Millennium director

Chapter 333 This wave, this wave turns enemies into friends!

After returning from Venice, it was already mid-September.

A Man Called Li Wen Decides to Die, which won the Venice Golden Lion, has not yet been released in mainland China, but another TV series produced by Light and Shadow Times will be released first.

Soul Ferry

This is the first online drama in China.

The current online drama production process is really primitive.

Currently, there is no review process for online dramas, and the General Administration has no concept of online dramas.

In fact, until about 2015, in the barbaric era when online dramas were just emerging, online dramas mainly used self-examination.

That is to say, you need to apply for a production license during the production stage, but there is no need for review by the General Administration before going online. Instead, the broadcaster's video website only needs to take the initiative to take your content to the General Administration to prepare a case.

But now, even this kind of registration is not needed. Just like when Wan Hetianyi was doing short dramas like Unexpectedly, there is no problem in shooting one episode a week and then putting it online directly.

The only thing is, it cannot be called a television series. After all, this is not a film and television work broadcast on TV. How can it be called a television series?

The staff of the publicity department of Guangying Kuaibo, a newly born online streaming media platform, are basically transferred from the Guangying era.

Apart from anything else, when it comes to publicity, it is called professionalism.

According to Wu Yuan's request, starting in early September, the publicity department of Light and Shadow Times started building momentum for Soul Ferry on the Internet.

Their banner is China's first online drama without mentioning the word television at all, let alone whether it will be a star or not.

At first, not many mainland netizens paid attention to this promotion.

After all, Guangying Kuaibo is a new online video platform, and it is only a warm-up promotion. The platform has not been launched yet, and the promotional effect is very limited.

But after Wu Yuan returned to China, the situation was different.

Wu Yuan, who returned to China to personally guide the launch of the Light and Shadow Quickcast project, understands a truth very well.

To be an Internet company, you must be shameless!

September 18th, evening.

After a tiring day of work, Chu Miaomiao dragged her exhausted body back to her rental house in the suburbs of Shanghai.

More than two years have passed. The urban beauty who was once crazy about the idol drama Destined to Love You has transformed from a newcomer to society who just graduated and was still full of longing for love to a seasoned professional person.

Don't have anything to do with me about love or love, it will only affect the speed at which I make money!

However, my hobby of watching TV series has not changed.

It's just that compared to the past when she loved watching all kinds of romantic idol dramas, Chu Miaomiao is now more willing to watch TV dramas with other themes.

It's a pity that in most TV dramas nowadays, love cannot be avoided as the main plot.

Whether it is urban dramas, costume dramas or martial arts dramas, most of them are still related to love. Only some historical dramas and anti-war dramas do not talk about love, but Chu Miaomiao doesn't like these dramas very much.

So recently she has been troubled by the drama shortage.

After returning home, she simply heated up the unfinished food yesterday, and after devouring the food at the Five Zang Temple, Chu Miaomiao put on her glasses, lay on the bed, and opened the newly bought laptop.

This laptop was the latest Lenovo computer that she had saved up for more than half a year to buy. It had top-notch configuration and ran smoothly without any lag.

Skillfully opening the browser and opening several favorite web pages one by one, Chu Miaomiao began today's Taobao journey.

Of course, it’s not online shopping, but looking for videos to watch on several currently popular video websites.

As internet speeds in the mainland have increased several times and dial-up Internet access has been replaced by broadband Internet access, the development of Huaxia Video websites has become more and more prosperous.

Hundreds of new videos are released every day on video websites such as 56 Video, Ku6 Video, Liujianfang, Youku, and Tudou. Many of them are film and television resources actively shared by netizens, and some are officially uploaded.

Chu Miaomiao's favorite website is Youku. On July 9 this year, Youku also obtained the Information Network Audiovisual Program Dissemination License and the Radio and Television Program Production and Operation License issued by the General Administration.

This means that Youku can produce some online programs on its own.

Chu Miaomiao likes to watch columns such as New Entertainment Weekly and Youku Starlight that are updated weekly on Youku, because these programs are videos of Youku reporters interviewing celebrities and artists from all walks of life, and they can get to know these celebrities up close. Private life.

However, as soon as Chu Miaomiao opened Youku today, her attention was attracted by the video that ranked first in the real-time playing list.

The first Internet film and television drama Soul Ferry, the first trailer!

Internet movies and TV dramas?

Soul ferry?

These two keywords immediately aroused Chu Miaomiao's curiosity.

Not to mention anything else, the name of this film and television drama alone gives people an eerie feeling, which is exactly what Chu Miaomiao, who is a drama star, wants!

Without hesitation, she immediately clicked on the video.

Waiting for the video loading symbol to spin in circles, Chu Miaomiao rubbed her hands in excitement.

