Millennium director

Chapter 370: Overseas Strategy in the Era of Light and Shadow

Li Dongxu's salary is 500,000 yuan per episode. So how much money can Wu Yuan get as the leading actor?

One episode costs 1.2 million, which is a friendly price.

Although Light and Shadow Times is his own company, it is impossible for Wu Yuan to work for the company for free. Normal business contracts must be signed and the remuneration must be paid.

The contract and rich offer that Li Xiaoping offered to Wu Yuan completely put him on par with the net worth of a first-tier actor in Mainland China.

It’s not that he is only worth this price, but the company can only give so much.

This is the first year that mainland film salaries have taken off. First-line actors such as Huang Xiaoming, Chen Kun, and Lu Yi are currently receiving quotes for TV dramas of around 1.2 million.

By next year, the price will become 2 million, because the coal boss has entered the market.

But Goblin is still a relatively good deal.

Because this drama follows the Korean drama model, a single episode lasts about 90 minutes. Compared with an episode in the Mainland, which lasts about 40 minutes, one episode is equivalent to almost 2 episodes.

So although there are 16 episodes in the script, if you follow the mainland editing method, the content is actually about 30 episodes.

Although Wu Yuan received the per-episode salary of a top-tier actor, it was actually half price, so it was said to be a friendly price.

Not only him, Liu Yifei also got a friendly price, just like him, 1.2 million per episode, which is actually equivalent to half the price of mainland actors for the same amount of filming.

But Liu Yifei is quite satisfied with this.

Because she has never caught up with the era of skyrocketing salary for mainland TV dramas.

When she was filming The Legend of the Condor Heroes, she was only paid 4,000 yuan per episode. This was still a big bearded person. After Your Name became popular, she doubled the original price of 2,000 yuan per episode before paying her. The price of an episode is 4000.

Her co-star Huang Xiaoming only received 3,500 yuan per episode, which was 500 yuan less than her.

After The Legend of the Condor Heroes, Liu Yifei has not filmed a TV series again. This time she returns to the field of TV series and can get a salary of 1.2 million per episode and a total of 19.2 million, which is already a big figure for her.

Without a Hollywood project, even mainland films would not be able to spend so much money to hire Liu Yifei.

It can be seen how abnormal the remuneration in mainland TV dramas is.

This is just the beginning.

In a few years, there will be a situation where a TV series invests 200 to 300 million yuan, and the male and female protagonists combined can take away half or even two-thirds.

You can get a salary of over 100 million for making a TV series. Even the top movie actors have to make at least three or five movies to catch up with this price.

It’s no wonder that later even Zhang Ziyi, a movie queen who firmly followed the movie star route and never descended from the world, couldn’t help but accept TV drama roles in the years when the salary of mainland TV dramas exploded.

It's not that she has weak willpower, it's because the show has given her too much!

Not only him, but the later three-time Best Actress, Little Yellow Duck, was also paid to star in several TV series.

After counting, among the arrogant movie actors in the Mainland, Gong Li is the only one who has not deigned to act in TV series under the temptation of this wave of high pay for TV series.

It can be seen that the salary of TV dramas will skyrocket in the next ten years.

The domestic TV drama layout of the Light and Shadow Era should be completely reduced or even give up most of the market in a few years.

There is no way, the three companies of Youtengku spend tens of billions to produce self-produced dramas, and the salary of TV dramas easily reaches hundreds of millions. Wu Yuan really has no way to compete with them for financial resources.

He just wants to strive to develop the TV drama industry in the light and shadow era throughout Asia, and make some Japanese and Korean dramas to be released on the overseas sites of light and shadow fast broadcast.

Just like Netflix taking root in South Korea and using Korean actors and crew to film its own dramas.

On the one hand, it is much cheaper than hiring domestic actors, and there is no need to fight a money-burning war with Youtengku in the mainland. On the other hand, it is a localized film and television drama, which can better capture the local markets of various countries.

Instead of fighting with Youtengku in the domestic TV drama market, it would be better to go overseas to eat in the Japanese and Korean markets.

Japanese actors are notoriously cheap, and the production cost of a Japanese drama is only around 10 million.

South Korea is a little more expensive, but the production cost of one episode is only about three to five million yuan, and a single drama is limited to less than 20 episodes.

However, the profitability of Japanese and Korean TV dramas is very high, and the return on investment can reach 3-5 times.

Japanese and Korean TV drama productions are really aiming for a low-cost and high-yield way to make money. This is different from the domestic Youtengku method of burning money to grab users and losing billions every year.

Wu Yuan admitted that he would definitely not be able to get involved with Youtengku in China, so he would rather not get involved with them and find another track.

When going overseas to play in Asia, the most he can do is compete with Netflix, and Netflix is ​​still playing away from home, so Wu Yuan still has some confidence.

Goblin is his first attempt to go global with streaming media in the era of light and shadow.

As the saying goes, go ahead before the troops are ready. After Li Xiaoping was told to contact the crew and production company in South Korea, Wu Yuan was not idle. After suffering the consequences of the Wu Baige scandal, he did not forget to do it. Business.

Mr. Wang, the Korean website of Guangying Kuaibo has been set up, right?

The branch in Seoul has been put into operation?

I know that rushing out to sea before the domestic development is well developed is indeed a bit unstable, but time waits for no one.

“If we don’t occupy this market, others will occupy it first.”

The local Internet industry in South Korea is not developing well, but across the ocean in the United States, the Internet industry is more developed than ours.

Did you know that there is a company called Netflix in the United States? It is a subscription-based streaming media platform that was established in 1997.

