Millennium director

Chapter 392 The Martian in its infancy

Oh? Me? Matt Damon was very surprised, Daniel, are you kidding?

Of course not. Wu Yuan shook his head and said with a smile: I do have plans for the next movie, and it is also a science fiction movie. You are my first choice for the leading actor.

What Wu Yuan was talking about was the movie The Martian.

The original novel of The Martian will be posted by Andy Weir on his personal website this year for people to read for free.

After that, at the strong request of many readers, he would publish the work on the Amazon platform, eventually triggering a reading frenzy. Then in 2013, Random House bought the copyright of the novel for six figures.

Just four days after Random House bought the rights, the novel was spotted by 20th Century Fox, which then bought the film rights.

Obviously, Wu Yuan will not let go of this opportunity this time. He has already ordered John to contact Andy Weir, who just released The Martian on his personal website, and plans to buy the movie first. Adaptation rights.

In fact, he has thought about changing The Martian into a Chinese-language film, and then shooting it in China to continue to expand the domestic science fiction film market.

However, it is difficult to actually implement this plan.

Unless he made The Martian before 2009 and stole the film from Andy Weir before he even had the idea for the novel.

Otherwise, once Andy Weir releases the novel this year, it will be impossible to change it to a Chinese-language film and shoot it in China.

Even if Wu Yuan took the lead and obtained the copyright before 20th Century Fox, Andy Weir would not have agreed to Wu Yuan changing the location of this story from NASA to the China National Space Administration.

A very simple truth.

Even if Liu's three-body story was sold to a Hollywood film company, it would be impossible for Liu to agree to Hollywood changing all the protagonists to Americans and changing the background of the story to take place in the United States.

Same thing with Andy Weir.

The four words respect the original work are not just words.

After choosing to shoot Gravity first, if Wu Yuan still wants to win the prize of The Martian, he can only choose to make this movie into a Hollywood blockbuster.

As for his domestic film plans, without The Martian it doesn't mean he won't be able to make other science fiction films.

Wu Yuan has basically decided on his directorial direction for the next ten years.

In the field of commercial films, we must focus on science fiction films. The next ten years will be an era of leapfrog development in film technology. The development of special effects technology is changing with each passing day. Making science fiction films is the best way to stimulate the audience's visual perception and obtain high box office.

At the same time, science fiction films are also considered to have the least barriers to viewing. There are not many themes that cause racial or cultural barriers, and they can achieve simultaneous global sales.

In the field of literary and artistic films, he will not give up. He will make a literary film every two or three years to change his mind and maintain his shooting skills. He cannot really degenerate into a machine that only makes money by making commercial films.

And his next movie in the United States is basically determined to be The Martian.

Matt Damon is naturally his best partner.

There's no need for him to change actors when Matt Damon has proven he can make this movie.

Yes, Matt, you are the unofficial leading actor in my next movie, if you are willing. Wu Yuan looked at Matt Damon with a smile.

Of course I am willing! Matt Damon said in surprise: This is my honor.

He had no idea that, through his efforts at Universal, he would be able to get a starring role in the script for a cameo in Interstellar.

This is Wu Yuan’s new film!

Whether Interstellar ends up being a box office hit or a flop, Wu Yuan will still be a front-line director in Hollywood.

After many successes, he is no longer a director who can't get up after falling once.

Hollywood has a high level of tolerance for him, and the audience also has a high level of tolerance for him.

Is there any director who has never experienced a box office failure in his life?

Directors like Wu Yuan, who has been very prolific in the past eight years but has never had a poor box office performance, are abnormal directors in Hollywood, and only Spielberg can stand shoulder to shoulder with him.

Cameron also made The Abyss which failed at the box office.

Matt Damon asked excitedly: Can I know what kind of story this movie tells?

I can't reveal too much yet. Wu Yuan chuckled, but said vaguely: I can only say that this will still be a science fiction film, an interstellar rescue film.

It is expected that filming will start from the end of 2010 to the first half of 2011, and we will try to complete filming before 2012.

I hope you can reserve this time in advance.

No problem. Matt Damon nodded firmly: My schedule for 2011 has not been negotiated yet, but I will reserve it for you.

That's the good thing about great directors. Even if they don't say anything and just say that they want you to act, Hollywood's top actors will make time for you without saying a word.

Wu Yuan calculated with his fingers. He was filming Interstellar this year, and he would also be filming a Chinese film at the end of the year or in the first half of next year. He would take a break in the second half of next year, and then film The Martian the year after that. The time arrangement was quite good. .

Then let's settle it first. He squinted and patted Matt Damon on the shoulder.

I don’t know if Matt Damon will be spotted by director Yimou after filming his version of “The Martian” and urge the release of the movie “The Great Wall” in advance.

Probably not

After meeting Matt Damon, filming of the Icelandic scenes for Interstellar began.

The crew found a place in Iceland that didn't look like it was on Earth at all.

Bare and cold, this is the general tone of the atmosphere on this set.

The all-gray background looks like it's on an alien planet made of ice and stone.

The astronauts tested by Matt Damon came to this planet because of their exploration mission, and they will eventually die on this planet.

As a front-line actor in Hollywood, Matt Damon can naturally handle things like guest appearances easily.

It didn't take much effort. In just over a week, the crew completed the filming in Iceland.

Come in a hurry, go in a hurry.

Without leaving any pollution or garbage behind, after a brief stop in Iceland, the crew packed their luggage and flew to Calgary, Canada.

In the next month, the Interstellar crew will complete the final filming here.

The 30,000 acres of corn land that has been planted for more than half a year is finally going to be put into formal work.

When the entire crew arrived in front of the cornfield in several buses, passing through a road that was specially built by someone to lead to the filming location.

Even though he had heard about it a long time ago, Mads Mikkelsen, as the lead actor, was still shocked by this endless cornfield.

Daniel, this is really a generous act of yours.

I have never heard of a film crew actually planting five hundred acres of land for the filming of a movie.

It's really crazy.

Have you always been so reckless in making movies?

No. Wu Yuan smiled and patted Mads Mikkelsen on the shoulder: You are wrong, Max.

Planting this cornfield is actually a cost-saving act.

Although it costs a lot of money, when the corn is harvested and sold, it will not only cover the cost, but even make a small profit.

I am a director who is very good at saving money. The words regardless of cost have never appeared in my dictionary.

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