She didn't have to wait long. Soon, the video was loaded successfully. After playing a 15-second Yogurt commercial, a not-too-high-definition video started playing on her laptop.

It is recorded in Buddhist scriptures that there are five kinds of eyes in this world.

Eye of the Sky.

Wise eye.

Dharma Eye.

Buddha's Eyes.

To the naked eye.

In the video, a narration voice with a thick and magnetic tone is slowly reading the narration. Every time he reads a word, the screen will switch.

The sky, the statues of saints, the Taoist ancestors, the seated Buddha...

When the narrator reads naked eye, a human eye pupil taken from a very, very close distance takes up the entire screen.

Chu Miaomiao shook her hands out of curiosity, almost knocking over the laptop, My dear, it's so scary!

The eyes of the flesh are dark and unclear.

“See the near but not the far, the front but not the back, the light but not the dark.”

But there is another kind of eye that can see in the dark.


The narration continues, and the video screen keeps moving. All living beings in modern society, from morning to noon and then to night, appear in the screen with countless time-lapse shots.

Just because of the word they, Chu Miaomiao became a little nervous unconsciously.


The screen suddenly darkened, green stripes appeared on the background, and a line of blood-red writing slowly emerged.

Have you ever seen a ghost?

Damn it, do you dare to take pictures like this? Chu Miaomiao grabbed both sides of the computer with both hands, biting her lips, feeling a little excited.

Ghost is something that cannot be said. Except for Hong Kong movies, it basically does not appear in mainland film and television works, let alone such straightforward criticism.

After all, we are an atheistic country, let alone promote these feudal superstitions.

However, human curiosity is endless. The more you are not allowed to understand something, the more interested everyone will be.

For example, Chu Miaomiao, her eyes were full of interest at this time.

The trailer continues.

As this line of text appeared, the scene suddenly switched to a dark convenience store. A young man wearing an apron stood with his back to the camera, standing between two rows of shelves, looking at the glass wall in front of him.

Suddenly, a bloody hand appeared on the glass.

The screen changed, and a pair of eyes with dilated pupils occupied the screen again.

These are the eyes of this convenience store clerk. In the reflection of his pupils, there is a figure dressed in white slowly approaching him.

The constantly switching scenes, the eerie lighting, and the unfortunate background music, combined with the various atmospheres, made Chu Miaomiao feel chills down her spine.

She regretted a little and shouldn't have clicked on this video.

Being too curious is sometimes not a good thing!


A scream sounded suddenly, scaring her so much that she subconsciously closed her eyes.

But then a gunshot rang out.

Chinese horror paired with American Iai?

What a strange combination.

Even though she was scared, Chu Miaomiao couldn't help but narrowed her eyes and looked at the screen.

I saw a middle-aged man wearing a leather cloak and sunglasses, who looked full of ruthlessness and looked very bohemian. He was holding a fancy flintlock pistol in his hand, which was a bit like the flower-carved flintlock pistol used by European nobles in the seventeenth century.

Smoke was still coming from the muzzle of the gun. The man smiled handsomely at the camera and turned slightly sideways. At some point, a large jeep parked at the door.

Holly, it's too late, get in the car!

Today is the Ghost Festival, the door to hell is wide open, we have to work overtime!

Some absurd and funny lines diluted the scary atmosphere a bit, and Chu Miaomiao burst into laughter.

However, being funny is just the spice.

The tone of this trailer must be scary.

Some scary scenes from each unit story in the 20 episodes of the first season are constantly interspersed in the trailers, focusing on one scary person, filling the horror atmosphere.

Chu Miaomiao, who had just relieved some of the tension, immediately felt excited again.

When the trailer came to the second half, she basically didn't dare to look at the video anymore, and her heart was beating fast.

This is really scary!

It’s been many, many years since we’ve seen such a pure horror movie in China!

Even the popular horror movies in Hong Kong in the 1980s and 1990s mainly featured zombies and beautiful ghosts. How could they be so scary?

Chu Miaomiao had never felt that time passed as slowly as it did at this moment.

The trailer, which was less than four minutes long, seemed to have played for half an hour before it finally came to an end.

People know that ghosts are scary, and ghosts know that people's hearts are poisonous!

China's first online film and television drama Soul Ferry will be broadcast exclusively on the Light and Shadow Quickcast software on October 1st. See you there!

At this point, the trailer ends.

Yes, Wu Yuan shamelessly posted the preview video of Soul Ferry all over other popular video websites on the Internet.

Because there is almost no supervision and users can upload video resources at will, mainstream mainland video websites including Youku and Tudou did not refuse Wu Yuan’s promotional video to go online.

Therefore, with the easy operation of the company's publicity department, these promotional videos quickly reached the top of the video play list.

This wave, this wave is turning enemies into friends! (End of chapter)

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