Millennium director

Chapter 412 Going to South Korea for Promotion

2009, December 28.

Seoul International Airport.

In the VIP room, Wu Yuan, who had been arriving for almost two hours, finally waited until a flight from Beijing to Seoul landed.

Not long after, a group of people wearing masks and hats walked into the VIP room in a low-key manner.

Sissi, you are finally here.

Wu Yuan looked at the leading girl eagerly.

Although she was fully armed, with sunglasses, a mask and a hat, Wu Yuan could still recognize her at a glance. She was his fiancée.

How's it going? Is everything going well in the country?

It went well. Both Along with the Gods and Painted Skin 2 performed very well at the box office. Painted Skin 2 now ranks first at the box office in the mainland, and Along with the Gods ranks third.

If it hadn't been for the appearance of 2012, it would have taken the top two places.

Director Zhang Yimou's new movie Three Guns was a big surprise. Although the box office has already reached 200 million, it has been criticized very loudly on the Internet.

Liu Yifei shrugged and said helplessly: I also went to the cinema to watch this movie.

It's really hard to describe.

After watching it, I couldn't believe it was filmed by director Yimou.

It's so disappointing.

Since Wu Yuan proposed, Liu Yifei has become more deeply involved in Wu Yuan's career.

When Wu Yuan is not in China, she will shoulder the responsibility of work assistant, helping Wu Yuan keep an eye on the company's current situation, understand the company's operations, the current situation of its opponents, etc., and sometimes she will have to watch some for him. Report.

Of course, these reports will also be sent to Wu Yuan's mailbox for his personal review.

However, everyone in the company knew that Wu Yuan wanted to train Liu Yifei's heart.

My husband owns a big company and is very busy at work, so he must train his wife to share some of the work pressure.

Liu Yifei did a pretty good job.

Her mind is still very bright, and after being with Wu Yuan for so many years, she is still capable of being an assistant.

Three Guns Surprise!

Wu Yuan smacked his lips and sighed: This movie is indeed not the work of director Yimou, but was promoted by Zhang Weiping.

No matter what, the audience has always accepted Zhang Yimou's movies and settled the accounts later. This movie's box office performance will definitely not be bad, but it is understandable that it will be scolded afterwards.

I guess director Yimou was already mentally prepared when he made this movie.

The film's producer, Zhang Weiping, tried every means of publicity during the filming of the film. In addition to using Xiao Shen Yang, Yanni, and Sun Honglei, who became famous at the Spring Festival Gala, he also created several topics.

First, the female lead changed roles, then it was revealed that Xiao Shen Yang and Sun Honglei were at odds, and then it was revealed that director Zhang Yimou would join hands with Xiao Shen Yang to contribute to the film's ending theme.

He tried every means to get this movie a high box office when it opened.

As for word of mouth?

Doesn’t Zhang Yimou know that this movie is bad?

Of course he knows.

Some people on the Internet said that Zhang Yimou was filmed by Zhang Weiping who put a knife to his neck and forced him to take the photo.

Although Zhang Weiping does like to interfere with Zhang Yimou's movie shooting, he is not really to the extent that Zhang Weiping can force him to make bad movies.

The reason why there is this Three Guns Surprise is because Zhang Yimou himself was persuaded by Zhang Weiping.

Because of the Olympics, Zhang Weiping's new picture didn't start production for two years, and it was in desperate need of help. It failed miserably in front of Zhang Yimou. It was urgent for Zhang Yimou to come up with a low-cost, but high-grossing movie to generate revenue for the company.

Zhang Yimou couldn't defeat him. After all, he had been a good brother for many years. He really couldn't bear Zhang Weiping's company to drink the northwest wind, so Zhang Yimou postponed the preparation of the literary film Hawthorn Tree Love, which did not seem to be very profitable. I launched the movie Three Guns to Surprise.

From the moment this film was set up, it was all about box office sales. The purpose of recruiting Xiao Shen Yang to make it was to convert his Spring Festival Gala popularity into cash.

Zhang Yimou also knew that this movie would be scolded after it was released.

Although Zhang Yimou didn't say anything about Zhang Weiping's behavior of sacrificing his reputation to make money for the company, cracks still appeared in his heart.

After more than ten years of cooperation between the two, it was almost time to part ways.

This is Director Zhang's own choice. We outsiders don't need to comment too much. Wu Yuan shook his head and said to Liu Yifei: Let's go, tomorrow we will start the promotion of Ghost.

He glanced around the VIP room. There were quite a few people coming to Seoul from China this time.

In addition to the two leading actors, Liu Yifei and Yang Mi, there are several executives from Light and Shadow Express, as well as some staff from the company's publicity department, which together add up to about 20 people.

The promotion work of The Lonely and Brilliant God: Ghost is an important task for the two actors Yang Mi and Liu Yifei to expand their popularity in Asia.

For the two companies, Guangying Kuaibo and Guangying Times, it is also an important project for the company's business to go overseas.

Both sides are now very motivated and ready to fight a war at sea!

No, Wu Yuan, the boss of both companies, has personally betrayed his looks to play the male lead!

In the evening, Wu Yuan, Liu Yifei, and Yang Mi met with the Korean starring actors of Ghost at the hotel.

Not to mention Yang Mi and Li Dongxu’s eyes, the Korean actors were very excited to see Wu Yuan again.

After everyone gathered together, the first stop was to the recording studio of tvN TV station.

For the TV series The Lonely and Brilliant God: Goblin, tvN has opened a new TV column, which is similar to an artist talk show and invites its own TV series starring actors to promote its new series.

In South Korea, the three major free-to-air TV stations dominate the Korean TV drama market. Other pay cable stations have no capital or appeal to produce TV dramas.

The fact that tvN and the CJ Group behind it have the courage to expand into the TV drama market and cooperate with major film and television companies from China is enough to become a hot topic in South Korea.

Now that The Lonely and Brilliant God: Ghost is about to be aired, the cast and crew have come to Seoul, South Korea, which naturally attracted the attention of many Korean media and rushed for interviews.

If nothing else, Wu Yuan and Liu Yifei are still very well-known in South Korea.

In addition, the production company Light and Shadow Era is quite famous in the Korean industry.

You know, every one of Zhang Guorong's movies has been released in South Korea, and all of them have received millions of viewers!

Currently, Along with the Gods is still preparing for its release in South Korea, and it is expected to be released on a large scale in South Korea at the end of January.

Painted Skin 2 also relies on the reputation left by its predecessor in South Korea. It is scheduled to be released earlier than Along with the Gods and will be widely released in South Korea on January 10th!

The production company behind these two movies, Light and Shadow Era, has long been famous in South Korea.

Now the brother company of Light and Shadow Times, Light and Shadow Express, has come to explore the Korean market with the TV series Goblin, which has triggered a turmoil in the entire Korean entertainment industry!

The day after Wu Yuan and others arrived in South Korea.

All the major newspapers in South Korea unanimously published the news of their arrival as the headline of the next day's newspaper, in the most eye-catching position!

【The wolf is coming! 】(End of this chapter)

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