu Yuan didn't know that Liu Yifei actually envied Gao Yuanyuan privately.


Because Gao Yuanyuan is the heroine in the only movie Seventeen Years Old Bicycle that Wu Yuan has played in his life!

Not only did she have an emotional scene with Wu Yuan, but Wu Yuan even kissed her on the cheek. Rounding it all off, it was considered a kissing scene!

What made her even more sore was the word only, which would inevitably make Liu Yifei a little jealous.

That's how it is when you love someone, and you're jealous of the only thing they did with someone else.

So she has always thought that if there is a chance, she can make a film and television work with Wu Yuan. It doesn't matter whether it is a TV series or a movie, but they must play a couple!

Hasn’t this opportunity come now?

Let's film together~ Liu Yifei held Wu Yuan's arm and muttered with a pouted mouth: Brother's first TV series, as soon as this news is released, it won't be possible if this TV series is not popular.

All audiences in Asia will want to see you, an international director, act.

I heard that Seventeen-Year-Old Bicycle has been picked up by Asian audiences just because it was the only movie you acted in. Even many European and American movie fans will come here to watch it. You perform.”

Brother, you are also very talented in acting!

When I was in school, the teacher often used you as an example, saying that you were talented. The first movie you acted in won the Berlin Best Newcomer Award. You went to the directing department. It would be a pity not to go to the acting department.

To this day, many professors in the acting department still regret that they didn't snatch you over when you entered school.

Liu Yifei's good words came out for free.

This is not true either.

When Wu Yuan came to the Film Academy to take the art exam, the teacher in the acting department thought he was taking the art exam in the acting department, which caused some trouble. Later, I heard that he was applying for the directing department, which I regretted for a long time.

After all, Wu Yuan is handsome, tall, and has a very good appearance and temperament, which really doesn't match the style of the directors.

But Wu Yuan’s heart is really focused on the director.

When I was willing to make Seventeen-Year-Old Bicycle, it was because Wang Xiaoshuai deceived me. He only agreed in order to learn how to be a good director in the film era.

Now, Wu Yuan really has no reason or interest to be an actor.

He was used to being a dictatorial director who controlled everything on the set, but he had no interest in being an obedient actor under the director.

He was afraid that he would be like Jiang Wen and have sex with the director directly on the set!

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