Millennium director

Chapter 386 Launch Conference

Launch conference.

This is a very Asian kind of promotional work before a movie starts.

Generally in Hollywood, it is not customary to hold a launch press conference.

Although Hollywood blockbusters often hold press conferences, these are preliminary promotional activities after the filming of the film is completed and before the release period.

Very few Hollywood movies have a press conference before filming.

But the director named Wu Yuan is from China.

Thanks to Wu Yuan, Disney, Universal and other six Hollywood majors that he has collaborated with have gained a lot of in-depth understanding of China or the Asian film industry.

They know that in Asian countries, there is a form of publicity such as launch conferences.

Now that we have heard about the film's launch, there are really too many media reporters gathered outside the studio.

In order to prevent them from interfering with normal filming, the heads of Universal and Paramount also thought of the kind of launch conference that Asian movies often do.

Not to mention, it is indeed a good way of publicity to gather the media together when the film is started, announce the film project to the media, and satisfy their desire for interviews.

The media got the press release, the crew got warm-up publicity, and the staff didn't have to worry about reporters staring at the studio every day trying to get the actors to interview.

Triple win!

Such great ideas from the Chinese film industry can be embraced by Hollywood!

In this regard, Wu Yuan has no problem.

OK, you make arrangements. Wu Yuan nodded: I have only one request, and that is as soon as possible, so as not to delay the filming of the crew any more.

The next day, the banquet hall on the second floor of the Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles, which was originally used to hold large banquets, had been arranged as a press conference site.

Hollywood media, paparazzi, and reporters from all walks of life almost filled the entire banquet hall, leaving only a gap on the press stage at the front.

The seats arranged in a long row were still empty at this time.

However, in the lounge backstage of the banquet hall, all the leading actors from the Interstellar crew were present.

Mads Mikkelsen, who plays the male protagonist Cooper, veteran Hollywood actor Michael Caine, who plays Professor Brand, and Anne Hathaway, who plays Cooper's daughter, plus Bran Liu Yifei, daughter of Professor De.

These four are the leading actors of Interstellar. As for the other supporting characters, they are not used to attend the launch conference.

Hey, my actors.

I'm glad to see you join the team in your best condition. I hope our cooperation will go well in the next few months.

Holding Liu Yifei's waist with one hand, Wu Yuan did not hide his relationship with Liu Yifei in front of several actors, and greeted everyone with a smile.

Wearing a relatively simple white suit, Anne Hathaway stood aside with her arms folded. Her eyes lingered on Wu Yuan's hand for a moment, and then she smiled: Wow, this is Crysta. Sure enough, in real life and in the movie Just as beautiful.”

“There hasn’t been such a beautiful Asian actor in Hollywood for a long time.”

Daniel, you have such a vision.

Wu Yuan tilted his chin up proudly, held Liu Yifei's hand tightly, and said coquettishly: That's right, of course I have the best vision.

You may not know that Crysta is called Yuan girl in China, which means the same thing as Bond girl.

She was discovered and trained by me.

Liu Yifei reached out and hit Wu Yuan's shoulder in a funny way, causing a burst of cheers.

The one who booed the most was Mads Mikkelsen. Although Max’s screen image is always in the style of a “bad guy”, and looking at his face, one thinks he is sinister and cunning, but in fact his His personality is quite good.

Although he is not an extrovert, he is not a gloomy person either, and he is quite fun-loving.

Okay. Wu Yuan stopped holding Liu Yifei, smiled and clapped his hands: Guys, it's time for us to go on stage for interviews.

Remember, apart from not leaking the plot, you can talk about anything else you want.

After saying that, he led the four actors out of the lounge and walked to the front desk of the banquet hall.

They're coming!

Wow, it's Anne Hathaway!


Amidst the shouts of the reporters, Wu Yuan led the four leading actors to the press conference stage and took their seats.

The host invited by Universal began to control the scene.

Dear friends from the media, good afternoon, everyone is welcome to attend the launch conference of the Interstellar movie jointly produced by Paramount, Universal, and Light Times.

I know that you have a lot of questions and want to ask our excellent directors and actors, so I won't waste your time.

Let's get straight to the interview.

The host clearly knew why the media at the scene were here, and without talking nonsense, he directly called on the media.

A reporter from the Los Angeles Times was the first to be called. He stood up and asked excitedly: I would like to ask Director Daniel, according to the information that has been announced, is this Interstellar a science fiction movie?

Why do you want to make a science fiction movie? Is it because the success of your Gravity in China makes you feel that you can make a science fiction movie that is more suitable for global audiences?

Is Gravity a good movie?

If this was a Hollywood production, Hollywood reporters would definitely praise it without hesitation.

But this is a Chinese film, so no matter from an ideological or camp perspective, Hollywood will not give this film too much praise.

Even this movie was finally successfully released in North America and made more than 20 million US dollars at the box office.

But what’s amazing is that, except for the astronomy circle and some circles of hard science fiction fans, most of the North American public knows nothing about this movie.

No media has written a film review column for Gravity, and the discussion of this film on the Internet has been limited to a few small circles, making it difficult to create a big wave.

This is the result of the tacit understanding and joint efforts of the major Hollywood film and television companies.

However, these reporters are people who grasp public opinion, not people who are dominated by public opinion. They can still make an objective evaluation of Gravity and recognize Wu Yuan's ability to direct science fiction films.

There are reasons for this. Wu Yuan nodded: The success of Gravity really gave me a lot of confidence and made me believe that I can also make good and excellent science fiction movies.

But I want to make the movie Interstellar, not just because of this, but more importantly because I like the story.

I wanted to make this movie after I learned about the initial script for this movie from Paramount. I thought it was a great story and a movie that really has the spirit of science fiction, rather than a hit-and-run movie. It pretends to be science fiction, but in fact it is just a fake science fiction film that blindly piles on special effects.

The reporter sat down with satisfaction, and the headline on tomorrow's back page of the Los Angeles Times was - [Daniel is dissatisfied with Hollywood being filled with all kinds of fake science fiction films, and believes that Hollywood science fiction films have lost the spirit of science fiction! 】

Another reporter stood up and pointed the microphone at Anne Hathaway.

I would like to ask Miss Anne Hathaway, there are rumors that you used unfair competition to squeeze out Natalie Portman, and then you became the star of Interstellar.

Are you going to respond to that?

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