Millennium director

Chapter 414 Avatar is so fierce!

Children, are you all ready?


Already turn on the TV!

tvN has paid for subscription!

Looking forward to Dongxu Oppa's wonderful performance!

Kim Bok-joo excitedly waved her fist and spoke excitedly to Lee Dong-wook's fan group: Finally, we have waited for Dong-wook Oppa's new drama. This is Dong-wook Oppa's last TV drama before he enlists in the army. Everyone must support it fully. !”


Dongxu Oppa is the best!

Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwww, Oppa Dongwook, I'm gonna do my military service!

It's okay. Oppa Dongwook and Director Wu Yuan know each other. There will definitely be better development after military service is over!

Yeah! Trust Oppa!

Jin Fuzhu looked at the fans' speeches with satisfaction, raised his head and glanced at the clock hanging above the living room, and said anxiously: Stop chatting, the TV series is about to start!

After sending it, she quickly placed her laptop next to the sofa, picked up the remote control and turned on the TV, adjusting to the tvN paid channel she had subscribed to long ago.

The time is just right.

The extremely rhythmic prelude of Stay With Me came from the TV.

The opening theme of The Lonely and Brilliant God: Ghost begins to play.

As the credits began, scenes from the show's credits appeared on the TV.

Fragmented clips of Wu Yuan, Liu Yifei, Li Dongxu, Yang Mi and others appeared one after another. There were scenes of Wu Yuan and Liu Yifei standing on the seaside pier looking at each other without saying anything. There was also a scene of Li Dongxu standing silently outside the glass wall of the cafe, watching and humming a song. Yang Mi while making coffee.

There is even a scene where Liu Yifei blows out the candles and Wu Yuan appears out of thin air.

Although there are no lines, these fragmented scenes are also very capable of attracting the audience's curiosity.

There was nothing he could do about it, the four of them were all handsome men and beautiful women, and they looked really pleasing to his eyes. Wherever he went, there was a beautiful scenery.

Director Wu Yuan is really handsome. Kim Bok-joo couldn't help but muttered: How can such a handsome person be a director?

Almost even more beautiful than Dongxu Oppa.

Fans always have a deep filter for their idols.

As a big fan of Lee Dong Wook, Kim Bok Joo was not so impressed by Oh Yeon that she turned her back on her idol.

However, on the Korean Internet at this time, there are already a large group of fans screaming for Wu Yuan's appearance.

Just like in Japan, Wu Yuan also has a group of fans in Korea.

Koreans are a very distinguished nation.

The concept of idol originated from Korea.

As for the so-called idols, aren't they just selling their good looks and relying on their face to make a living?

Wu Yuan's face is considered to be at the level of a male god in the whole of Asia, and he is evenly matched with the handsome guy Jin.

Coupled with the idol drama makeup bonus of Goblin, the title alone has already made countless ignorant fans cheer.

Of course, there are many fans who are also crazy about Liu Yifei.

Liu Yifei's appearance is also recognized by the whole of Asia. Whether she is Japanese, Korean or Southeast Asian, anyone who sees her face has to admit that she is a great beauty.

Even compared with the top Koreans Kim Tae Hee, Song Hye Kyo, and Han Jiaren, they are not bad at all, or even better.

Your Name also caused a wave of popularity in Korea back then, and Liu Yifei, the nation's first love, was also deeply remembered by many Korean men.

After the media and newspapers promoted Goblin on a large scale in the past few days, countless Korean men who have watched Your Name and Pirates of the Caribbean immediately locked onto tvN and planned to come back to experience it. An Asian goddess.

In the first five minutes of the broadcast of Goblin, tvN has already achieved ratings that it has never achieved since the establishment of the network!

The ratings have exceeded 3%! Three times the previous record!

It's still growing!

The discussion about Goblin on the Internet is also increasing rapidly!

At tvN headquarters, all departments are nervously paying attention to the launch results of Goblin, and they dare not take a breath for fear that this important project under the cooperation between China and South Korea will fail.

In a five-star hotel not far from tvN, Wu Yuan had no time to pay attention to the launch of Goblin.

He was taking an overseas phone call.

Daniel, crazy, so crazy!

The world is dynamic and does not revolve around Wu Yuan alone.

Compared with Goblin, a TV series that can only be said to have attracted attention on a small scale, most of the global audience at this time is more concerned about a movie.

A movie that was released on December 16th and quickly took the world by storm.

Avatar has been released in North America for two weeks, and the box office has exceeded 300 million US dollars!

Among them, the IMAX box office has reached 48 million US dollars!

As of the 1st, the global box office of Avatar has exceeded 600 million US dollars, and is in a period of rapid growth!

There is no doubt that Avatar succeeded.

In fact, no one in Hollywood thinks that Avatar is unsuccessful.

But no one expected that this movie would be so successful, with a global box office of US$600 million within half a month of its release.

Now, Hollywood forecasting companies have raised their predictions for this movie. Considering that there are still many countries and regions that have not yet released Avatar, it is conservatively estimated that the global box office of this movie should be more than 1.3 billion US dollars. There should be no problem with the North American box office exceeding $500 million!

The only one who can defeat Cameron is Cameron!

This is a slogan shouted by some people in Hollywood recently.

Before, everyone thought that the miracle created by Titanic should be impossible to replicate, and it was the pinnacle.

But now, with a movie that took Cameron ten years and even developed his own 3D camera, he once again created a technological precedent, leading the world's movies to officially enter the 3D era, and at the same time, it also launched an attack on the world box office record.

Avatar really started a trend.

In Avatar, everything on the planet Pandora, whether it is the extremely far-reaching foreign space, the suspended mountains, the flowing waterfalls, the glowing forests, the flying jellyfish, or the blue Na'vi and the Na'vi The Klingon language used by people, etc., under the sense of 3DIMAX movie, brings a new visual and sensory experience to all viewers.

Is the story of this movie very deep and meaningful?

Not really. Cameron's movies are famous for having simple stories that cannot be explored in detail.

But with his new technology, he has indeed brought world cinema into a new era, shocking audiences around the world with 3D movies.

The vegetation and animal portraits, scene settings and special effects production in the film are all classics. These visual effects are a milestone in the development of the film industry.

The film has a large and powerful production team, which strives for excellence in every aspect of production, from character creation to scene design, costumes, weapons and other details.

John, after Avatar, director Cameron's status in film history has been unshakable.

Wu Yuan could not help but sigh on the phone: Even if someone's movie box office performance surpasses Avatar in the future, it will not surpass Cameron's status in film history.

He created a new era of world cinema. In Chinese terms, he is the founder of the sect!

My next Hollywood movie The Martian will also be made in 3DIMAX. I have to ask Cameron whether the 3D camera independently developed by his team can be rented or sold. (End of Chapter)

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