Millennium director

Chapter 40 Live for your dreams


The door to the high-end apartment was opened.

Mr. Tang, who was watching TV on the sofa, raised his head and met Zhang Guorong's eyes as he walked in.

Come back? So soon?


Zhang Guorong put on his slippers, put the script of The Embalmer on the table, and rubbed his nose in distress.

Tang Sheng, what do you think of me going to the mainland to develop?

What? Tang Hede frowned and looked at the script on the table: Is this book good?

It's very good. Zhang Guorong handed the script to Tang Hede, Although this director is very young, he is really good.

At least he is very good at writing scripts, no worse than Wong Kar.

Wong Kar, also known as the King of Sunglasses, is recognized in Hong Kong circles as the director who is best at writing scripts.

For Wu Yuan to receive this evaluation, at least in the eyes of Hong Kong people, it is already the highest praise.

Tang Hede curiously took the script and started reading it.

As expected, Tang Hede quickly became immersed in the script.

After a long while, he raised his head and said solemnly: The writing is indeed very good, and it has the potential to win an award.

You want to take pictures?

Zhang Guorong nodded, But if I want to take on this movie, I have to stop my work for half a year. Just like I did in Farewell My Concubine, I go to the mainland to experience life and follow the crew every day.

I'm very willing to take on this drama, but I'm just worried that fans won't be able to accept it.

Zhang Guorong is a person who loves fans very much. He is afraid that if he goes to the mainland for half a year to a year, he will not be able to show up on Hong Kong Island, which will make the fans unhappy or dissatisfied.

It is precisely because he pays so much attention to his fans and puts them on an equal footing that he has become a well-known Asian superstar.

But Tang Hede could tell that Zhang Guorong liked this movie very much and wanted to make it.

Sure enough, he then added: Also, this director Wu said that he is willing to help me connect with the China Film Group in the Mainland to make my movie Stealing Hearts together.

You know, no film company here on Hong Kong Island is willing to invest in this movie, and my biggest dream is to be a director and make a movie of my own.

Zhang Guorong also knew that he might have been too excited after hearing the conditions promised by Wu Yuan, and he was already a little impulsive and irrational.

So he stared closely at Tang Hede, hoping to hear words of persuasion from his mouth.

Tang Hede has always been the good wife behind Zhang Guorong. He has given him full support in both career and life, and has given correct advice at many critical moments.

Unlike Zhang Guorong, who is very emotional and prone to impulsiveness and enthusiasm when encountering problems, Tang Hede is an extremely rational and steady person.

Regarding Zhang Guorong's emotions that are often easily overheated, he knows how to use calm and rational words and actions to make Zhang Guorong calm down and re-examine his mentality.

But this time, Tang Hede did not do so.

He looked at Zhang Guorong with a smile and said calmly: Leslie, if you want to take pictures, go ahead and take pictures.

You have left so many popular songs in the music industry and countless masterpieces in the film industry. You are worthy of your fans.

Now, you should also live for your dreams.

People still have to be selfish sometimes. You just can't learn to be selfish. Treat everyone and everything, whether they love you or not, with full tolerance.

Since you have this opportunity to make an excellent movie and pave the way for your dream of directing, why not do it?

Zhang Guorong looked at Tang Hede blankly, Then I will take it?

Why not? Tang Hede responded with a gentle smile.

He didn't say anything to reject the film, and then contacted China Film and Television to invest.

Coming from a background in the financial industry, he knows very well that if you want to obtain benefits, there are conditions in exchange.

If Zhang Guorong wants to get support from China Film Group, he can't go around Wu Yuan.

When Wu Yuan asked someone to contact Zhang Guorong, Tang Hede had already investigated this new mainland director.

To put it in one sentence, Wu Yuan's status in China Film Group is like Xie Tingfeng's status in the King of England. He is a prince.

Wu Yuan, who was born in the Beijing Film Academy, is now so talented and capable as a director. Although he cannot influence China Film, his opinions and suggestions will be seriously considered by China Film.

If Zhang Guorong really acted like eating the sugar-coated food and shooting it back with cannonballs, then he would not even think about going north, and the entire Beijing circle would support Wu Yuan.

And there is no need for it. The script of The Embalmer is indeed very good, and it is worth Zhang Guorong's half a year to refine.

After receiving the support and affirmation from her beloved, Zhang Guorong became visibly excited.

He clapped his hands excitedly: This is really a good movie. I have a hunch that if the performance is good, maybe I really have a chance to win the top three best actor awards in Europe!

This way I have no regrets in my career as an actor and can pursue my dream of being a director!

Zhang Guorong's achievements as an actor are indeed very high. Many of his films have become popular throughout Asia, especially in Japan and South Korea, where he has won many awards.

The only thing he regrets is that he has only won one Academy Award for Best Actor among the serious heavyweight Best Actor awards.

Although he has won many Best Actor awards in RB, they are not heavy enough and cannot be used as representative awards.

It would be the best thing to have one of Europe's three major Best Actor trophies as the curtain call for an actor's career.

Tang Hede is also happy to see Zhang Guorong so happy. The two have been together day and night for nearly twenty years, and they can be said to understand each other best. He clearly knows how long Zhang Guorong has been dreaming of being a director, how much effort he has made for this dream, and how much sadness there is in it.

Now that he sees that his beloved finally has a chance to realize his dream, the joy in his heart is no less than that of Zhang Guorong.

Get rid of all the work at hand as soon as possible, stop everything that can be stopped for the time being, and finish the announcements that cannot be pushed back within the next month or two.

After that, just leave some time for director Wu Yuan.

Tang Hede suggested calmly from the side, and at the same time, he was thinking in his mind about how to deal with Zhang Guorong's work next, which ones could be given up directly, and which ones would require some profit.

For Zhang Guorong, money and profit are no longer the first goals to pursue, and there is nothing regrettable about giving up some things.

Zhang Guorong on the side was holding the script and reading it over and over again, mentally sketching what the scene would look like.

In professional terms, he is imagining the storyboard composition, which is also one of the essential qualities of a good director.

The more he thought about it, the more Zhang Guorong felt that this script was good and suitable for him.

Hey, Tang Sheng, did you say that Director Wu has confirmed the heroine? After thinking about it, Zhang Guorong suddenly said excitedly: I think this heroine is very suitable for Amei to play!

Amei doesn't have much work right now, right? She only released one best album this year?

Tang Hede has long been accustomed to Zhang Guorong's unpredictable personality.

He pursed his lips helplessly, Let's invite Director Wu to come to our house to talk about the book first. Maybe he has already decided on other actors?

Please come home? Zhang Guorong was a little surprised.

Yes. Tang Hede nodded with an elegant smile: I also want to meet this talented director from the mainland.

I heard that he is still directing movies in Hollywood. There is only one Wu Bai Ge in Hong Kong who can compare with him!

I will have to deal with him a lot in the future, so let's meet and have an in-depth chat first.

Please read it! ! ! Today is the second round of recommendations. If you want to advance, your reading data must be better. Brothers, raise your hands! ! !

The previous article has been revised, and the plot of gunning up foreign horses has been deleted. I feel that this plot has no significance to the main text, but affects the overall style of writing. I really can't write a male protagonist who shoots guns everywhere.

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