This year, they have more than 10 million subscribers in the United States, and they are expanding their markets. They will first launch TV and streaming services in Canada, and they will also start building markets in Latin America, the Caribbean and Europe.

Although they haven't had time to contact us in Asia yet, we can't just sit back and wait.

While Netflix has no time to develop into Asia, we must first seize the Asian market.

This Korean site is our first overseas battle!

The markets in Japan, Thailand, and Southeast Asia will also be developed step by step.

Upstairs in Light and Shadow Times, on the office floor of Light and Shadow Kuaibo, Wu Yuan was in Wang Xin's office, working tirelessly to brainwash him.

Another middle-aged man, about forty years old and slightly balding, standing next to him, also nodded in agreement.

Don't worry, just leave the business operations to Mr. Chen. You will be responsible for the technical issues. It won't be too difficult.

Wu Yuan vigorously patted the middle-aged man next to him.

Chen Dewei, a Chinese-American executive at YouTube, Wu Yuan spent a long time with a headhunting company before poaching him with an annual salary of US$2 million plus options to serve as the general manager of Lighting Express.

Although YouTube, a video sharing website, operates somewhat differently from streaming media websites, the general direction is still the same.

With the addition of Chen Dewei, Guangying Qvod's overseas strategy was immediately improved a lot. Wu Yuan can also be a hands-off boss and can rest assured that the company's operations can be left to him.

It was Wang Xin, the partner, who had many objections after learning about Wu Yuan and Chen Dewei's overseas streaming plan.

In his opinion, the monthly active users of Guangying Qvod in the mainland are only two to three million, and even the registered users are barely over 20 million. This is just the beginning of the mainland Internet.

At this early stage, Wu Yuan was rushing to build overseas sites. In Wang Xin's view, this was completely putting the cart before the horse.

What we should do now is to devote all our resources to the expansion of the mainland market, strive to achieve 50 million a year, register over 100 million in two years, and become the leading video website in the mainland, and then consider the issue of going overseas.

But Wu Yuan had a different idea. He wanted to walk on two legs, and China and overseas countries could go hand in hand and develop together.

After all, in the Internet industry, if you are slow, you will die.

Wang Xin didn’t know, but Wu Yuan knew how fast these streaming media platforms were changing.

In a previous life, on November 12, 2019, Disney+, a streaming media platform that had been in preparation for three years, was launched in the United States, Canada and the Netherlands.

As of February 4, 2020, the number of Disney+ subscribers reached 28 million.

On March 24, Disney+ was launched in Europe.

On April 3, Disney+ was launched in India.

On April 8, Disney+ had more than 50 million paying users worldwide.

In March 2021, the number of Disney+ global subscribers exceeded 100 million.

By 2022, Disney+ will expand to more than 50 countries and regions

In less than four years, it has expanded to more than 50 countries. This is the mobility and fission speed of the six major Hollywood companies.

In this regard, even though Netflix had already expanded to the world from 2012 to 2014, Disney was the first to arrive and rapidly developed and competed with Netflix.

Wu Yuan does not have Disney's deep copyright library, nor is he as rich as Disney. He spent his money to acquire 20th Century Fox and BAMTech (which operates streaming media technology business), and directly developed a mature streaming media platform.

His only advantage is that he has time to plan early and race against time to develop the Asian market before Disney+, Netflix and other companies have noticed it.

Even so, because he does not have a deep copyright library, he has to develop from scratch in Japan, South Korea and Southeast Asia, which takes time. The earlier he starts, the more likely he is to succeed.

Mr. Wang, I didn't say that I don't pay attention to the mainland market. He said painstakingly: In the mainland, Light and Shadow Times also filmed three TV series this year, which were broadcast simultaneously on the Internet.

Furthermore, Soul Ferry 2 is already being filmed, and the new solo online drama Tomb Raiders series is also in preparation.

Go hand in hand and develop China Overseas together. Only in this way can we expand the company as quickly as possible.

You are engaged in Internet technology. You should know better than me the cruel elimination mechanism of the Internet industry, which is slow at one step and slow at every step.

You see, I sacrificed myself to be the leading actor for the sake of Kuaishou's overseas strategy. Isn't it just to break into the Korean market in one fell swoop?

Not just South Korea, the company also plans to produce one or two Japanese dramas next year to test the waters and open a Japanese site as well.

I have a hunch that if we wait until after 2012 to plan to expand into the Asian market, it will be too late and we will have to face competition from Netflix.

Wu Yuan's words were very sincere, and Chen Dewei, the general manager in charge of operations, also recognized Wu Yuan's idea and believed that racing against time is what the company should do next.

As an outstanding industry elite, Chen Dewei can see the general trend of global streaming media development and actively agrees with Wu Yuan's idea of ​​​​making an early layout and developing in parallel and in parallel in China, Japan, and South Korea.

If we really wait until we have managed Light and Shadow Times to become a giant in China before considering overseas development, the day lily will be gone.

Even if we spend money to change markets, we must first seize the Asian market as soon as possible before Netflix completes its layout. It is unrealistic to expect fair competition with Netflix. The influence of American companies in Japan and South Korea is no joke.

Okay. Wang Xin nodded reluctantly: I'm just a technician. I really don't understand things about company development.

Since you all support and recognize this development strategy, I will try my best to cooperate.

The Korean branch has been preparing for a long time. The company's technical department has also transferred a group of expatriates to Seoul. They have now settled in Seoul and recruited a group of local employees.

“There are templates for domestic software, and we only need to do some language translation, and the Korean site can be launched quickly within a month or two.”

There are no technical difficulties. As for the specific publicity and operation, it is not my concern. I leave it to you.

Don't worry. Chen Dewei nodded confidently, Leave the publicity matters to me. (End of Chapter)

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